
Sunday, July 22, 2012

Share With You Sunday: 7/15/12-7/22/12

Thank you guys for your comments on my post yesterday! I'm going to get back to all of you either tonight or tomorrow!

Quiz of the Week:
My Result:  You try to observe the world rather than judge it. You feel like you are here to learn. You see every side to people. You know that things are complicated and nuanced. You have trouble getting along with people who are flippant or silly. You crave substance. You connect best with philosophical, thoughtful types. Your friends care about ideas.

Share your result in the comments!

Posts I'm Loving:
Jessica's Nail Tales shares with us her manicure inspired by her favorite beach towel.
Caitlin's Creative Corner shows us her teal 3D nail art.
Chalkboard Nails shares with us her blinged out leopard nails.
Frazzle and Aniploish shows us her the late July nail displays.
Goose's Glitter swatches Dollish Polish Toxic Avenger.
Geniabeme Beauty Blog swatches some new Class of Sation nail polishes.

Posts You're Loving:
Crazy Nail Lady shows us her "Hooo's your momma?" nails.
Lacquer of Leave Her! shares with us some fishtail braid nails.
Polishy of Truth swatches Dollish Polish Expecto Patronum.

You can submit your links for posts on Sundays here

Reader Manis of the Week:

Name: Marisa
Location: Brooklyn, NY
Manicure Description: I started with a jelly sandwich which I created with Funky Nails Vibrant, a beautiful red jelly, and OPI Pirouette My Whistle. I used my French Tip Guides to create a stripe pattern. I then added a coat of NK Noir, a black creme, and added Beauty Secrets Top Coat. I decided to leave my thumb with just the jelly sandwich.
Favorite Polishes: Revlon Whimsical, The Hungry Asian Mint Condition, Revlon Royal Cloak, and Essie Meet Me At Sunset.
Blog: Polish Obsession (
Intstagram: @marijonails

Name: Secretary`s Nail Art
Location: Oslo, Norway
Manicure Description: A tribute to all things girly. I used two coats of Recycle - China Glaze, and one coat of Dazzle - Savina. Using BM plate 303, and a nail art pen to write XOXO over one nail.
Favorite Polishes: I love ESSIE polishes and China Glaze, ESSIE - Trophy Wife, and Aruba Blue are my absolute favs.

**I need Olympic themed manicures  for next Sunday, August 5th, and August 12th. You can find information on how to submit your Olympic themed manicures here.

Happy Sunday!


  1. Steph, you have NO idea how excited I get when you share my posts on SWYS! Your Sunday posts have always been my favorite, even before I started my blog!

  2. Oh look its my nails! Thank you so much for sharing my mani on you SWYS.  I love you blog so much, and it was one of the first blogs i started following, which lead to, me starting my own blog. Thank you so much for being awesome!


I love and appreciate all comments. I will respond to any questions in comments ASAP. Please refrain from linking your blog in the comment section. These comments will be deleted. I'd be happy to view your blog if you email me your link.