
Friday, March 30, 2012

Nail-venturous Lacquers Floam

Ever since Amy of I'M FEELING NAIL-VENTUROUS starting created polishes and announced she'd be opening up a shop on etsy, I was stalking her etsy page like a hawk. Amy has created hands down some of the most innovative and creative polish creations out there. I am beyond impressed.

When she first opened her shop I swear in under a minute almost her entire stock was gone. It was unbelievable. I had wanted Floam, and by some polish miracle I was able to snag one. I was in shock that I got one. I still am! Amy shipped it out super fast too. I got it 4 days after I ordered it.


Floam is a mixture of neon blue,green, and yellow glitters in a clear base.

Isn't this far out?!? This looks exactly like that floam stuff in 90's, that I so badly wanted but my parents never got me because they knew I'd make a mess with it. You should ask them what happened to our carpeted staircase and the bright pink Gak, but I digress. This polish is the coolest I've ever seen. It is unexpected and absolutely unique. This is just what I wanted. I wanted to be surprised, and just when I thought I had seen it all. This covered nicely in 3 coats. You will need to apply some extra top coat for this as it is a bit gritty. This freaking rocks!  THANK YOU AMY!

I'm sure Amy will be restocking this on her etsy shop soon, or you can sign up on Ninja Polish to have it alert you when it is restocked there.

**I adjusted the hue of these photos to accurately depict the color. My camera freaked out with the neon a bit, but what you are seeing in this photo is color accurate and true to life. 

Happy Friday!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

China Glaze Aquadelic

I HATE the new Blogger layout/look. I know it's been around for over year, but I've avoided it. I think soon they'll be transferring everyone over to it, so I decided I should get used to it. I resist change in regards to anything. I'm such a creature of habit!

Enough of my silly rambling. Today, I have for you one of the China Glaze Electro Pop colors. I was not overly thrilled with China Glaze's spring collection this year. It just didn't Pop for me...bad pun intended. I did, however, like this polish.


Aquadelic is a bright aqua creme.

This is pretty straight forward, but it s a great color. If you're craving brights like me this season, you will be pleased with it. In case you're wondering how this compares to China Glaze For Audrey, Aquadelic is brighter and has more green to it than For Audrey. All around this is a great creme shade. I found the formula great on this one too.

Any other creatures of habit there...or are you able to go with the flow? 

Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Deborah Lippmann Ray of Light

I remember seeing the Deborah Lippmann preview picture of her upcoming Spring/Summer 2012 polishes a few months ago. One of those polishes was a deep blue with what looked like copper flakies. It actually reminded me a lot of my dream polish idea I sent into RBL last year. I knew I needed it that instant, so I waiting patiently for that color to be released. Thankfully, it was released last week on Deborah Lippmann's website (I no longer see it on there today. I'm guessing they sold out?), and I snagged one.

Ray of Light

Flash indoors
 Natural Light

Ray of Light is a deep indigo jelly with pinky-copper flakies. 

When I got the bottle, in certain angles the flakies were iridescent that flashed yellow/green, however on the nail they did not. They just looked pinky-copper. This is a beautiful polish. It is really unique. I wish more polish companies would start pairing cool toned colors with copper and gold glitters, shimmers, and flakies. 

I will say I'm tad bit disappointed. In some of the bottle shots the flakies looked more like a straight up copper than this copper-pink. This is just me being picky though! I've wanted a mainstream color like this for so long! The formula also was problematic. I found it too thick. I added some thinner to it, but at $18, a problematic formula is not what I expect. Outside of that, I think this color really is a winner.

I'm assuming this will be at Nordstroms soon and restocked on the Deborah Lippmann keep an eye out! I have feeling this will be a popular color too. Don't take my word for it, but I wouldn't be surprised if we start seeing cheaper dupes come fall...just a thought!

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Milani High Speed Fast Dry- Yellow Whiz

Yellow and I do not tend to mix well. I think I've only found 2 yellows that work well on me. I was very skeptical when trying out Milani's Yellow Whiz. I even said before I swatched it "This is going to look absolutely awful on me". I have to say I was pleasantly surprised! I went from that to "Hmmm, I actually like this"!

