
Sunday, February 19, 2012

Share With You Sunday: 02/12/12-02/19/12

Be sure to submit your links for this post.

Quiz of the Day:

The Ocean Test

My Results: You are Reflective and Thoughtful

You are most comfortable when you are challenging yourself and trying something new.
You are drawn to passion and emotion. You see the world as a colorful place.
You seek a bit more depth in your life, but you are slowly changing. You don't like to rush anything.
You believe that if you look closely enough at people, they all have worth.

Share your results in the comments!

My Life in Polish shares with us CND Copper Shimmer over Zoya Kelly.
Let them have Polish! shows us Max Factor's Fantasy Fire and it layered with Jordana Copper Blaze.
Gotham Polish tells us about Bloggers Night Out and shows us her manicure.
MandysSecrets shares with us her Valentine's NOTD.
Southern Sister Polish shows us her Rainbow Flakie nails.
The Swatchaholic shows us her Valentine's Layering NOTD.

Sugary Flower shows us her cute Owly Bento lunchbox.
Wonders & Marvels shares with us info on Dogs in Pharaonic Egypt.

What You're Loving:
Polish Obsession shares with us Elixir Lacquers With A K.
Make-up/Music/Money/Me shares with us her Warm, Fuzzy, an Polished giveaway.
Lacquer Lover shows us her Water Marble manicure.
Gothen Polish swatches Zoya's Peter Som collection.
The Lacquered Lady swatches Claire's Magnetix polish.

Happy Sunday!

You still here? Be sure to check out my Facebook page for a giveaway!.


  1. Thank you for sharing my Copper Shimmer mani!

  2. You're welcome. It was gorgeous! How could I not? 

  3. Thank you for the Wonders & Marvels link.  That's a cool site!

    And thanks for all your swatches and comments - I enjoy your blog!

  4. Thank you for the compliment :) I appreciate it.

  5. Hi Stephanie! I just wanted to take this opportunity to tell you that I really love your blog; not just for your lovely swatches and reviews, but I really appreciate the other content you share (Talk It Out Tuesdays, etc). It's all those extra details that make a blog special and enjoyable to re-visit. 

    ...and also, a big "thank you" for being my second follower on my fledgling blog. It really meant a lot to see that this morning. :)

  6. Thank you so much :). I really appreciate comments like that. It means a lot to me :). I like your blog! I can't wait to see more posts. 

  7. My results: You Are Alive and Energetic
    You are most comfortable when you are mixing things up a little bit. You like novelty in small doses.  You are drawn to passion and emotion. You see the world as a colorful place.  You seek a bit more depth in your life, but you are slowly changing. You don't like to rush anything.  You believe that if you look closely enough at people, they all have their own unique beauty.

    Very interesting ;0)

  8. Hi Stephanie! I just wanted to let you know that I stumbled upon your blog the other week and I read the entire thing from the day I found it to the day you started! I love that you use products that are easily available and affordable. 
    I recall reading somewhere that we can share our blogs on Share With You Sunday. If I'm wrong I apologize! 
    But If you could check out my blog that would be awesome!

    Thanks so much! 

  9. Hi Stephanie! 
    I just wanted to say that I love your blog! I found it a few weeks ago and read the entire thing back to the beginning. I really appreciate that you use products that are easily accessible and affordable. 

    I also want to share my blog with you. I just started so it's not perfect, but i would really appreciate if you could stop by!


  10. Hi Stephanie! 
    I just wanted to say that I love your blog! I found it last week and read the entire thing back to your first post! I love that you use products that are easily available and affordable. 

    I just wanted to share my blog with you. I would really appreciate it if you could stop by! I just started and it's not perfect, but I' working on it.

    Thanks so much! 


I love and appreciate all comments. I will respond to any questions in comments ASAP. Please refrain from linking your blog in the comment section. These comments will be deleted. I'd be happy to view your blog if you email me your link.