
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Imperfectly Painted Turns 2 *CLOSED*

Two years ago today, I started this blog. I had no clue what I was doing, and was not very hopeful I could keep up with it. I was so very wrong. I had been into nail polish almost a year and half before blogging. I had wanted to blog for awhile. I even had my blog name picked out at least 6 months before I started blogging. I was scared though. I did not think anyone would read it or I could ever measure up to other bloggers. I literally started this blog on a whim. I had no official plans to start it, I just woke up that Saturday and was literally like "Why the hell not?". Life has truly changed for me every since.

I chose the name Imperfectly Painted for various reasons. One reason was, I knew I would never have the perfect nails and perfect paint jobs other bloggers had, and I knew with this name no one would expect that. The second and I think more important reason is that I have struggled with self esteem and perfection issues since I was probably a toddler. Severe bullying from just a little kid to a high school student broke my spirit. I had experienced anxiety and depression for almost my entire existence because of the torment I experienced (no need for sympathy. I'm ok now!). I did not want to give anyone any reason to judge me or make fun of me again. Imperfection was not acceptable to me just 2 years ago, however, the one thing I did not feel I had to perfect at was nail polish, painting my nails, and soon blogging.

Imperfectly Painted became my refuge from a stressful reality. Imperfectly Painted soon became the one place I felt comfortable being myself..flaws and all. Guess what? No one rejected me, no one judged me, and no one made fun me. Even better, people actually told me they liked me..just being me! This is where Imperfectly Painted started to transfer over into real life. I started to love, embrace, and appreciate myself starting with the experiences I had through this blog. It maybe a nail polish blog, but it has so much more meaning to me. It was the starting point to a wonderful life change. I thank you all so much for not just reading this blog, but more importantly supporting me, and helping me to realize that I'm enough as is.

I appreciate all of you who read this blog. I have made many great friends through blogging, and have had some amazing opportunities to unite with some local bloggers. These are great and sometimes scary experiences since I am not the most social butterfly, but I'm learning. It is all very rewarding in the end.

Anyways, yay for 2 years of blogging!

I tried to make my cat look at celebratory and festive with ribbons, but she was less enthusiastic about this milestone!

As a thank you to you all for reading and supporting this blog I have a giveaway for you!

There are 2 prizes and 2 winners.

Prize #1

Essie No More Film, Essie She's Picture Perfect, Zoya Maisie, and $10 Ulta Gift Card.

Prize #2

Essie A Crewed Interest, Essie Navigate Her, Zoya Opal, and $10 Ulta Gift Card.


  • Enter by filling out the form below. There is only one entry per person. There are not any extra entries. Just give me your name, email, and let me know your prize preference.
  • Giveaway will end Tuesday April 24th @ 11:59EST. Winners will be announced April 25th. Winners will have 72 hours to claim their prize, or another winner(s) will be chosen.
  • Winners will be chosen using
  • Open to USA residents only.
  • I obviously cannot regulate this, but please only enter if you actually care about this blog. I really put my heart into this. If you're just in it for the prize, I'd really rather not give it to you. Please do not take the opportunity away from people who would truly appreciate it. 

Happy Tuesday!


  1. Happy Anniversary!!!  i love your blog!!!  

  2. Congratulations on your Blogoversary Steph!

  3. Congrats! I'm fairly new to your blog, but enjoy it!

  4. I really enjoy reading your blog! You have a great voice and I'm always happy to see your posts come up in my Reader feed. A question, though: is your giveaway open to Canadian readers?

  5. Happy 2nd! Yours is definitely one of my favorite blogs :). I'm glad blogging has become a fun way to express yourself... And I think your nails always look great!

  6. No, I'm so sorry. I added in USA only a few minutes ago. I just noticed my mistake a few minutes ago. :( 

  7. Peace, Love & PolishApril 10, 2012 at 11:27 AM

    Happy 2nd Blogversary! I love when people have kept up with blogs for a long time! Awesome giveaway too!