Yellow Whiz

Yellow Whiz is a sunny yellow creme.

This is probably not the ideal color for me, but I actually like it. I thought the formula was really good too. I do not think these are one-coaters like this line suggests, but they are definitely 2 coaters. A two coater yellow polish is rare! This formula was also very easy to work with. I have one fault with this polish. I really hate the name. I'm sure we all associate "Yellow Whiz" with the same thing. I don't like my nail polish having icky names, but that's just me. Oh well! It's a good yellow anyways.

*This product was provided to me for review by Milani Cosmetics.

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Spoiled Shrimp on the Barbie

Have you all seen the Spoiled by Wet n' Wild polishes at CVS? I have to tell you I love them (with the exception of one thing I'll get to later). The color selection is awesome. They have a handful of great glitters. They only cost $2 a pop. I think they are comparable as far as color selection to Sinful Colors. I actually prefer some of their colors to Sinful Colors. This next color I'm already throwing out there is an instant favorite for me. You will be seeing it in December's Top 20 of 2012 list.

Shrimp on the Barbie

Shrimp on the Barbie is a rosy-coral pink with an intense golden glass fleck.

Beautiful! I am in love with this color. The intensity of the glass fleck in this polish completely makes it. I do not know of any other polish colors like this. The name always gives me a chuckle too. Poor little barbecued shrimpies :P! Anyways, I'm going to say this color is a must have in my book!

Now on to my problem with Spoiled. The brushes are absolutely atrocious. They are like giant sloppy malformed mops. They look like they are meant more for slathering BBQ sauce on the Shrimp on the Barbie than for painting your nails. It does not make for the easiest application, but I absolutely love some of these Spoiled colors. If the color is great, I'm willing to put in the extra work and slather on the polish!

Happy Monday!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Share With You Sunday: 03/18/12-03/25/12

I'm going to be playing around with the format a bit of these posts until I get the right feel, so bear with me for a few weeks until I can get it the way I like it! I'm sorry I do not have as many links to post this week. I was really busy this week, so I didn't get to browse the blogs as much as I normally do. :(

Posts I'm Loving:
Nails by Kayla Shevonne shares with us her Hunger Games inspired manicure.
Neverland Nail Blog shows us her crumpled paper manicure.
Polish Vixen swatches SpaRitual Pigment collection.
Peace, Love, & Polish shows her spring themed nails.

Posts You're Loving:
Polish Obsession swatches Barielle Elle's Spell.
The Nail Worksop shares with us Gelish CandyLhop colors.
Marias Nail Art and Polish Blog shows us her Strawberry Domo Kun Qee nails.
The Lacquered Lady swatches Color Club What a Shock!

You can submit your links for posts on Sundays here

Reader Manis of the Week:

Name: Danielle from Polish. Glitter. Rock & Roll!
Location: Houston, TX
Manicure Description: This is obviously for my mom. I'm wearing it on Sunday, March 25, 2012 for the Run for the Rose. It's a run that benefits brain cancer research. My mom died from brain cancer in 2001 so I used a grey that I made and I named after her. It's called Peggy Jean and I just mixed together a grey, a little white, and and a pretty silver glass fleck polish to make it. (Grey symbolizes brain cancer just like pink is for breast cancer.) Sunflowers were her favorite flower so I used CG Papaya Punch for the base, CG Lighthouse and then Love&Beauty light yellow over the top. I am using this for my Girly Girl Challenge post on Thursday, March 22, 2012.
Favorite Polishes: I really love Zoya more and more every time I use it; I can't really pick one particular color. I also love jelly polishes and matte finishes, especially in black.

Name: Jeni
Location: Grand Prairie, TX
Manicure Description: I used Sonia Kashuk Fairy Princess from the new Spring 2012 collection and layered HITS Hefesto over it to make it holo :)
Favorite Polishes: I LOVE China Glaze, they have so many different colors and finishes, and reasonable prices :)Some of my favorites are...Strawberry Fields, Papaya Punch, Blue Year's Eve, Velvet Bow.

