
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Talk It Out Tuesday: How much is it worth to you?

**I may be opinionated in this post. It is not my intention to offend. I'm not judging people who do differently, I'm just sharing my point of view.**

I'm sure we've all been in this position. There is some amazing polish out there that we want, but it's long discontinued, it was limited edition, it's very exclusive, and etc. What price are we willing to pay for it, and at what lengths are we willing to go to try obtain it?

The most I ever paid for a polish was $35 for China Glaze No Way Jose on eBay. I am completely embarrassed and truly regret spending that much.  I love the polish, but the seller after my purchase put a lifetime stock on eBay and is selling them for much less. I guess I was idiot he/she was testing the waters with to see how much some moron would pay for it. Guilty. How humiliating.

I will NEVER pay that much for a polish again. My biggest lemming at the moment is OPI DS Exclusive. This is on eBay now for $50-$65. No way. I think the most I'd pay for a huge lemming if I could find no other source would be $20. There is no way I'd pay whatever ridiculous price for Clarins 230, Chanel discontinued polishes, or whatever. Even if I were made of money, I wouldn't spend that much. All in is really only nail polish in the end.

Lately, there seems to be an issue of how much you are willing to put up with to get a spectacular polish. Case and point....Lynnderellas. I have not followed closely a lot of the Lynnderella stuff, but from what I gather and the bits of it I've seen it seems like a nightmare. I think the polishes are gorgeous, and I'd like a few myself, but the exclusivity and demand for them turns me off completely. There also seems to be too much chatter and drama involved. When I'm buying polish, I do not want a whole intense presentation of raffles, lotteries, wait lists, and etc. I just want to grab it in a store and go to the cashier, or put it in my online shopping cart, send payment and be done with it. I understand the exclusivity of these polishes has made it come to those types of measures, but ugh so not worth it! I'll find some glitter and throw it on my nails and call it a day!

What are your thoughts? What are some polishes worth to you..price wise and sanity wise? 


  1. I am 100% abstaining as well.  It's just not worth it.

  2. I couldn't agree with you more.   I'm not going to fight over or be as upset as I've seen some people over NAIL POLISH.  I've got real problems in my life to be upset about lol.   I just don't think I've reached a level in my polish love to pay more than $20 for a polish and I haven't even gone that high yet, but I think that would be my limit.  As much as I would love to have every polish I see, I just couldn't see myself paying big bucks or jumping through hoops for it. 

  3. I feel the same way. The most I've ever spent on a polish was $25 for Chanel Peridot. I don't regret it because it is unique and beautiful and even though there are some dupes that are pretty close, they're pretty hard to come by. I've only been collecting polishes for two years and I've noticed that most times there are affordable dupes for most colors. And I also get put off when acquiring polish turns into a sort of competition like with Lynnderellas or Cult Nails Unicorn Puke. It just takes all the fun out of it for me and reminds me a little too much of the Beanie Baby craze back in the 90's (which I also didn't understand).

  4. The most I'd ever pay for a single polish (it would have to be a MAJOR lemming!) is $20- and even that's pushing it ;-)  (PS, I don't think $35 is *that* bad for something you really, really wanted...I wouldn't be embarassed!) I get a really bad taste in my mouth when, in order to obtain a polish I want, I have to enter a lottery, contest, etc.  It's not worth it to me, and I 100% agree, the drama that comes with is crazy (although ever entertaining)!  That whole Lynnderella thing- I think we hit on it a bit in one of your past "Talk It Out Tuesdays"- makes me want one less.  If I could order, straight up, online, I'd do it in a second (and this is coming from me, who RARELY spends more than $5 on a polish!).  I would be able to stomach the $15-ish that those cost. BUT, the more difficult they are to come by makes it less appealing somehow.  

  5. I would love Clarins 230, but I am not willing to pay above retail for anything. I have heard bits and pieces about the Lynderella drama, but haven't been looking for those polishes so I didn't pay much attention.

  6. I think it's $16 for a Deborah Lippmann one. I don't think I'd ever go past that, but who knows? Polish is just polish to me at the end of the day. I don't know. I mean, I saw all the Lynnderella thing and although she makes some pretty ones.....I don't really want to deal with the frenzy behind it. It's crazy! All my high end polishes have been gifted to me for the most part. The bas part about this with me is that I tend to collect certain brands' polishes and would get caught up with all this, but I haven't caved in and purchased yet. The only one I was mad about missing is Cult Nails Super Powers Collection. I must've been sleeping under a rock when it came out or something. I also chalked it up to thinnking that Clairvoyant will always be there and now poof! It may never come back after all!

