
Saturday, April 28, 2012

Dear Cosmetics Companies.....

Why do you package products like this?.....

I would assume you know people who are buying your products obviously use makeup. I would think it would occur to you that people who use makeup, would also do their nails. Did it not cross your mind that your horrible packaging ruins perfectly good manicures? Yes, it does. It never fails either, when I try to open any packaging like this I am sure to find some massive chip somewhere on my nails. This makes me sad. I do not like unnecessary chips in my nails. I've resorted to using tweezers to open these products. I know there is a valid sanitary reason for packaging like this, but please think about all the pretty manicures you're ruining with this packaging. :P

Thank you,


  1. Hahah...I totally agree!  PS Love the cartoon face...that perfectly describes the feeling!

  2. Lol! you are so right Steph.  I use my teeth to open these types of packaging. Lol!  Now I have to worry about my teeth :D

  3. Why didn't you just use tweezers in the first place?

  4. Why didn't you just use tweezers in the first place???

  5. I agree! I would just use a scissor if the packaging is like that! I hated it!

  6. I find it annoying too but better this than buying a product that someone already tried out. :) 

  7. I have a pair of eyebrow scissors I use to open these packages. Sometimes, I can't even see the perforated lines to start the removal.  Your ARRRRGGGHHHHHH face is exactly right!!!

  8. I'd rather chip a nail than have to wonder whether someone helped themselves to a "sample" before I came along to actually buy it and whether they were clean and healthy. Yeah a chipped nail sounds better than herpes sorry Steph recruit the BF like I do! They love taking stuff apart anyway :)

  9. Haaaaaah! Yes! Indeed! Annoying much? :D

  10. I've gotta disagree with you on this one. I think that sealed packaging on lip products is a must. In fact there are some lipsticks I don't buy because they can be tested in store. I am also a fan of sealed packaging for eye products and pretty much any cosmetic product. All you need to open those is a small pair of scissors, or your teeth. 

  11. This is so true!!! I have actually broke my nail one time trying to take that damn plastic off lol 

  12. THIS.  I know it's to keep people out of a product, but it's not like I have a magic container opening device at my house.  I'd like for the contact lens solution manufacturers to read this also!!

  13. omg i know!  i understand the purpose of it, but half of them are already busted open in the store already.  therefore, the packaging doesn't serve it's purpose.  why don't they just put them in a box?

  14. Haha so funny and so true ;oD

  15. Here is the issue I have fine if your going to put on packaging, at least make it a little easier to remove. We aren't children they don't need child safety on them! The last lip gloss I purchased it felt like it took forever to remove it with tweezers. ARG!!!   >_<

  16. I know they could put a little loose tab on it that's easy to pull up on the plastic, so you're not scratching all around it! 

  17. Our poor nails!

  18. That is so true too! I don't think entirely prevents people from getting into it either. I'm guessing the boxes are too expensive. We're smart people I'm sure someone out there know of a better way to package these things were we'll get clean products and not destroyed manicures!

  19. Yes them too! There are various products with packaging like that besides for makeup. I get it, but there has to be a better way :P

  20. I have too! It's sad how something so innocent can be so destructive!

  21. No worries, I totally understand the purpose and importance of having packaging like that. I was just being silly with this post. I wasn't being overly serious. :)

  22. Me either!!! Sometimes when I try to pull on the perforated lines it doesn't pull up either. It's a pain in the butt, and there has to be a way they can make packaging clean and manicure chipping safe! 

  23. I know, but I wish there was a different type of packaging that could keep the products clean and not destroy my manicure! 

  24. I haven't tried using scissors on stuff like that yet. I've found tweezer work best because they can get underneath the plastic a bit better. See..we have to come up with all these methods on how to open these packages without ruining our nails! :P

  25. I didn't realize I'd ruin my nails opening things like that. I was just being silly with this post. I wasn't being overly serious about this. It was all in good fun. :)

  26. My apologies to your nails. 

  27. I know! Now they need to print "Please use tweezers or another device to open this package or else it may result in damage to your nails". 

  28. I'm glad you can relate!

  29. Teeth would be worse than nails! Fixing teeth is $$$$$. We are truly slaves to beauty. 

  30. Haha I thought it did. :P

  31.  Haha! They better come up with better packaging so we don't have to keep finding different method just to get that damn plastic off:) I used small scissor and it work best for me. I will try using tweezers next time:)

  32. So disqus won't let me reply directly. Let me just say: hehe OOPS! I totally took you dead serious on that one. My humor must have been on holiday. 

  33. It's not just cosmetics... There is an over-protection trend everywhere. Kids toys are tied in a bazillion places with reinforced twist ties that are so hard to undo. All kinds of things are sealed in those awful clamshells that you nearly cut yourself on every time you try to open one There's gotta be a way to thwart shoplifters without making it hard (let alone impossible) for legitimate buyers. Medicine is often sealed so seriously that you almost can't get into it, especially if you're feeling sick, so you're not up to par. NyQuil/DayQuil is the worst. You absolutely can't get into it without scissors. All consumers really need is something to warn you if it's been tampered with. After I buy it, it's my responsibility to use it and store it safely... And my 17 month old can get into the child proof caps easier than I can.

  34. I KNOW.. so true.. isn't it funny that sephora's opi's which are actually NAIL PRODUCTS are packaged like that?? I had the same thought when i got my first one not long ago and it annoyed me greatly. It was like solid plastic I had to dig it open with my nail clipper.

  35. aahh yes!  those are the worst.  it seems like they use plexiglass to keep you out of it.  i mean why is that plastic so hard?

  36. Lol! I also use the tweezer method!

  37. Omg!!!  Thank you!!!!  It's so frustrating!!  I use a scissors or nail clip, lol.

  38. LOL, I totally agree!  

  39. I actually had a massive nail break opening packaging like you have here last week!  Such a bummer and I'm mad!  So funny that you wrote this!

  40. I think it is really funny you don't like these packaging's :D! In Holland it isn't very common to wrap make-up. So, often eye shadows or lipsticks are used already, besides the testers I mean. People just like to poke in every eye shadow available or something. So I'd wish they'd wrap it up like these 2 you are showing! And indeed with tweezers you'll get 'm open real easy :).

  41. I feel your pain! This happened to me JUST today. AGHHRAAGGGEEE!!!!

  42. Ouch I feel pain under my nails just looking at this. The Ulta eyeliner is the WORST - I usually end up cutting the lid with scissors while trying to open the packaging. Ergh. But Deborah has a point, at least it's sealed?

  43. I always open this kind of packaging with scissors. Never with nails. And I swear you would pray to have cosmetics packaged like that if you were in Italy. You find lots of touched stuff, with finger tips all over. That really sucks.

  44. Like any vampire I will just say: Girl, use your teeth! ;-)


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