You can find information on how to submit your manicures for Sunday posts here

Happy Sunday!

P.S. I totally forgot to announce my Eva Supreme #185 winner on the blog. The winner was Sara H.! Congrats to her! I already told her she won last week....I just had a major brain fart about posting it!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Bottle Spam Saturday: Fiery Edition

Keeping with the "The Girl on Fire" and Hunger Games theme, today's bottle spam is made up of what I consider fiery colors. These colors are hot!

China Glaze Electrify, Pin Prick, Riveting, and Savina Fireworks

Zoya Rica, Kimmy, Nidhi, and Cult Nails Captivating

OPI Red Dazzle, The Show Must Go On, Maybelline Firefly, and Into the Sunset

Milani Orange Burst, Hot Flash, Red Sparkle, and Finger Paints Vermillion $ Painting

Sally Hansen Amber Ruby, Golden Tourmaline, and BB Couture Horned Devil

Rimmel Hot Rock, Kleancolor Chunky Scarlet Holo, and Wet n' Wild Candy Corn on the Cob

What are some of your favorite fiery polishes?

Happy Saturday!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Time for the Hunger Games!

I'm sure the non-Hunger Games fans are sick of Hunger Games posts. Trust me, I understand. I'm usually on the other side when it comes to hyped of things. I get sick of it so easily, but the Hunger Games I've fallen for. I'm heading out the door in a few minutes to go see it! This is what is on my nails.

I'm wearing Wet n' Wild Black Creme, topped with Girly Bits Shift Happens, and I'm wearing China Glaze Electrify as an accent.

Woo hoo! I'm so excited.

Happy Friday!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

What you may not know about me...

I got this awesome tag from Ali over at niftyBA. She is one of the original Central Florida nail addicts that I met up with almost a year ago. She has an awesome sense of style and a fun personality. Thanks for tagging me Ali!

The Rules
1. Each person must post 11 things about themselves on their blog.
2. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you plus eleven questions for the people you have tagged to answer.
3. Choose eleven people and link them in your tag.
4. Email the person to let them know that they’ve been tagged.
5. No tag backs.
6. You legitimately have to tag.

11 Things About Me
1. I'm originally from Dallas,TX. I spent 20 years of my life there, and all I can say is good riddance! The neighborhood I grew up in was full of rich people wannabes. I so did not fit in!
2. My dad owns a shop in Dallas called Sugarless deLite. He's been in business since 1989, and his store specializes in goodies for diabetics, special diets, and etc. Check him out! His shop is on Facebook too. :)
3. A majority of my family lives in Atlanta, GA. I wish got to spend more time with them growing up.
4. My last name is Merlin. This surprises some people, and they try to pronounce it weird was like "Marlin" or "Marilyn". My last name is pronounced just like the wizard! I used to hate my last name, but I think it's awesome now. Sadly, I do not have magical powers. :(
5. Makeup and fashion intimidate me. I wear very neutral makeup and boring clothes. Truth is, I do not have much confidence when it comes to outward appearance. I wish I had some people who could show me the ropes in the makeup and fashion dept! Any takers?
6. My parents still have this activity book thing I did at preschool when I was 4 years old. According to that book, I wanted to be a baseball player when I grew up. That is certainly not what I want to be now!
7. I like to sleep in arctic temperatures. I blame my parents they always kept it cold in the house. The a/c needs to be set 63-65 at bedtime. This is my ideal sleeping temperature..even in winter...
8. I'm working my way through a lot of anxiety issues. I used to have really severe anxiety when it came to social situations and pretty much everything. My life has almost made a completely turn around. Certain social situations and driving can still cause my anxiety, but it is SO much better than before.
9. In high school, I played flute in the band. My junior year we got to play at Carnegie Hall in NYC. That was a was an amazing experience.
10. When I get irritated or I'm in a bad mood, I google quotes by the Dali Lama. His words help me clear my mind and refocus on what is really important.
11. My personality type is INFJ.

