
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Share With You Sunday: 5/6/12-5/13/12

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there!

Posts I'm Loving:
Smashley Sparkles shows us her stamped neon gradient nails.
AllYouDesire swatches China Glaze Summer Neons collection.
More Nail Polish shares with us her purple dragon nail art.
Phyrra teaches us how to re-create her Summer Blue look.
The Swatchaholic shows us her holographic gradient manicure using a-england.
Pretty Little Bottles shares with us her neon zebra nails.
Captivating Claws shows us her neon splatter manicure.

Posts You're Loving:
Young and Polished reviews Maybelline Great Lash Lot of Lashes.
Polish Obsession swatches Duri Kingdom of Shadows.
Just a Little Polish shares with us OPI No Room for the Blues.
Life in Color swatches Finger Paints Iconic Orange.

You can submit your links for posts on Sundays here

Reader Manis of the Week:

Name: Demi
Location: Pullman, WA
Manicure Description:  My mani was done with OPI Suzi Skis in the Pyrenees, Color Club's Beyond the Mistletoe and silver striping tape.
Favorite Polishes: My favorite polishes right now are: Warrior Ethos and Cyance Friction by Nerd Lacquer, Revlon Royal and Zoya Casey

Name: Mare
Location: Lancaster, PA
Manicure Description: I was in the mood to do my nails this week (haven't been doing much due to peeling nails), but couldn't decide on one color, so I did skittles in purple. Thumb - Funky Fingers "Cheshire" with Claire's unnamed white crackle Pointer - China Glaze "Snow Globe" Middle - Orly "Oui" Ring - Orly "Au Champange" with Milani "Purple Passion" Pinkie - Wet N Wild "Correction Tape (from the Spoiled line) with Funky Fingers "Purple Scales" Base coat was Duri Rejuvacote & all were topped with INM Out The Door in Northern Lights. (Please excuse my awful-looking cuticles. :( Retail is hell on hands.)
Favorite Polishes: not a polish but Duri Rejuvacote is really helping my nails. They're still peeling, but way less than they used to. I also have this holographic "glitter top coat" polish from Claire's that, with enough layers, can be opaque and I absolutely love it.
Blog/Tumblr: N/A (currently)

You can find information on how to submit your manicures for Sunday posts here. I'm currently in need for manis for the end of May and all of June!

Happy Sunday!


  1. Those manis are so cute. I think I may submit a mani to share. Just gotta figure out what to do.

  2. Demi's mani is gorgeous! Definitely reminds me that I need to try out striping tape! 

  3. Thank you Steph!!! I was gone all day and totally forgot about this! You rock! <3

  4. Aww, thank you so much for sharing my blog!  I'm just geting started so it's so exciting to me :) Those manicures are gorgeous, I wish I was talented enough to do that!

  5. The one with the striping tape looks awesome!

  6. I love Demi's use of striping tape!! Very unique.

    Thank you for featuring one of my posts!


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