
Sunday, March 25, 2012

Share With You Sunday: 03/18/12-03/25/12

I'm going to be playing around with the format a bit of these posts until I get the right feel, so bear with me for a few weeks until I can get it the way I like it! I'm sorry I do not have as many links to post this week. I was really busy this week, so I didn't get to browse the blogs as much as I normally do. :(

Posts I'm Loving:
Nails by Kayla Shevonne shares with us her Hunger Games inspired manicure.
Neverland Nail Blog shows us her crumpled paper manicure.
Polish Vixen swatches SpaRitual Pigment collection.
Peace, Love, & Polish shows her spring themed nails.

Posts You're Loving:
Polish Obsession swatches Barielle Elle's Spell.
The Nail Worksop shares with us Gelish CandyLhop colors.
Marias Nail Art and Polish Blog shows us her Strawberry Domo Kun Qee nails.
The Lacquered Lady swatches Color Club What a Shock!

You can submit your links for posts on Sundays here

Reader Manis of the Week:

Name: Danielle from Polish. Glitter. Rock & Roll!
Location: Houston, TX
Manicure Description: This is obviously for my mom. I'm wearing it on Sunday, March 25, 2012 for the Run for the Rose. It's a run that benefits brain cancer research. My mom died from brain cancer in 2001 so I used a grey that I made and I named after her. It's called Peggy Jean and I just mixed together a grey, a little white, and and a pretty silver glass fleck polish to make it. (Grey symbolizes brain cancer just like pink is for breast cancer.) Sunflowers were her favorite flower so I used CG Papaya Punch for the base, CG Lighthouse and then Love&Beauty light yellow over the top. I am using this for my Girly Girl Challenge post on Thursday, March 22, 2012.
Favorite Polishes: I really love Zoya more and more every time I use it; I can't really pick one particular color. I also love jelly polishes and matte finishes, especially in black.

Name: Jeni
Location: Grand Prairie, TX
Manicure Description: I used Sonia Kashuk Fairy Princess from the new Spring 2012 collection and layered HITS Hefesto over it to make it holo :)
Favorite Polishes: I LOVE China Glaze, they have so many different colors and finishes, and reasonable prices :)Some of my favorites are...Strawberry Fields, Papaya Punch, Blue Year's Eve, Velvet Bow.

You can find information on how to submit your manicures for Sunday posts here

Happy Sunday!

P.S. I totally forgot to announce my Eva Supreme #185 winner on the blog. The winner was Sara H.! Congrats to her! I already told her she won last week....I just had a major brain fart about posting it!


  1. These manis are both pretty!! I especially love the holo though ;0).

  2. Peace, Love & PolishMarch 25, 2012 at 5:46 PM

    Oh my gosh! I was reading and then I was like, oh wait, that's me! Thanks so much - your too sweet :)

  3. You're welcome! I loved your spring manicure! The colors you used were great. :)

  4. The holo on top of that seafoam green color is great! 

  5. Cristina ImpoverishedMarch 26, 2012 at 12:19 PM

    Danielle's mani story is so sad, but I'm glad she's doing things like this mani and the run to honor her mother. Thanks for sharing it, Steph!


I love and appreciate all comments. I will respond to any questions in comments ASAP. Please refrain from linking your blog in the comment section. These comments will be deleted. I'd be happy to view your blog if you email me your link.