11 Questions from Ali

1. What was your Outfit of the Day?
Bright teal peasant top, Old Navy jeans, and my go to black flip flops...yawn..I did have Orly Cotton Candy with Spoiled Jewelry Heist as an accent on my nails though. I do way better with nails than outfits!
2. What was the last thing you broke?
I really don't remember...I'm sure I'll break something immediately after this though.
3. Do you have a custom ringtone on your cell phone?
Nope, I use the "Noir" one that was on my phone already.
4. Are you named after anyone?
My first name I'm not. My middle name is a Alyse, that name comes from my great grandfather Al.
5. What was the last thing you were complimented about?
My new hair color! I'm so excited about it.
6. What has been the farthest you’ve travelled?
I spent a few weeks in England summer of 2007. It was the best! I want to go back so badly.
7. What does your umbrella look like?
I have lime green umbrella with a duck handle. No shame.
8. Do you have a favorite guilty pleasure meal, treat, or restaurant?
Any Chinese food. I swear Chinese food never gets old.
9. What is your most prized makeup possession?
My OPI La Boheme is pretty special.
10. What is your most prized possession (non-makeup related)?
Honestly, I do not really know? My cat? :P
11. Does Zoya have a nail polish with your name on it?

Yes, but it's stinky. Zoya's Stephanie is a sheer milky pink that applies unevenly.

I Tagged the Following People…
I've seen so many people tagged, so I tag anyone who would like to do this!

My 11 Questions for You
1. What was/is your favorite subject in school?
2. What are some of your favorite stores to shop for clothes?
3. If you had the chance to live in any time period in the past, what time period would you live in?
4. Who are some of the people you most admire?
5. If you could paint your room any color of nail polish what would you paint it?
6. Would you rather explore space or the deep sea?
7. What is your favorite sweet treat?
8. Do you like to "go with the flow" or are you someone who likes to plan ahead?
9. Where would you like to have an unlimited shopping spree at?
10. What is least favorite household chore?
11. What is your favorite board game?

Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

More Girly Bits!

I have some more Girly Bits polishes for you. Girly Bits was created by blogger and nail polish addict, Pam. I reviewed a few a little awhile ago and Shift Happens last week Pam has some amazing polish creations. Her polishes do not only come in great colors and finishes, but they have an outstanding formula!

Cosmic Ocean over Cult Nails Time Traveler

Cosmic Ocean is a color shifting top coat that shifts from blue to green.

This is STUNNING. I think Cosmic Ocean and Cult Nails' Time Traveler were made for each other. When you apply Cosmic Ocean over a polish your eyes will light up! Cosmic Ocean is a magical polish. I will be purchasing the full size for sure!


Rogue is a red jelly, filled with micro red,pink, and purple round and bar glitters.

This is a fun polish! I love the brightness of the base, and that it is a jelly. The glitter in this compliments it nicely. The glitter doesn't overwhelm the jelly base, and they pair well together. The formula is awesome too. This does not apply like typical glitter polish. It's very smooth.

Purple Potion

Purple Potion is a purple base with deep purple, blue, fuchsia, copper and scattered holo glitter.

This is super sparkly! It was a little too sparkly for my camera. This polish has so much dimension with the addition of different color glitters. It also has great formula. This has a smooth application. I do think it does benefit from top coat, like most glitters it does dry a bit on the matte side.

You can order Girly Bits polishes from Pam. She sells 5ml bottles  for $6 and 15ml bottles for $10. The only exceptions are Street Magic, Shift Happens, and Cosmic Ocean where the minis sells for $7 and the larger bottles are $11.50 Her shop is currently closed, but she will re-open soon!

**These products were sent to me for review by Pam's Girly Bits.

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Talk it Out Tuesday: Disclose Referral Links!

*This post will be controversial. Please remember these opinions are my own. If we do not share a similar viewpoint, that is totally cool, but let's keep it civil.*

-begin rant-

Referral links. This is a topic that makes me incredibly uncomfortable. A lot of times different companies will give out referral links when you make an account with them, so when someone signs up under your name you will benefit from their sign up. These sign ups can get discounts or credit to spend on the companies products etc. I know Julep does this and Zoya just started this yesterday.

