
Monday, March 26, 2012

Spoiled Shrimp on the Barbie

Have you all seen the Spoiled by Wet n' Wild polishes at CVS? I have to tell you I love them (with the exception of one thing I'll get to later). The color selection is awesome. They have a handful of great glitters. They only cost $2 a pop. I think they are comparable as far as color selection to Sinful Colors. I actually prefer some of their colors to Sinful Colors. This next color I'm already throwing out there is an instant favorite for me. You will be seeing it in December's Top 20 of 2012 list.

Shrimp on the Barbie

Shrimp on the Barbie is a rosy-coral pink with an intense golden glass fleck.

Beautiful! I am in love with this color. The intensity of the glass fleck in this polish completely makes it. I do not know of any other polish colors like this. The name always gives me a chuckle too. Poor little barbecued shrimpies :P! Anyways, I'm going to say this color is a must have in my book!

Now on to my problem with Spoiled. The brushes are absolutely atrocious. They are like giant sloppy malformed mops. They look like they are meant more for slathering BBQ sauce on the Shrimp on the Barbie than for painting your nails. It does not make for the easiest application, but I absolutely love some of these Spoiled colors. If the color is great, I'm willing to put in the extra work and slather on the polish!

Happy Monday!


  1. I love this colour!! You're right it truly is original and gorgeous.

  2. I've heard the brushes are bad, and a bad brush can ruin the best polish! Too bad because this color is gorgeous!

  3. JoElla Valenzuela DurhamMarch 26, 2012 at 11:18 AM

    Steph I totally agree about these craptastic brushes!  Beautiful colors that are worth the struggle with the dang brush.

  4. Cristina ImpoverishedMarch 26, 2012 at 12:23 PM

    My solution to the brush situation: use the brush from an empty bottle of clear, base or top coat. Rinse it with acetone and then you can store it and use it for your next terribly brushed polish.  As far as the color goes, I really like the gold duochrome and keep wanting to pick it up, but the non-pink lover in me makes me put it back down again. Maybe if there's a sale I'll finally get it, it certainly looks good in your swatches.

  5. So gorgeous!  

  6. This is such a beautiful polish!! I keep hearing about these horrible brushes.  I haven't tried any of the Spoiled polishes I have yet, so I'm a bit nervous, lol.  I agree though, they have such a great variety of colors.

  7. This looks stunning on you!! I love corally glass flecks, I will be picking this one up on my next trip to CVS. I totally agree with you on the brushes though, unless one has super-duper wide nails I can't see how this type of brush would be ideal. Polish companies, if you're listening: mop brushes are not cool!

  8. I couldn't agree more, great colors for Spoiled, but the brush is a joke.  

  9. Oooh want!!! This color is incredible!! 

  10. I thought I was the only one who hated the brush! I returned all the colors i bought back to cvs, id rather have sinful colors with the normal size brush.

  11. OH MY GOSH. I LOVE these polishes, but I totally agree with you about the brushes. I have 5 of them, and every brush has had some crazy bristles sticking out all crazy-like and I have to break them off before I try painting with them. I own "I Only Eat Salads," "Uh, As If!," "Tip Your Waitress," "My Silicone Popped," and "Let's Get Sushi." They are freaking amazing. So pigmented, great formula, cheap. LOVE LOVE LOVE them. I only wish we could get them in Canada :)

  12. Very pretty I have not picked up any of these because in the past wet n wild polishes tend to chip off faster then other polishes for me. But I do love the color.

  13. TWINS! I just painted my nails this color last night, and I love it... So pretty in the sunlight.

  14. Do these stay on any better than the wear does on Sinful? Loving big time, this shade!

  15. I can see why you love this colour. The gold glass fleck reminds me of China Glaze Strawberry Fields. I'll have to keep an eye out for this next time I go to the States.

  16. Ohh that's so gorgeous. I love the gold!

  17. This color is so super awesome!

  18. Maybe they should think twice about food related names since the brand name is 'Spoiled'?

    I'm going to check this line out, but if the brushes suck, I probably won't buy any. It is a gorgeous color.


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