  7. i agree.  just throw some glitter on and be done.  i am also super impatient so, again, i agree.  i just want to buy it now and take it home so i can play.  there are some crazy polishes i want but i can live without them. 

  8. $9.95 is the most I've spent on polish (OPI, Canadian pricing) and that is pushing it for me. My biggest lemming is GOSH Holographic and I refuse to pay the ridiculous prices that I've seen on eBay. Although "rare" and "hard to come buy" polishes initially make my heart pound and get me excited, I quickly realize that it's beyond my price point and I, contently and with my wallet happy, settle with swatches of them online. I think perspective is needed, life is more than just polish. Wait, did I just say that!? ;)

  9. If you like GOSH Holographic, there IS an alternative readily available from Jessica Cosmetics.  It's $24 and comes with the base coat required for those types of holos.  And from swatches I've seen it is an almost exact dupe.

  10. The most I have spent is $25 for Chanel Peridot.  This was as a result of bribing myself to quit picking my cuticles for 30 days.  I did it, and bought it!  I'm so happy I did.  I am not opposed to spending more for a polish I really love.  If people that say they would NEVER buy a $20 polish would add up all those cheapy polishes they buy on a whim, they could have passed on 5 of those and bought a $20 one.  I guess it's personal preference quality vs. quantity. I would rather pass on 5 of the $1.99 Sinful Colors and get the latest Butter London that is absolutely unique:) 

  11. The most I've paid for a polish was around $28 and that's including shipping. It was Sally Hansen Turquoise Opal. The price was ridiculous, I'll give you that. But I don't regret it because it is my most prized polish and easily the most beautiful one as well.

    I doubt I would ever spend more than $30 for a polish. I definitely agree with you about the Lynnderella polishes. As much as I would want one, it seems too hard to get one, on top of the really high price. Don't get me started on these lotteries and all the drama with ordering. No thanks.

  12. 29 dollars is the most for me. If I was rich I could spend more than that too. It's just nail polish, but it's also just money.

  13. I get the hype... but I have to agree with you... I would never EVER spend that much on a polish. I think $10 would be my max. Yes, that cuts out a lot of brands, but there are so many colors with cheaper polishes, and there is always something new coming out...

    I would just rather get 5 or 6 polishes for $30 bucks, than only 1...

  14. $20-25 is my limit: I have a couple of Chanels and a few other polishes that I have paid so much for but not many. I don't own any Lynnderellas because of all the crazy/drama/lottery/difficulty. What I do is I dusty hunt, and often I spend more time than some people would conside reasonable to find my lemmings for cheap.

  15. In my country most stuff already is expensive. For example; there is one webshop that sells Zoya, they were €8,95 ($11+) but last week they became €12,00 ($15+)
    There are more brands to get in Dutch webshops, but really expensive. I know why they're expensive; They probably have to come from the US, so yeah
    One of the most expensive brands sold at drugstores is €7,99 for GOSH. I've bought GOSH polishes for swaps, but would never buy it for myself. The bottles are tiny and the colors aren't that interesting.
    How much money I would spend on something I really want? I have no idea! I guess it depends on what polish I see. I know I will feel guilty towards my mom, but she doesn't know what it costs :P

  16. The most I have ever spent on a nail polish was $14, for butterLondon. It took me about three months to work up the courage to spend that much on a single bottle. I've purchased a few Nfu Ohs, a-englands that are in the $12ish range, but only because they were exceptional colors that one does not find in brick and mortar stores. 

    I own a few Chanel polishes, but they were given to me and I can probably safely say, I will never spend that much on a bottle of high end polish like Dior, or even Rescue Beauty Lounge.

    As far as discontinued ones go, other than Clarins 230, I've never quite understood the really high markup. Even with 230, people have found dupes or ways to make it with color morphing pigments and what not. 

    Lynderellas.... phew. I'm so tired of all the fuss. They're gorgeous glitters, people are lucky if they can get their hands on a bottle, but I like my polishes to be Formaldehyde, Toluene, DBP and most importantly, DramaLlama free. 

