
Friday, August 10, 2012

JulieG Gelato in Venice

I am in love with these JulieG polishes. This makes me want to go into another tirade about how Florida needs Rite Aids or  how Jesse's Girl (who makes JulieG polishes) needs to put their brand in CVS or Walgreens. I love these polishes. I got a Jesse's Girl polish yesterday too in the mail, and it's amazing. We're really missing out here! On that note, I have another JulieG polish to show you today. I want more!

Gelato in Venice

Gelato in Venice is a pastel mint green creme.

This is a gorgeous mint green. What I like about this color is it looks like a true green to me. I have a lot of mint-like shades that have a lot blue tones in them. This color definitely leans more green. It does give me a bit of lobster hands, but I blame that more on the camera. The formula on this was good, and like Cupcakes and Castles the name is very cute. It makes me want some gelato. I love the JulieG polish names!

I know you can only get JulieG at Rite Aid stores, but you can purchase them on the Jesse's Girl website too.

Happy Friday!


  1. I agree that cvs and Walgreens should sell this brand! Maybe they will eventually, kinda like how Cvs finally started to carry wet n wild. I have this shade and adore it too! It looks just like china glaze refresh-mint :)

  2. I always see this and Wang to grab it but resist because I have a few mint shades already. But, seeing this post makes me want to grab it next time for sure!!! Hey, one more minty color won't hurt right? Especially when it's my Fav color right now!

  3. i love my jesse's girls too! this is yummy.

  4. Aww, thanks for sharing - I have this and I can see that I need to use it soon LOL

  5. Love looking at these mint greens, but know not to buy/wear them...they just look horrible on my nails or toes...something about the chalky light blues and greens on me - guess it's they turn my skin to look really red and ruddy. Then the contrast between the 2 colors is like having blood-shot eyes - not a pretty look on me. But I sure can admire it on you and others.

  6. This looks beautiful on you.  I have one Julie G, Dancing in the Dark, a blurple, it is pretty with two coat coverage.  I did have Bikini, but it went back.  It was an unworkable formula, very thick and streaky.  I love the color though, I think Flirty Tankini is very close with the addition of shimmer.  Funny how the two similar colors were both named for swimwear, or maybe not.

  7. This is such a beautiful color! Reminds me of mint ice cream :)


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