
Friday, March 16, 2012

China Glaze Riveting

We are one week away from the release of the Hunger Games film! Is anyone else insanely excited about that? I read all the books in a week in the beginning January. I wish I had time to read the first book again before I see the film, but I don't think I will :(. Anyways, I was excited about the China Glaze Hunger Games polishes when I first heard about them.....this all changed when I started seeing swatches online. I was SO disappointed. I only saw a few that sparked my interest, while the others I could easily do with out. I may love Hunger Games, but an ugly color polish is an ugly color polish. This next polish was a definite win though!


Riveting is a fiery orange with a strong golden glass fleck-like shimmer.

I've heard the gold in this referred to has a shimmer,glitter, and glass fleck. I'm not sure which it actually is, but it resembles glass fleck to me, so I'm calling it that. Please, do not go all Nail Polish Finish police on me :p! This polish is on fire. It is hot, vibrant, and all around awesome. One thing I noticed with these Hunger Games polishes is the formula. The formula on this and the others were excellent. I've never noticed China Glaze's formula as anything special before, but the great formula on these grabbed my attention.

Happy Friday!


  1. Oooh this is one of the colors I want from the collection! So pretty on you

  2. I absolutely love this color (which is saying a lot since I generally dislike oranges)!!

  3. I think this is the must have from the collection. I haven't heard one bad word against it. 

  4. this is the only one i like from this collection.  it's beautiful!

  5. yep. I was kinda meh about the polishes too, but I had to get Smoke & Ashes for District 12 ... it's mostly just black anywho.  I can't wait for the movie though!!!  I'm going to the midnight showing! eeek! (lets's pretend I don't have to be at work at 8am :P)

  6. I actually like quite a few of the polishes from the collection but this is my favorite. Freaking gorgeous! And with Luxe and Lush over it, it looks like your nails are on fire! 

  7. Loved, loved, loved the books!  Can't wait to see the movie.  I haven't seen any of the colors in real life yet, only through blogs.  I agree, there are only a few colors that are sparking my interest.

  8. This is definitely my favorite polish from the collection! It looks fab on you. I'm a huge HG fan myself, and I have to admit I was pretty disappointed when I saw the press release online but I am starting to like the collection overall more and more. 

  9. This is a really great color!!!  I agree, I wasn't impressed by most of the polishes in the collection. 

  10. This shade is so Riveting! By far it's the hit for me in the collection and for right now, in the running for top 10 of all releases (least those I see) of 2012. I cannot stop looking at my toes and fingers with this one on!

  11. Riveting may end up on my top 10 list for all of 2012. It IS Riveting. 

  12. This is definitely one of my faves from the collection also. I actually bought the whole collection; mostly because I couldn't just have part of it. And there are for sure a few colors that I'm more "meh" about than others but for the most part I like them. I am super excited for the movie! I'll probably give it a few weeks until I go see it; I hate going to movies when they are super crowded and/or I have to get there hours early so I don't have to take a seat in the front row and ruin my neck. I've been talking about the book and movie for a long time and now that my hubby has seen the trailer for the movie he wants to see it too; maybe I'll even get him to read the books too.  :)

  13. Oh man, I think we have different tastes! I didn't quite like this orange one. But this colour looks pretty on you! 
    My favourite in the collection was fast track and stone cold! :)

  14. Agree with you Steph - some of the shades in this collection are just ugly. Hook & Line? Come on. It's a frost - yuck! We have seen a ton of charcoal mattes. Argo did not come up to what it needed to have in it and looks old. Plus there just were some tired shades in this collection. And who wants to wear a holiday colored glitter now? 

  15. Really gorgeous.

  16. Looks great on you! This is the only one I want from this collection.

  17. I will be wearing this to the movie this Saturday:)


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