I would never post a referral link on my blog or Facebook. I personally, do not feel it is right for me to benefit in some monetary way from my readers signing up under my name for something. If it's family or personal friends I think that is different. Those are people I know, while a majority of my readers (though I love you guys) are strangers. Remember, this is just my personal feelings towards this.  I do not judge others who do not feel the same as long as they disclose their referral links.

That being said, I've seen in the past and a few times recently on Facebook or blogs where bloggers post referral links WITHOUT disclosing they are referral links. If you disclose it I think it's totally fine.  It's the non disclosure ones that I think are just downright wrong. What's worse is sometimes I see these (non-disclosed links) from bloggers who have a lot of PR involvement and review samples.

Why do bloggers who already receive a lot of freebies feel a need to post referral links without disclosure, so their readers can help them get more freebies or stuff at a lower cost? Why do bloggers freebies or not not disclose referral links?  Does this bother anyone else?

This makes my blood boil. Is there some rule against them doing this? Absolutely not. In fact, a lot of people would think that is rather savvy of them. I guess people find it a perk to being a blogger, you can use your status to get some nifty things with the help of your readers! All you have to do is say click "here", without any disclosure and you're raking in the dough! ......Gah, that makes me want to barf. They can do it though. I'm not stopping them, but I sure as heck think it's wrong and insanely dishonest.

I might be overly sensitive, and perhaps reading into this too much. I just really dislike it when people are not upfront and honest. I feel that it is a shady, and it is taking advantage of people for your personal gain. If you disclose it and people want to help you out, then more power to you. If you don't disclose..just ugh. Do the right thing people.

What are your thoughts on non-disclosed referral links? Have you ever signed up under a referral link not knowing at the time it was a referral link?

-rant over-

Happy Tuesday! :P

Monday, March 19, 2012

Eva Supreme #185

Eva Surpeme Nail Lacquer? Who are you?  This is a brand I've found only at Walgreens, and I'm pretty sure it's only in Florida? I don't think it's everywhere in Florida either? I can find absolutely NOTHING on this company online. The only thing I see on the bottle besides the brand name and ingredients is Miami, FL. That is my only clue...that gets me absolutely no where.

This brand seems to change out its selection of colors seasonally. I see new ones every few months or so. A majority of their colors are pretty standard non-interesting colors, but occasionally they have real winner. The polish I have for you today is a definite winner! 

Eva Supreme #185

#185 is bright blue violet with an intense pink shimmer.

Win! This is insanely beautiful. The shimmer in this is not shy. It pops! The only sucky thing is why does this not have a name? #185 is not a deserving name for this. Eva Supreme used to name their polishes, but now they all just have numbers. Lame. Besides, that it's absolutely beautiful.  I will say these polishes are not Big 3 Free. I can see that from the ingredients, and I can tell by the smell. That doesn't really bother me, so I'm happy climb aboard the purple-y pink shimmer goodness ship. 

Happy Monday!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Share With You Sunday: Catch Up Edition!

Normal "Share With You Sunday" is back. This week I do have some links from previous weeks.

I also have new feature too. I'll now be featuring 2-3 mani photos from you all each week. If you're interested in submitting your manis you can find more information here. Please be brave! Perfect nails and photos are not required. Your manis can be old or new I'd love to see your awesome manicures! As always, you can still share your blog links.

Reader Manis of the Week:

Photo by Marisa
Name: Marisa
Location: Brooklyn, NY
Mani Description: I used Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear Fuschia Power as a base.  For the black dots I used NK Noir, then I used Étude House WH020 for a few glitter dots.
All time favorite polishes: Revlon Whimsical, A-England Avalon, and Essie Miami Nice.
Blog: Polish Obsession (

Photo by Barb
Name: Barb
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Mani Description: I used Hermes from the HITS No Olimpo collection and stamped with Sinful Colors black using the Bundle Monster zebra pattern. This is probably one of the best stamping jobs I have done :)
All Time Favorite Polishes:  I bought my very first Zoya's from you! Since then, I've obtained a little collection. They are definitely one of my favorites. I also like the Sinful Colors and I love different types of finishing topcoats. Glitters, flakies anything sparkly and pretty!
Blog: Don't have one. I've actually been thinking about starting one but don't think I'd have the time to commit to it.

