
Saturday, March 3, 2012

Bottle Spam Saturday: My First Polishes

You voted for "My First Polishes". I did this bottle spam a little differently. I chose some of the first polishes I got when I first got into nail polish in late 2008 for this bottle spam. As you'll see some of these bottles have seen better days!

China Glaze Ruby Pumps, Flying Dragon, For Audrey, and Zoya Kiki

Milani Paint the Town Red, Black Cherry, Rimmel Shocker, and Green With Envy

Cover Girl Gold Rush, Crystal Mist, City Lights, and Sinful Colors Forget Now

Sinful Colors Dream On, Sally Hansen Black Diamond, and Pink Promise

Happy Saturday!


  1. Ruby Pumps, For Audrey, and Dream On were some of my first polishes, too!!!

  2. For Audrey was one of my first polishes too! China Glaze, in general, is the brand that got me started. Every now and then, my husband and I would stop at Sally's and I'd look at all the pretty bottles and get a bottle or two...and then...I just don't know what happened. It totally spiraled out of control :P

  3. City Lights was definitely one of my first!

  4. Ruby Pumps was my first ChG polish! I'd admired it forEVER and finally got an Ulta Reward certificate so I redeemed it for that. It was the most beautiful polish I'd ever seen at that point, and I refused to use it because I didn't want to use it up. It's still one of my favorite reds and I still have that original bottle! ♥

  5. For Audrey looks like it has been very loved :)

  6. Pretty colors!! I see these were given a lot of love, lol. I had no idea Black Diamond was around so long.

  7. Haha would you believe me if I told you I only just bought For Audrey this year? I'm so backdated > <

  8. Fun way to set up a bottle spam! I recently did a database for all my polishes. I don't have my first bottles as that would be back in the 1960's. But I did find some of the first OPI's from the late 80's and a couple of CND's from even before that time!


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