  8.  That's OK! Thanks for replying so quickly.

  9. Congrats on 2 years!  I love how open and honesty you are with us.  Talk it out Tuesday is a big favorite of mine.  

  10. Happy 2nd blogoversary and wishing you more years! :)

  11. Happy Blogoversary! I have been a huge fan of you and your blog as long as I have been around. I enjoy your imperfect paint, your topics of discussion and your pithy opinions. Cheers to you, your blog and to another year. :D

  12. how exciting!  congratulations steph!

  13. I'm so proud of you for making it this far <3 I've been a blogger for a while, but you are one of the people who inspired me to really start putting on and collecting polish as more than just a casual, once-in-a-while thing!

  14. Grats on your 2 years. It's nice to read how blogging has positively affected your life. Also, your kitty is so cute :)

  15. Awwww....Steph, I love your gray kitty, we have a solid gray also, he has extra toes ;))))))

  16. Congrats Steph! You have an awesome blog and I really enjoy reading all of your posts :) Hope you keep it going pretty lady! <3

  17. Congrats on 2 years (and counting) Steph!
    I always love reading your posts!

  18. Happy blog birthday!!!!

  19. YAY!!!!! Happy Blog birthday!  That's awesome!!  Just an aside-people who don't care are going to enter just for the free schwag.  I have many people cheating on my giveaway at this moment and it really sucks when people have to ruin a good thing!  Don't let them ruin your happy day!!

  20. Happy blog-anniversary! Yay!!! *throws confetti*. I love reading your "share with you" posts, I think they are so honest and resonate with me a lot :)

  21. Congratulations on your two year anniversary! Here's to many more :)!!

  22. Congrats Steph!!!  I love your blog and your honesty!!

  23. Congratulations on everything! Sticking with it, being yourself and opening up to new possibilities. All very hard things. I'm new to reading your blog and I've enjoyed it very much. Thank you!

  24. Happy two years! That's awesome-- thanks for the giveaway and keep on doing what you're doing. Love this blog and read it everyday! 

  25. Congrats.....your blog is awesome.

  26. Your post was really touching.  You were one of the first "major" blogs that I started following that inspired me to start my own.  I particularly enjoy your Talk it Out posts and while I sometimes disagree, I feel that you always bring a very logical, well-thought out perspective to current hot topics in the polish blogosphere.  While I may not comment often, I am appreciative of your place in this little world and hope that the confidence this blog brings you translates twofold into your real life.  Keep it up and congrats!

  27. Thanks for the giveaway!

  28. Congrats on 2 years!  WOW!!  That is so much hard work, I really admire you and all you've done!  <3

  29. Congratulations on your two year anniversary! I apologize for the fact that I don't comment often (I'm pretty shy!), but I do read everyday!

  30. Congratulations! That is awesome! I just started following your blog recently, but you're one of my favorite polish blogs out there. I also loved hearing how this impacted your life because I, too, survive anxiety every day. I love the thought that a blog can be so empowering. Seriously, this blog is amazing. Keep doing what you love and we'll all be right there with you. :)

  31. Congrats on 2 yrs! 
    When I first started reading your blog, I though "Imperfectly Painted" was you being ironic, since your nails always look so neat and pretty. Always pictured in the good light and all that. 
    Makes much more sense for your actual reasons, and I love the concept you came up with. Really happy for you, it couldn't have been easy. 

  32. Congratulations! I'm more of a lurker than a commenter (I'm a little shy), but yours was one of the first nail blogs I ever followed, because you seemed like such a nice person. Here's to another two years!

  33. Congratulations on your milestone!
    Your nails are fabulous!

    <3 from another Steph!

  34. Congrats on this awesome milestone Steph! You are definitely one of those bloggers who inspired me to continue on this journey. Hopefully we can meet soon the next time I'm down south.