  17. The most I've paid is for Chanel prices, and I usually reserve those for birthdays/Christmases - Peridot was this year's gift from my husband. I have ebayed a little, but only for something I desperately wanted (hi, Emerald Sparkle), and I'm not sure I'd ever spend an insane amount - I bought ES for less than $10, and it's my favorite polish ever. I mostly tell myself that I only have ten fingers, so there's (theoretically) a limit to how much polish I should own!

  18. The most I've spent is $17.50 and after thinking about it for a while, I feel bad that I spent that much.  However, there have been plenty of times where I've been tempted, I just can't see spending much more than that.  And, in this case, it was a definite "do it now or it won't happen again" thing.  Like you said: it is just polish, after all.  I would LOVE to have Clairns or some of the awesome Nfu Oh holos but I just can't justify spending that much on POLISH.  Especially considering the overall cost of *everything* is going up right now.  

  19. I totally agree with you Steph.  I don't even think I would spend $20 on polish.  The most I spent on polish was for a-englands and that's when they had a sale!!  At the end of the day it's just polish.  Yes, there are some that I'd love to have, but the world will not end if I don't get it.  

    Regarding Lynderrella's, I think there are some nice ones, but it's really not that serious.

  20. I totally agree with you, especially on the clarins 230. I am bidding on a OPI ds right now and I plan to stay under 15.00 for it. Somebody is getting coin but it isn't me :)   . As far as higher priced itmes i have  a few Illamasquas, and NARS. I really prefer CG, Orly, misa & Opi, which can readily be found online etailers. Being a student and a mom I truly have other needs that must be met. I am planning quite the haul when I get my taxes though. nothing crazy just a bunch of gimmes I really want. Great Topic.

  21. I totally lol'd at "DramaLlama free." :D

  22. The most I've ever spent was £9 which is about $14 (on A-England) and I have a few Nfu Oh's. I have a few bottles more expensive than this but they were B'day and Xmas gifts. At times, I am very tempted but I don't buy because I know I would be kicking myself afterwards! I always try to find dupes or at least something close that would satisfy my lemming, e.g. I really want Clarins 230 but would never pay that much so I'm happy with Max Factor Fantasy Fire!
    I agree with you when it comes to the Lynn polishes also. Although I don't think the price is a major problem with those (since they are handmade and all), I can't stand the cattiness and the drama surrounding them. They are lovely but that has actually put me off them a bit.

  23. I totally get what you mean with those Lynderella's. Now I don't even like them in the first place, but the way they are sold, everyone going nuts over them and trying whatever they can do to get a hold of these polishes makes me even want them less instead of more. I like a healthy dose of limited, like OPI does with some collections, but I like to be able to wait a month if I am low on money so I can buy it later. I can pay pretty much for a bottle of polish but only if I think it will be worth it. For example Chanel and Dior are around € 22,- here and that's fine by me - every once in a while. The true HTF's though, I hope someday someone will send me an e-mail to work something out and I don't wanna go on evilbay paying crazy amounts for it

  24. $22 or $25 maybe tops. I feel bad for you as I got my No Way Jose for about $8 I think last fall. Great color. I tend to really not want to pay high $ for China Glaze. I also won't pay $90 for #230....we have other toppers now and it just cannot be 'that' great to spend that amt on it. I would rather have a bunch of colors from a new collection. I have seen some of the prices for Lynderella and the hype some are doing over Nfu-Oh #61 saying it won't ever be made again.

  25. I definitely agree about paying insane amounts of money for HTF polishes on eBay. The most I've paid so far is $29 for a Chanel polish but that was the list price... and honestly I don't know if I'd do it again. Personally, even though I haven't been in the polish game that long, I am starting to get annoyed with super limited or super rare polishes that people then turn around and sell for large sums. Of course, it would help if polish fanatics refused to pay so much money for these polishes in the first place but that seems unlikely to happen. There seems to be a huge craze for nail polish right now, but I refuse to pay large sums for "must-have" rare/HTF polishes. There are plenty of excellent polishes easily available right now and if I missed something from a few years ago, oh well!

    The Lynnderella situation is a little unique as it's a homemade "boutique" polish (as I call it) and so they are limited by how many she can make at time-- but at least she does keep making them. I figure if I bide my time long enough,  I might be able to get my hands on couple... and I definitely refuse to pay $60 or more for a polish!

