
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Glitter Bombing Layering Birthday Fun!

Today is my 26th birthday. That is kind of scary. I actually don't mind getting older, but how fast time goes by these days is scary. I remember being little and a year felt like the equivalent of what 4 years feels like now. A year now feels like the equivalent of 6 months. Does that make any sense? I haven't even had any birthday drinks yet, and I'm blabbering away!

As I said I don't mind getting older. The older I get the more I am coming into my own. I'm starting to feel more comfortable in my skin, and the things in life that used to terrify me don't bother me as much. So, I can't complain. I'm sure there so many people in the 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, and so forth who want to slap people in their 20's for complaining about getting old. Puh-lease. 20's is not old!

Here is my birthday mani!

This was a layering experiment. It is 1 coat Orly Androgynie, 2 coats Butter London The Black Knight, 1 coat Rainbow Honey The Worst Possible Thing, and finally 1 coat of Hits Phenomena Afterglow.

This is so awesome! I need to layer glitters more, you can really come up with some neat results!

I don't have really any big birthday plans. I think a nice dinner, cake, and some shopping will be in the cards. My boyfriend has made it a tradition every year to bake me a cake. He's not a baker or anything, but they're always delicious and it's sweet of him to do it.

Yay! Happy Birthday to me! I normally wouldn't be all like "yay me!" and stuff, but it's my birthday I give myself permission to be a little selfish. It's allowed on your birthday...right? :P

Happy Thursday!


  1. Happy birthday Stephanie!!!  I knew there was a reason I liked you so much! We're both Cancers :) More often than not, I find that the bloggers I "LOVE" are the same sign to0- coincidence? That being said, I absolutely love your layering combo!  Very cool and I love the depth of it all! I remember when I turned 26, I kept using the phrase "mid 20's" and it would kinda freak me out.  I don't mind getting older either, but it is strange how our perception of time changes over the years!
     I hope your birthday is fantastic!

  2. Happy Birthday Stephanie!! 

    That is adorable that your boyfriend bakes for you! And shopping is a birthday tradition in my mind! Don't forget to pick up your Sephora gift if you're a Beauty Insider - its a good one this year! 

    Have a wonderful day and year to come :)

  3. Hi Maribeth!  I am also a Cancer blogger, never noticed it before but as I read your comment I thought of some of my faves and they are also July girls! What an odd coincidence! 

  4. Happy Birthday!   Love the manicure.  I have always wanted The Black Night:)

  5. I just started following you!  :)  It is freaky!  

  6. Happy Birthday!

    I turned 29 in May and I'm freaked out about the next one!

  7. Happy birthday! Your mani is really pretty and super appropriate. It's such a glitter fest, I love it!

  8. This is awesome! I love all the different layers, they give the colors such depth. Happy birthday Steph - I hope you have a great day!

  9. Happy Birthday to you.  I agree your birthday should be all about whatever makes you happy, especially if it involves staying at home for a sweet home baked cake. 

    Do you think you will get some new nail polish for your birthday? ; )

  10. Happy birthday :) Sweet of the bf to bake for you

  11. Aww Happy Bday! Great mani. I turned 27 not long ago.. I'm not sweating it either, why bother?! 

  12. Happy birthday love, and what a gorgeous manicure to celebrate with!

  13. Happy birthday!  I always see the most awesome looking manicures layering glitters, but I can never remember to try it out myself.  I love the look you created.

  14. Happy birthday! The nails look great!

  15. Happy Birthday!!! Loving the birthday look.

  16. Happy Birthday!!! enjoy your day!!

  17. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I hope you have a great day, and an even better year <3 Love the mani!

  18. This is super cute and have a FABULOUS birthday!

  19. Not wishing to slap ya, but am one of those who will be turning 60 this year. Only feel old when I look at now photos of a lot of the folks I went to high school with! Most look really old/changed big time and I don't look much changed but for add on weight of mid-age middle. Have a GREAT b'day. I will be following up with mine end of this Oct - yeap - the 31st - Halloween - great day always to  have your b'day on!

  20. Oh and Steph...just realized you need to now change your profile info on Blogger..movin' ya up to the BIG 26!!

  21. This nail polish is very pretty.

  22. Happy Birthday! Pretty layering!

  23. Awesome birthday mani and HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 

  24. happy birthday! really like the mani, very festive :)

  25. Happy Cakeday! That's a gorgeous manicure :D

  26. Happy birthday! That's some great layering you did.

  27. Very pretty!  And have a great birthday!

  28. Happy birthday :). Hope you have a great one!

  29. Happy Birthday Steph!!!!  what a perfect mani!!!!
    aaaah, to be 26 again... sigh =))))

  30. Happy Birthday! Great Combo!

  31. Awesome Mani! Happy Birthday *hug*

  32. Happy Birthday--you young whippersnapper ;) At 26 I was mom to a 1 yr old. Now I'm 42. Sigh.

    LOVE LOVE LOVE your mani! I am too timid when it comes to layering--something I need to work on. I have to keep reminding myself it's just nailpolish and I can do it over if I don't like it lol. You did a fabulous job!!

    I hope you totally spoiled yourself--even at my old age (lol) I do that every year. I think it's a law or something ;) xoxo

  33. Kinda late, but Happy Birthday Stephanie! Hope you had a wonderful day. Love the bday mani.


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