
Friday, July 20, 2012

Pixi Coral Cabana

I've been eyeing the Pixi Cosmetics polishes over at Target recently. The problem with these polishes is you only get .25fl oz, and they are $8 a pop. The problem with that previous statement is the colors I've been eyeing are irresistibly gorgeous, and I couldn't help myself. I did have a $2 off a Pixi cosmetics item purchase that I got in my coupon booklet from my Target beauty bag, but that didn't stop me from 2 other polishes besides for this one. No self control, but I think it was warranted. The color I have for you today is AWESOME.

Coral Cabana

Coral Cabana is a neon/bright coral creme.

This baby is bright! I'd actually say this is a neon. That being said, I wouldn't say it's as neon as some other neon colors out there. I am in love with this color. I personally cannot think of any dupes. I just took out my bottle of China Glaze Flip Flop Fantasy, and Coral Cabana is lighter and  not nearly as glaringly neon. I think Coral Cabana is definitely more wearable than Flip Flop Fantasy for those who might be hesitant about neons. The formula on this was average, I did find it could benefit from some thinner. This is not something I am pleased about when paying $8 for half of what we'd normally pay for a regular size bottle of polish. I do really love this color, it makes me think of radioactive cantaloupe. No regrets! It has a cozy permanent spot in my Helmer!

Happy Friday!


  1. That is pretty! I've avoided these due to the price, too--Sally Hansen and NOPI at least give me a full size bottle for my $8.

  2. Ohhh pretty! I just picked this up the other day and it was on clearance at my Target! AND I had a $2 coupon so I was stoked about that! 

  3. Keep seeing Pixi on line = but I don't have a Target close at all - good 75 miles to the nearest one - last time in there had to look for vacuum and after that had to put blinders on to picking up anything else - pocket book was empty! Maybe so day - they seem like they might be a brand with a good cream formula which is my all time fav formula - call me old-fashion but give me a great cream and I am sooo happy...I am also lazy and a good cream is fast/easy route to mani/pedi!

  4. this really is a beautiful colour, worth the price :D

  5. I love coral pink nail polish but they don't seem to look good with my skin tone T.T

  6.  I adore this on you. 

    Is it similar to any of the China Glaze neon shades?  This pretty pixi looks similar to Flirty Tankini. 

    If I could get this on sale, maybe I would go for it.  It is so pretty.

  7. I may just have to get this.  I have that coupon book too and just threw it in my purse and forgot I had it.  I always slow down while walking by the Pixie polishes but have never picked ones up.  I love this.  I am not the biggest fan of Flip Flop Fantasy with my skin tone, but maybe this would work better.  We shall see!  Thanks:)

  8. Craving this color still- such a pretty color! Unique, too!


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