
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Wet n' Wild I Need a Refresh-Mint

I think every girl needs a good mint green or aqua blue in their arsenal of nail polish. I don't just mean nail addicts, I mean all girls. This is such a great color on the nails. I actually think it should be a staple like a red or a pink. It's very wearable, fun, and a great color on everyone! This is one of the newer Megalast colors by Wet n' Wild.

I Need a Refresh-Mint

I Need a Refresh-Mint is a light aqua blue creme.

This is a dupe for China Glaze For Audrey, but if you don't have For Audrey I'd go with this one because it's cheaper at $2. I wouldn't say this minty, it's definitely more aqua. The formula on this was superb. I loved it. What I did not love was the brush. I have heard stellar reviews on the brush on this and not-so stellar reviews on the brush. I think it boils down to personal preference. The brush on this is thick and wide. You could easy cover your nail in one swipe. I had a hard time angling my brush correctly near my cuticles, so I had uneven application there. I prefer thinner brushes where I feel I have more control. This is just me though, and some of you may love the brush or hate it. It's your call!

*I received this product to review from Wet n' Wild.

Happy Wednesday!


  1. Peace, Love & PolishJuly 25, 2012 at 1:49 PM

    Love this color! Your absolutely right, every girl needs a good mint/aqua polish!

  2. I have thought about getting this because I really like the shades I have from this line.  And yep, the brush is personal preference.  I actually like it:)  Thanks for the review!

  3. I own this color and wore it as an accent with Club Havana.  It's just lovely!  The bad thing is I still want China Glaze's For Audrey despite the fact that they are practically dupes.

  4. I have this and love it! One of my top fav polishes!

  5. I like it. It's much bluer than I thought it would be. Thank you for sharing


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