  26. I totally AGREE!...I love to hear when someone Scores and finds a great deal on a polish they've been yearning for...but for's gotta be a deal or I'm out of the running!♥

  27. I have a hard time spending $8 on Essie polish let alone anything more expensive.  
    I do spend $20 a month on my Julep Maven subscription but I get the It Girl box so I get 3 polishes..makes it a fairly decent value. :) 

  28. I'm usually turned off by anything that involves me having to plan to sit at the computer for hours to get them. Luckily I don't like chunky glitter that much, so I'm in the minority who doesn't go crazy over Lynderella.

  29. The most I've ever spent was for Chanel polishes, but I usually ask for those for gifts haha because I can't bring myself to buy more than one at a time! I also think I paid something rather ridiculous for an Illamasqua polish when I was in London. In pounds it probably wasn't too bad but I couldn't help but translate it to dollars! I try not to spend more than $20/month no matter what. When I'm holding a giveaway or something I might make an exception but just building up my stash can get pricey with so many new polishes out there! 

  30. There is no polish worth my sanity. Or staying up late.

    The most I've spent on a polish to date is $16, and I regret it. First, it was not twice as good as, say, a China Glaze and second, I'm loathe to use it because it cost so much. So it's been a bad deal all the way around and I keep it to remind me: Don't DO That.

    I'm coming to the conclusion that I'm really just a Drugstore Polish/make up kind of girl at heart, and I'm really ok with that. I just got two fine glitter topcoats from Dollar Tree and I've already had way more fun with them than I had with my $16 polish above. Although I do love China Glaze, but I love them even more when they're on sale at Ulta with a coupon :).

  31. I totally agree! I'm convinced people just get caught up in getting something that is hard to find, whether or not they actually really want the polish. About a year ago I managed to sell two bottles of nail polish that were discontinued and managed to pay an entire student loan payment with the money. That's just crazy to me, of course I'd rather pay down student loan debt than hang on to nail polish.

  32. For a really amazing VHTF polish that I am absolutely drooling over, I would spend $40 max. I know that sounds a bit ridiculous to most people, but nail polish is one of my few vices. I don't smoke cigs, drink every weekend, spend a lot on clothes, or have some other expensive hobby... so I would allow myself that. I think the most I have ever spent was $25 on a Chanel polish, and I kind of regret that purchase. Chanel is great, but not great enough to justify that money. 
    As for the current Lynnderella issue, it bothers me that people are getting so nasty and crazy over something that was created to bring beauty and happiness to people. From what I gather, Lynn seems like a woman who believes in karma, positive energy, and good actions, so it is interesting that people are fighting over them and generating so much negativity.I personally don't mind the wait and hassle for Lynnderellas. I already got a few colors that I really wanted. I would like one more that I forgot to order, along with 3 from her new collection. If I have to wait, I have to wait. If someone can't wait for the polish they want and go nuts, then they really don't deserve getting it in the first place.

  33. The whole Lynderella seems like in-girl nailblogger drama. I'm really put off-- won't buy the product and truth be told am reluctant to buy anything now from Llarowe or whoever her nominal vendor is. And the "me"s of the world-- the ones who have to BUY the product the bloggers get for free to promote-- are the ones who keep a business going, so I feel pretty good about where I'm coming from. And the idea that nail polish is some hand-crafted special thing? Come on.

  34. I like my polishes to be Formaldehyde, Toluene, DBP and most importantly, DramaLlama free.

    Brava. GREAT line.

  35. The most I've ever spent on a polish is...however much Chanel Graphite cost! I think it was $23.
    I'm such a cheapskate, but if there's a polish I love, I'll buy it. I'm okay paying $17 for Butter London or Illamasqua (costs more in Canada than the States) if it's a colour I really want and is unique. I wouldn't pay insane ebay prices for HTF polishes, but if it's reasonable then I will (and I have).

    As far as Lynnderellas go...I hate the drama and they way we have to go about getting them, but I want some! Some of them seem special enough to me to warrant dealing with the insane ordering process - and I hope to get them one day!

  36. The most I have ever paid for a polish was twenty dollars for OPI Original. I nearly hyperventilated when I hit the add to cart button and completed my transaction. My biggest lemming in the world is OPI DS Glamour but at sixty dollars for a bottle on the Evilest of Bays it isn't going to be coming my way anytime soon. lol

    I like Lynderella's glitters. I own two of them but there is no way in hell that I will tolerate lotteries, waiting lists and heavy drama to acquire any more. I'll simply sit back and let the fire die down then go in for mine. If the fire doesn't die down, I will simply be content with the two I have and be just as happy in my life. 

