
Monday, April 16, 2012

Ulta Blue Streak

I've been on a bright blue kick lately. You know who got me into bright blues? Joan Rivers. Have you seen the nail polish this woman wears? She rocks all kinds of funky colors, and she's 78 years old! I hope I can be as awesome as she is at 78! Anyways, I saw her wearing this in your face bright medium blue creme one day, and I've have my eye out on bright blues ever since. This Ulta polish was one of the first bright blues I picked up.

Ulta Blue Streak

Blue Streak is a bright medium blue creme.

I love love love this color. You know that meme "Buy all the polish!". I'm very much "buy all the bright blues" ! This color is great, and you may get lucky if you check out your Ulta's clearance section, I found this one in their older square bottles for around $2.00. :)

What are some of your favorite bright blues? I only have a few (this one, OPI Dating a Royal, and an LA Girls one), and could use some more recommendations.  I'm DYING to get my hands on Nails Inc. Baker Street! Let me know your favorites in the comments!


  1. Baker Street is FABULOUS. I'm in love. It's absolutely my favorite creme polish. it's soo hard to photograph, but just amazing in person

  2. I LOVE blues too!!  This is so stunning!! :D

  3. This is amazing!!!  Joan Rivers is a piece of work let me tell ya, lol!!  I actually don't have any bright blues.  I need to change that!!

  4. Auch a gorgeous colour!

  5. I totally noticed that on Joan Rivers' reality show:)  I have this exact polish, but it is in the newer bottles and the blue is slightly different.  Mine is a tad darker - more of a Pepsi blue.  I wonder if they changed the formula with the bottles???  

  6. A Girl and Her PolishApril 16, 2012 at 1:56 PM

    Pretty blue! Looks nice with your skin tone! :)

  7. Gorgeous blue! My fave that I own is butter London Blagger.  It's more of a royal blue. 

  8. My first bright blue was Sally Hansen Blu Me Away. Still hard to beat that one.

  9. Wow this color is very pretty.

  10. i hate Joan!! shes so mean on Fashion Police and i feel like getting inside my TV and strangle the woman.hahahha  but aside from that ,, i do love this blue,, its really pretty.. my favorite blue has to be Cult Nails-Time Traveler ..which i believe i made you get ;) 

  11. This color is so gorgeous on you! I love Essie Mesmerize and Revlon Royal.

  12. this is perfect! and I loove Joan and her blue np!

  13. Peace, Love & PolishApril 17, 2012 at 9:30 AM

    I'm a closet Fashion Police watcher & I saw Joan's bright blue nails too! I loved them because they stood out and caught the eye, exactly what I love! I have this color and I love it's brightness & boldness. 

  14. I only watch Fashion Police for Joan. I just love to hear what comes out of her mouth!

  15. Haha, I love Joan. There are a few people who can get away with being mean in my book, and she's one of them. She cracks me up! I LOVE Time traveler, and it is thanks to you I got it. It is one of my all time favorite blues for sure.

  16. That's a pretty blue!

  17. That's a great blue too!

  18. That's where I noticed the blue polish too. I was obsessively rewinding my DVR to take a better look at the polish. I'm not sure if they changed their formula or not. I'll have to check out the newer bottles when I got to Ulta next time. 

  19. Yes you need some bright blues!

  20. This is a really pretty color. This time of year I love the bright, saturated colors like this.

  21. That's such a nice color! It looks like Sally Hansen Pacific Blue could be related, but I couldn't see it being a dupe. :)

  22. I've really been wanting a great bright blue like this. Sadly, there isn't an Ulta in my area. Orly Snowcone is probably the closest I'm going to get to this color.


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