  35. YAAAAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaaaaaY!  Congratulations - so happy you started this blog, because without it, we may not have met!  I ended up starting my blog, in part, because of you.  I loved reading it then and still do - I love to see how it's evolved and how you've really made it your own.  Here's to another 2 years and beyond!  xoxo

  36. Congratulations for two years of blog amazingness! 

  37. Congrats! I'm so glad that it turned out to be such a great experience for you. Yours is definitely one of the few blogs that I make it a point to read regularly; and the fact that I live where you vacationed as a child was just a happy accident. :)

  38. Congrats on 2 years! Your blog is great and I really love reading it!

  39. I'm happy you started blogging too! Congrats on your milestone. :) You are one of the sweetest and most honest friends I have made. It's nice that you and Kari are local for lunches and friendship. We certainly have added to that circle!! Keep it real and sweet! (hugs)

  40. Hi Steph, what a milestone :) Glad you took the first step - I agree, it isn't easy to start blogging and thought about it for a long time too! It's been great "getting to know you" through blogging :)

  41. Ohmygosh, congrats Steph!!! Your blog is one of my favorites. I'm not gonna lie, it's one of the only ones I read regularly these days.
    And I love that you love Disney :D 

  42. Congratulation Steph, what an amazing story and outlet for you to express yourself as you are. Your Blog is great .. Continue to in your journey ...

  43. Congrats on 2 years Steph!!!  I'm so glad you were able to gain so much out of your blog.  This is an amazing community to be a part of, something a lot of my friends and family members don't understand.  Cheers to many more years for your blog.  I look forward to more nails and more of your thought provoking posts.

  44. As always, I sure do enjoy your blog!  I think it is because you are so genuine in your posting - reading your blog is a comfortable and fun thing for me.  Thanks for all the polish posts, random commentary, Talk It Out Tuesdays, and the food photos!  Congratulations on 2 years and here's to many more!

  45. you go, girl.  Congrats!

  46. Congratulations! I love your blog. :-)

  47. WOW! 2 yrs! That's a ton of hard work and boy - do a lot of us out here really appreciate it!

  48. Steph, this milestone for you is hugely inspirational for me. I feel that your situation was very reminiscent of mine, and for a year or more, I hid my blog from my family and friends because I didn't want them to judge me for doing it. I'm finding it a refuge too!

    Your blog is a huge inspiration, and I love keeping up with your posts and following you on Twitter. It gives a novice like me hope and something to look forward to/look up to. You're definitely one of my blogging role models :) Keep on, keepin' on!Happy 2 years!!

  49. Congratulations, Steph! I only discovered your blog a few months ago, but I've been a regular reader ever since. Your swatches are great, and I love your Talk it out Tuesday and Bottle Spam posts. Thanks for all your hard work!

  50. I have been "lurking". For a while, and I love your honesty! Keep up the good work !!!

  51. Amazing blog steph! You did a great job

  52. Congratulations on your blogiversary! 

  53. Thank you so much for your kind words. :)

  54. Rebecca, that means a lot to me :). A blog can be just a blog to many people, but to others it' s a piece themselves. It's amazing what a blog can do for you emotionally, and how it can help you grow as a person. I'm so glad that my blog could be helpful to you. If you ever have any questions or just need to talk feel free to email me. :)

  55. You're welcome! Thank you for your kind words about my blog. :)

  56. Thank you! Yeah, a lot of my non-blog/polish friends don't get it, but that's ok! I have many more people in my life who do get it. :)

  57. Thank you so much, Pamela. :)

  58. Aw thank you! I love that you love Disney too! Disney and nail polish are the best!

  59. Thank you! :)

  60. Thank you so much Kimberly, that is sweet of you to say. I'm so glad I've made friends with you. I had no idea there were so many polish lovers in Orlando! 

  61. Thank you so much Rebecca! That is an awesome coincidence. I never thought I'd find people through my blog who live in one of my favorite places in the world! I miss it so much. I'm so jealous...I need to go yesterday! :P

  62. Thank you so much Kari, this means a lot. I'm so glad you won that giveaway that one time, because you're right..I don't think we would of met! 

