
Sunday, July 1, 2012

I want to see your Olympic themed manicures!

I LOVE the Olympics! I look forward to the summer and winter Olympics. I'm not really a sports fan, but I'm glued to the TV during the Olympics!

On that note I want you to share with me your Olympic themed manicures. The Sundays of July 29th, August 5th, and August 12th all fall during the summer Olympic games in London. I'd love to have Olympic themed manis for "Reader Manis of the Week" in my Sunday posts. There will be NO limit of the number of manicures I'll feature. I will squeeze everyone in!

If you're interested in participating please do the following.

1. Send and email titled "Olympic Share Your Mani" to
2. Attach a photo of your manicure.
3. In the email let me know the following

  • Name
  • Location
  • Manicure Description
  • Favorite Summer Olympic sport/event
  • Blog (if you have one)
Your manicure can be anything Olympic themed you want. It could be a general Olympic theme, your favorite event, your country, and etc. 

Please share this post if you want. I want to see a lot of manis! I'm excited to see what you come up with!



  1. Ooo! I'm in! I'm not a fan of the Olympics but I will take any excuse for a themed mani!

  2. You misspelled your email address - might want to fix that  ;)  Hope you get lots of good contributions.

  3. Such a fun idea Steph!  I have to think of a cool idea!

  4. Thank you! I didn't even notice! Doh.

  5. Woo! I already have something planned so I'll submit it for sure! 

  6. It's such a great idea! I'd love to submit! (and I will, if I find time to paint my nails - I have two small children)
    For sure, I'm looking forward to see all the lovely entries!
    Have a nice evening! :)


I love and appreciate all comments. I will respond to any questions in comments ASAP. Please refrain from linking your blog in the comment section. These comments will be deleted. I'd be happy to view your blog if you email me your link.