Sonoma Nail Art shows us her "It's All Greek To Me" manicure.
Lacquered Me shares with us her polka dot manicure using new Milani polishes.
Gotham Polish shares with us her Top 5 Spring nail polish trends.
Oooh, Shinies! shows us her Aqua Tiger manicure.
alizarine claws shares with us her Cosmic Debris manicure.
Let them have Polish! shares with us an epic glitter filled post.
Pretty Little Bottles shows us her St. Patrick's Day nails.

Pigments and Palettes shares with us her Cockatoo eye look.

The Way To His Heart shares with her recipe for Latkes and Lox.

What You're Loving:
Confessions of a Sarcastic Mom swatches China Glaze Riveting.
Polish Obsession swatches Rimmel Violet Metal.
The Lacquer Tracker shares with us the Dollish Polish Valley of the Kings collection.
The Lacquered Lady shares with us some recent nail trends.
Polish.Glitter. Rock & Roll is having a blog sale where all the proceeds are going to charity.

Happy Sunday!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Bottle Spam Saturday: Layering Glitters Edition

Layering Glitters won the last vote. I had no idea I had so many. It's actually a bit embarrassing how many layering glitters I do have...but they're so pretty!

I've run out of ideas for future bottle spams voting, so I'm just going to do a bunch of random ones or come up with cool color patterns or something different! No worries, Bottle Spam Saturday isn't going anywhere! If any of you have bottle spam ideas feel free to email me.

 Spoiled Trust Fund Baby, Jewelry Heist, Shuffle the Deck, Pet My Peacock, and Wet n' Wild Party of Five Glitters

Milani Fuschia, Red, Gold, Teal, and Lavender

Milani Hot Pink, Gems, Confetti Ice Ice Baby, Venique Twinkling Glitter, and Twinkling Snow

 Cover Girl City Lights, Gold Dust, Crystal Mist, Amethyst Mist, and Ruby Dust

Cover Girl Pink Twinkle, Gold Front, Anti-Freeze, Jordana Copper Blaze, and Sequins

 Kleancolor Black Chunky Holo, Chunky Scarlet Holo, Chunky Fuchsia Holo, Chunky Bluebell Holo, and OPI Rainbow Connection

Sinful Colors Frenzy, Suede Shoes, Agaci, Revlon Galaxy, and Sally Hansen Snappy Sprinkles

China Glaze Party Hearty, Snowglobe, Icing After Party, Sephora Traffic Stopper Copper, and Urban Outfitters Dust

NYX Maven, Dreamy Glitter, Carnival, Eva Supreme Green Glitter, NYX Gilded Glitter, and Essie Set in Stone

Friday, March 16, 2012

China Glaze Riveting

We are one week away from the release of the Hunger Games film! Is anyone else insanely excited about that? I read all the books in a week in the beginning January. I wish I had time to read the first book again before I see the film, but I don't think I will :(. Anyways, I was excited about the China Glaze Hunger Games polishes when I first heard about them.....this all changed when I started seeing swatches online. I was SO disappointed. I only saw a few that sparked my interest, while the others I could easily do with out. I may love Hunger Games, but an ugly color polish is an ugly color polish. This next polish was a definite win though!


Riveting is a fiery orange with a strong golden glass fleck-like shimmer.

I've heard the gold in this referred to has a shimmer,glitter, and glass fleck. I'm not sure which it actually is, but it resembles glass fleck to me, so I'm calling it that. Please, do not go all Nail Polish Finish police on me :p! This polish is on fire. It is hot, vibrant, and all around awesome. One thing I noticed with these Hunger Games polishes is the formula. The formula on this and the others were excellent. I've never noticed China Glaze's formula as anything special before, but the great formula on these grabbed my attention.