  63. Thank you! I know, I'd love to meet up with you too! 

  64. Thank you! Stephs rock!

  65. Thank you Nina. I love lurkers too, I understand being shy. :) It's alright. 

  66. Have you seen some of my first posts 2 years ago? They certainly fit the Imperfectly Painted name. I've improved so much though. Thank you so much for your kind words. :)

  67. Thank you so much Jessica. Yes, a blog can be very empowering. It has helped me in so many unexpected ways. Anxiety is not something that has been eradicated from my life, but it has become absolutely manageable. I never though I could say anxiety and manageable in the same sentence ever before! Stay strong, you are often stronger than you think. :)

  68. No need to apologize! You do not have to comment, and being shy is totally fine. I understand. I just appreciate you reading. :)

  69. Thank you so much Amanda. I'm glad that you like my Talk It Out posts even if you disagree, it lets me know that I'm conveying myself in diplomatic and respectful manner. Not everything has to be drama fest! :)

  70. Thank you Amber! :)

  71. Oh I know they will...I knew I couldn't prevent that, but I was hoping some of those people with a conscience..would stop and think before they enter! No one will ruin my happy day no worries. :)

  72. Thank you so much Stephanie!

  73. Aww, I love gray kitties! They're my favorite. 

  74. Aw thank you so much for your kind works Pryanka. :)

  75. Thank you so much! I love your blog too! :)

  76. Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoy Tuesday posts. :)

  77. Thank you! 

  78. Thank you Stef!

  79. :) congrats!!
    i really enjoyed reading why you choose your nickname :)

  80. Is that a Russian Blue kitty?

  81. Lacquer-Loving LawyerApril 11, 2012 at 11:40 PM

    You are a true inspiration in so many ways. Thank you for sharing so much with us, your readers. And, I also started my blog on a Saturday for the same why-the-heck-not reasons as you. And, CONGRATULATIONS on your two-year Blogaversary!

  82. Happy anniversary Steph! Love the cat pic--she obviously was thrilled to be decked out :)

    Thanks for the giveaway!

    PS I'm loving Bad Fairy that I bought from your blog sale a while back. When I wore it (OK I've only worn it once but not because I don't want to! I'm just lazy/distracted/busy), I kept showing my husband--"Look! See how it looks here? And look if I move my hand a little! No, look!" ha ha


  83. Yay, Steph! *\o/* Happy Bloggy Birthday! *\o/* :) 
    I found your blog just a couple of months ago and I've been coming back ever since.  I really enjoy your polish posts and gratuitous bottle spamming! :P  and I really like that there's always a personal touch, ya know? (Like that cute kitteh!)  And you're right, when I found your blog I thought I would see some messy manis, judging from the title. I was confused, of course, once I saw your pics, since you have perfect nails. LOL!  It's interesting to know the story behind it, and awesome to know that bloggin' can make the quality of life so much better! :)  It's funny that you were doubtful at the start. Go figure!  To me, you've always come across as the honest, no bs, tell-it-like-is type. 

  84. And in my "awwww-ing" over gray kitty, I totally forgot to say congrats ;))

  85. Congrats on the milestone! I also love your disclaimer about only entering if you care about this blog. I think more blogs should use it!

    Secondly, my cat could be your cat's evil(er) twin. She's a gray runt of a cat with an overload of attitude and complete badassery (yep just made that one up but it describes her perfectly). 

  86. Congratulations, Steph!!! Your blog was one of the first I read. P.S. Your cat looks very festive! 

  87. Congrats!  I appreciate your story.  Your cat looks like he's enjoying it :)

  88. Happy happy anniversary Steph!!!
    Your blog was one of the first I found since I started a little blogging - and I just love it!! :-D
    Being an international I won't enter your giveaway (even though I do have a US address as well ;-)) but I do wish a big GOOD LUCK to everyone entering!!

    Cheers, to many more anniversaries!!

  89. Congrats on 2 years! The more nail polish, the merrier!

  90. Wonderful giveaway and congrats on your anniversary!

  91. Just want to tell you Happy blog Birthday! I'm so proud of you Steph! You are truly an awesome chick you know that? :) 

    btw.. is your kitteh included? ;p  She's a beautiful cat.

  92. Happy blogoversary  too you!!!  happy blogogversary 2 U..sing it with me.  nice giveawat IDK if I already posted so here ya go  :)

  93. Congrats on 2years!!!


I love and appreciate all comments. I will respond to any questions in comments ASAP. Please refrain from linking your blog in the comment section. These comments will be deleted. I'd be happy to view your blog if you email me your link.