  37. I think I've spent maybe $25 for a polish?  It was embarassing as well.. .it is just nail polish after all!!!  I really really wanted OPI's Absolutely Alice though, as well as the China Glaze's OMG collection.  I don't think I would ever spend that much $$ again though, especially since I have hundreds of polishes already... kinda hard to justify it =))

  38. Steph, I feel bad that I encouraged you in the quest for No Way Jose and it's now loads cheaper  - I'm so sorry about that! But I felt that since it was something you'd been wanting for so long, you deserved it. I myself haven't been tempted to pay the $50-$60 costs I've seen on 230 (or MORE!) even though I really think it's gorgeous. I'm not sure exactly what my limit is, although I don't mind paying for a Nfu Oh, I haven't been able to stomach paying full price for a Chanel. Yet. 
    As to the Lynns, when I first saw all the drama about the way things were going, although I had lemmings, I thought, you know, this is just not worth it. It has totally turned me off.

  39. Hehehe. I love your philosophy."...and call it a day". That is a very healthy attitude. I have bought chanel as my most expensive polish and probably would again. But the more I follow polish, the more I see there will be dupes or close enough doubles for almost everything. I have ordered from llarowe and it was greAt to get the South American polishes for about ten bux! Also love lynderella but so not worth the fuss and bother. It is only nail polish.

  40. I'm totally for instant gratification. I couldn't jump through all the hoops to nab something like an exclusive nail polish. Sell it to me and give it to me, only up$12, and I think that's the highest I'll go. If buying something, anything, get's too complicated, I tend to walk. 

  41. The whole problem with Lynnderellas is that they are made by one person who cannot keep up with demand (of course, she is just one person!) and people are just going nuts trying to get them.  Llarowe HAS to do some kind of lottery or waiting list because they sell out within a minute putting them up on the site and then people email her all kinds of horrible things.  I feel bad for people who haven't gotten the chance to get them, but the negativity and drama they bring to it all, that's what upsets me.  It seems like they just can't grasp that it is one person and she is cranking them out as fast as she can.  Be patient, and they will come!  I hate that it has turned so many people off to her beautiful creations.  It isn't Lynn or Llarowe that is making it such a big deal - it's the crazies who  go nuts every time they don't get them.  They don't remember the days where she didn't sell them, just sent them to friends as gifts.  I remember thinking how beautiful they were when people would post them, but I didn't start emailing her, demanding that she sell them to me!  I feel lucky that I was able to get my hands on them!  It seems so many people think they deserve them and they see the lack of supply as a personal attack instead of what it is - a lack of supply because one person is making these herself!

    Like you said - at the end of the day, it's just polish.  Some people have forgotten that!

  42. The most money I spent was to get OPI DS Glamour.  I sometimes regret it, but when I wear it I don't.  So it is a good lesson for me.  As for the Lynnderellas, I really feel bad for Lynn and Llarowe - it's just nail polish, it's pretty, and two very nice people are making a living creating and selling polish.  And here all their hard work is criticized over and over by a few really unpleasant people.  Someday I might by a Lynn polish, but not in the current environment.

    Thanks, Steph, for bring up these issues.  It's nice to discuss things on Tuesdays!

  43. I think the most I spent on a single polish was around $18 (with shipping) for my bottle of SH Nail Prisms Turquoise Opal. I don't regret that one bit, it's less than most of the auctions for it end up at and I can always get a bottle of Ozotic 505 later if I need a backup. The people can only sell LEs and other HTFs for a fortune if someone is willing to pay that for it. I refuse to be one of those people.

    If some people would just learn to be patient, there wouldn't be any problems or trash talking about getting those blogger made polishes. (aside from the scalpers anyway) They're not limited after all, it's just the supply is low because there is a single person manufacturing them. There is no reason to throw a toddler tantrum and scream at people who are trying to get products out to others the best way they can.