Happy Friday!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

LEX Cosmetics Cayman Cabana

I think it was back in September when I found a Groupon for LEX Cosmetics. It took me until February to place an order. It was so hard to make a decision on the colors I wanted! I love that LEX Cosmetics creates colors based on our ideas. Every few months they let us vote for our favorite from a group of submitted color ideas. The winning color becomes the next LEX polish. On top of that, every individual polish sale they make, $1 goes to the charity of choice from the person whose color idea the polish is made after.  In fact, blogger  Nails Beautiqued has a LEX polish called Peabow! This next polish is one of the pretties I picked up.

Cayman Cabana

Cayman Cabana is a sea-foam green creme.

This is such a pretty color. I typically steer clear from these shades because they do not tend to look good on me, but I love this one. The formula on this was superb. It applied like butter. I know lighter/pastel shades can have a thick and chalky-like formula, but this was the opposite. It was so easy to work with. I'm overall very impressed!

This particular polish was created by Lex the founder of LEX Cosmetics. LEX polishes are $10 each. If you buy this polish, $1 of your purchase goes to the World Wildlife Fund. Yes, their polishes are on the pricey side, but I really love LEX Cosmetics' positive purpose and message with their brand. Groupon or no Groupon LEX has found a customer in me! Plus, their polishes are great!

Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Franken Neptune's Pool

**In "Share With You Sunday" I will now be featuring reader manis. If you'd like to submit yours click on"Share Your Mani" for more information. I only have one submission so far. Don't be shy! :)

Finally, I get to post this amazing polish! I got a new camera last week, and it has changed my swatching life completely. Believe it or not, I actually would not post certain polishes on my blog because my camera could not capture them properly. This was the case with this beauty, and I'm thrilled I get to post it now.

Long long ago RBL asked for people to submit dream polish idea for a fan collection. I submitted my idea, and it did not get chosen (wah wah wahhhhhh). The swatches I've seen of the chosen polishes are gorgeous though! Anyways, I shared my idea on my blog awhile ago, and Sarah from See Sarah Swatch frankened me my dream polish!

Neptune's Pool

Neptune's Pool is a royal blue jelly with a golden micro shimmer and iridescent flakies.

Ahhhh! I love this! It is such a beautiful polish. Sarah did an excellent job! In case you were wondering this was my inspiration....

Hearst Castle Photo: Trey Ratcliff

This is the Roman Pool at Hearst Castle in San Simeon, California. It is absolutely beautiful. My parents and I used to spend every Christmas break on the central coast of California where this is located. So, in ways this was close to my heart. I love the mosaic tiles..the mixture of the blues..golds..lapis lazui...aqua....all of it! 

Sarah did an excellent job of capturing this and putting it into a polish for me. Thank you so much Sarah! Sarah now has a shop on etsy called TwoBirdsOneStore where she sells frankens and handmade jewelry along with her sister Sandy. I bought some polishes from her shop recently which I'll be showing you later on! 

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Milani High Speed Fast Dry- Jiffy Orange

I was literally speechless this weekend at the Beauty Bloggers of Central Florida meetup when I saw what Milani gave us. They were extremely generous and gave us some awesome makeup bags filled to the brim with their new makeup and nail polish products. Again, thank you Milani! I'm so grateful! I was about put in a cosmetic coma. They had their High Speed Fast Dry nail polish line in there, and I found this one an instant favorite!

Jiffy Orange

Jiffy Orange is bright orange creme.

I am in love with color! I had seen this in stores, and passed it up. I thought what is another orange? I was wrong....this is a fantastic orange! I love the vibrancy of this color. The formula was easy to work with and smooth. On the bottle it says "one coat formula". This is more like a two coat formula. That's fine though, I rarely expect to ever use one coat of polish, so this does not bother me. Aside from that, it does quicker than your standard polish. This is great all around color, and I'm glad I got to try it!

Happy Tuesday!

**This product was provided for me to review by Milani Cosmetics. **