
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Franken Sunken Treasure

I found myself in a common situation in the nail polish world recently. An indie nail polish seller put LE bottles of nail polish on their etsy site, and I missed out on this amazing bottle of polish I really liked. This polish was called Super Moon, by See Sarah Swatch/Two Birds One Stone. Isn't gorgeous?!? Well, I messaged Sarah, and asked if she'd be making more, and the answer was sadly no. Then....I pouted. I wanted to try and make my own, but I did not have the same type and color of glitters. I really wanted a polish like that though, so I took a stab at it. It doesn't look much like Super Moon, but it did cease my pouting. I'm pleased with my result. I'm calling this one Sunken Treasure. I do owe Sarah a thanks for inspiration though, if it weren't for Super Moon I never would of come up with this.

Sunken Treasure

Sunken Treasure is a bright blue jelly with silver holographic glitters, copper glitters, and gold/copper micro glitters.

This was actually fairly easy to make. I just used clear, Revlon Royal, Icing Frost Yourself, Sephora by OPI Traffic Stopper Copper, Jordana Copper Blaze, and Tropez Sassy. I do not recall the exact measurements, but it's a majority clear and glitter with a little of Revlon Royal mixed in. I think this looks cool! My only disappointment is it doesn't really sparkle like Super Moon, but that's ok. I love a jelly glitter, and it's awesome how the glitters from previous layers peak through the base. It reminds me of sunken treasure hidden at the bottom of the ocean. It's definitely a cool polish. It may not be Super Moon, but it's special in its own right. 

Happy Tuesday!


  1. I love this franken. I am sooo bad at frankening, lol. 

  2. this is gorgeous!! haha, I'm so so flattered that you liked Super Moon that much! <3 if i get any more glitter like this, i'll send a bottle your way:]

  3. Gorgeous! Nicely done, Stephanie! I love jelly glitters, and this is a really nice one. 

  4. A truly gorgeous blue - well "frankened" :)

  5. Awesome job Stephanie!! This is gorgeous!!  Glad you don't have to pout anymore, lol.

  6. This is really pretty, I can see why you liked Super Moon as well. You did a great job!

  7. If you want a particularly sparkly blue jelly, I think you might like my 'Cobalt Blue' that I just listed on my etsy shop called EnkelinIi  :)  

  8. Your franken is beautiful. I love blue jelly and glitter, too? Yeah! :D

  9. Pretty!! I spotted the use of Revlon Royal right away! :)

  10. A Girl and Her PolishMay 15, 2012 at 2:08 PM

    I looks like bubbles underwater! Pretty! :)

  11. Ooooh, this is cool looking! 

  12. Wow! You made a cool Franken. Do I see an Esty store in your future? :)

  13. Haha, probably not. I've made handful of frankens and majority of them are complete failure. I got lucky this time. Thanks!

  14. Thanks! This was a lucky one though. I make frankens on occasion and most of them don't turn out this way! :P

  15. Thanks! I love jelly glitters!

  16. Cool, I'll check it out!

  17. Haha me too. Thanks!

  18. Super Moon was amazing! Thank you! :)

  19. I'm bad at frankening most of the time, I got lucky with this one! Thanks!


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