  44. i remember the days when i would walk away from the isle of NOPI because i couldn't justify paying 7 dollars for a nail polish, & now im spending 25 for Chanel nail polish : / i mean sure i wished nail polish was cheaper however the way i see it is " if im working hard & long hours .. im going to spoil myself even more" .. and at the end of the day if i like a color . im going to buy it ..however i have yet to be super excited this year for a certain nail polish.  .. && Steph you took the words out of my mouth when it comes to the Lynderella frankens.. i myself dont like any at all but the whole drama around them pushes me even more away .. i do own Snow Angel that my friend Polishamor sent me but guess what.. ITS NOT ALL THAT! I HATE IT .LOL its all a hype people are creating over these nail polishes .

  45. I like the look of some of Lynn's polishes but I just try to make them myself. It's  fun. Good on her for making a business for herself though.
    Living in Australia most polishes we can buy retail are already expensive. That's why I buy online. At the discount cosmetic place I pass OPI's are $20 and that's not new releases. Companyies should make polish shipping to Aus cheaper.
    The two most expensive polishes I have are Chanel Peridot (AUD$38) and GOSH Holographic (to o embarrasing to mention). I haven'y yet worn the GOSH because I'm afraid to use it up.

  46. I find all of the sucking up with effusive thanks and over-stated concern directed towards the seller nearly as much of a turn off as the even more immature pouting. We're just buying nail polish. We don't need to become adoring cult members to do it. The individual is making a good income from it. I do have a few Lynderellas which I purchased in the past from Lynn herself and I found her system easier to deal with. 

    I'm not sure why Lynn does not sell her own product on ebay and allow people to bid on it and pocket the profit herself. Why not? That is what people do for in demand items. There is no law that says that everyone must have them, and that is what feeds the hysteria. I got two Nerd Lacqueurs and I like her softer and subtler color schemes. 

    Also there are a lot of chemicals in things like Glitter Tamer and there is a lot more acetone exposure in glitter removal, so from a health perspective, I use glitter very selectively for that reason. No one really knows whether the acetone unleashes some of the aluminum in foil and whether that can be absorbed. Aluminum is a contributor to Alzheimers (principally via deodorants) so it's not something I want to do, nor do I want to soak my fingers in acetone either. So to me it signals some lack in people's lives to develop this fetish around something that is somewhat harmful. I realize that by even wearing polish, I'm part of this too but it's something to be aware of. 

  47. I think it's kind of silly to pay $18, $25, or even more for a polish. the spendiest polish I ever bought was a couple Butter Londons at SeaTac airport for $12 each, and had I not been on vacation, I would never have picked them up. To those of you that get something out of the pricier polishes, go man go. It's your money and your happines. But if I buy the $3 to $4 dollar ChG's, Misa's and Color Clubs from H2T, or pick up a few inexpensive drugstore polishes, I can save that extra  $$$ to spend on the classic perfumes I love. ;o)

  48. The most I've ever spent on nail polish was when I bought the two Deborah Lippmans for $18 each when we went on our shopping spree! I have to say, I dont regret buying them, but I probably wont buy any more Deborah Lippmans. All of the cheaper companies seem to make dupes of them eventually and I like buying those better!!

  49. Not that much!  The most expensive polishes I own are a few Butter London polishes, and those were presents from the Boyfriend because I couldn't justify buying them myself.

  50. I am a relative newbie to this nail polish stuff... I bit my nails for years and only started growing them in 2009. It's taken a loooooong time to get to having healthy, strong nails and I therefore like playing with new colours and making my nails look nice. In truth, I am a wee bit obsessed with all things polish related. However, I would not routinely pay stupid money for a nail polish. 

    I confess that I have a couple of Chanel nail polishes, which cost (I think) £18.00 in the UK which is around $28USD, and two Diors which were a little less, but most of my polishes are a lot cheaper and I often wait until there's a deal on - for example, I spent £35 on 7 Nails Inc nail polishes recently, when they normally retail at £12 a bottle. Bargaintastic!

    I only bought the Chanel and Dior polishes because the colours were so darn beautiful it HURT (e.g. Dior Waterlily and Chanel Rouge Carat) BUT now I understand the concept of "dupes" I probably won't splash out on high end nail polish again.

    I'm still a bit confused by the hype around certain colours/ brands/ collections. 

    BTW, I totally love your blog, Steph. I like your honesty and integrity. Thank you x

  51. I've seen plenty of gushing about products, not so much about the seller. (I'm only reading a few forums though, maybe it's somewhere I don't frequent.)
     I don't know either one personally so I don't know about the financial logistics, not that it has anything to do with the hubbub.
    Anything someone does is not going to please everybody and they're all going to have opinions, still doesn't give anyone the right to explode into a tirade because "they can't get what they want right NOW!" Those people are much more irritating to me than a few others talking about how much they love the product and / or maker / the store they got it from.

