
Sunday, July 8, 2012

Share With You Sunday: 7/1/12-7/7/12

Posts I'm Loving:
Whimsical Glam shares with us her bee themed nails.
PSHIIIT shows us her In the Navy nails.
I'M FEELING NAIL-VENTUROUS shares with us her monochrome themed nails.
Nouveau Cheap shows us some new Black Radiance and e.l.f. products.
Frazzle and Aniploish shares with us some early July displays.
Not Without My Polish shows us some summer nail art.
Amoki's Corner shares with us her 4th of July nails.
Nail Polish Wars shows us her firework nails.
Lab Muffin gives us the scoop on sun protection.

Posts You're Loving:
Polish Obsession shows us her green gradient nails.
Young and Polished shares with us her 4th of July nails.

You can submit your links for posts on Sundays here

Reader Mani of the Week:

Name: Kate
Location: Nashville, TN
Manicure Description: I tried to make my nails look like fireworks for the 4th of July. I applied NYC's Skin Tight Denim Creme for the base color, then used Revlon Colorstay's Buttercup and Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear's Lacey Lilac for the yellow and purple dots. I didn't have a light pink in my collection, so I mixed together 2 colors from the Wet 'n Wild Wild Shine line- French White Creme and Red Red. I used a very small dotting tool to make the fireworks.
Favorite Polishes: In no particular order- Nfu-Oh 66, Nic's Sticks Rainbow's End, Color Club Holiday Splendor, Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear Pacific Blue, Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear Mint Sorbet

I do not have any manis for next week or the week after! You can find information on how to submit your manicures for Sunday posts here

**I also need Olympic themed manicures  for the days July 29th, August 5th, and August 12th. You can find information on how to submit your Olympic themed manicures here.

Happy Sunday!


  1. Love these nails!!  I have to work on something Olympic!  I hope it isn't a complete failure :(.

  2. Thank you so much for the share! You're the best :D


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