    I can see why she wouldn't, that would be harmful to the brand and completely doing the thing that made her change how the stuff was being sold in the first place. The demand is higher than the supply can keep up with yes, but the supply is not a closed pool or discontinued never to be made again limited editions. So in time there will be more available to meet the demand.

    For concerns about aluminum absorption, I've heard people talk about other products designed to hold the solvent next to the nail instead of using foil.

  52. Yes, thanks, orchidfire. I do use other products and I am glad that they exist so that I can wear glitter from time to time. I also find that applying a fresh coat of polish helps with milder glitters. And what I am referring to re: gushing is on FB. But you are right. There is no excuse for mean-ness.

  53. Lol. You know me do what makes you happy. Lol Imo I have been out of the Np loop for a long time I did not know that polish lynderrla..sp. was so hard to get...Lol reminds me an episode of weeds where Nancy says her weed is from France and sells it for like 10000 of dollars to some wealthy people...even though it was the same.. ehh they were happy though. The need the fancy weed. Lol. Eh too me Np is if you like. No big deal.

  54. I really don't know where my limit is. My favorite polishes are the Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear Hard as Nails because they're cheap and they're decent quality. Sometimes I lose my sanity and just buy polishes and instantly regret it... was it worth the $8, $9, $10, $11, $12...?? Usually I make exceptions for Orly nail polishes... I hate OPI and I think it's ridiculous to spend $10.99 CDN on their polishes... but I would be willing to spend that same amount (and depending on the polish, even a little more) on an Orly, Quo by Orly or China Glaze polish... I don't know that I'd spend over $20 on a polish, ever... and if my husband found out, he'd certainly kill me haha. Great topic!

  55. I love the few Lynnderella's that I do own but the current level of crazy and drama surrounding them is just way too intense for this girl, hah! I think I'm going to wait a few months in hopes that the popularity and craze-factor over them settles down a bit before I think about buying any more.

  56. Cristina ImpoverishedFebruary 12, 2012 at 3:46 AM

    I have thouights on both parts of this question. As far as moneywise, I've never paid more than $9 for a nail polish and I don't intend to ever spend more than $15. Usually I keep myself to a $5 per bottle limit, and only 3 of my polishes were more than that. ( 2 were $7, 1 was $9) Part of the reason I love nail polish is its affordability, and I just don't think any one polish is worth breaking the bank.

    As far as effort, up until now the most effort I've put into polish was going through the ordering process of getting the 2 free polishes from Zoya. In general, I feel like if I have to spend any amount of time on the computer to order, it's too much effort.  I avoid brands like Lyndrella and Julep because of this. I will make the most effort ever for me this when I drive 30 minutes away to go to Kmart for Jordanas later this. It's only worth it to me because I'm combining the trip with a visit to a friend in the area.

    I avoid even looking at swatches of brands I find unattainable, either pricewise or orderingwise. Even within my self imposed limits, there are still many gorgeous polishes at affordable prices, which is what keeps polish *fun* for me.

  57. Cristina ImpoverishedFebruary 12, 2012 at 3:50 AM

    I'm in the middle of an experiment, a 3 ml bottle is less than half full after 10 coats. I'm just telling you this in hopes that you use that GOSH polish with your mind at ease.

  58. I think the most I've EVER paid on nail polish is $65 for Clarins 230, and that was a bargain in comparison to the other prices I've seen online ($100+). Occasionally I'll splurge on a brand like RBL or Lippmann, but I will never buy a "hard to find" that costs more than $19. I love Lynderella's nail polish, but all the drama surrounding them (waiting lists,auctions, FB drama) is a off-putting. I buy nail polish because it's pretty and, as far as collector's items go, way cheaper to buy than shoes. I had to learn to follow my own likes and dislikes, rather than buying every colour just because it's 'hot'. Frankly, some 'hot' colours just aren't worth the hype.
     Great post :)

  59. I've never spent more than $10 for a polish because I don't have a budget for that. I think the highest I would ever go would also be $20 but it had to be extreme. I would love to own a Lynnderella one day but with how difficult it can be, I won't bother. One thing I do want to splurge on is Nubar Polka Dot Collection, which I hope to obtain when I get my taxes.


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