
Sunday, August 5, 2012

Share With You Sunday 7/29/12-8/5/12

Posts I'm Loving:
The Nailasaurus shares with us her multi-colored Union Jack nails.
Neverland Nail Blog shares with us her highlights from Cosmoprof North America 2012.
Musings of a Muse shows us upcoming Bath & Body Works Slatkin & Co. fall candle collection.
Polish Love shares with us her leopard nails using Zoya Wednesday.
Polka Polish shows us her nebula nails.

Posts You're Loving:
Young and Polished shows us how to clean our nail art brushes.

You can submit your links for posts on Sundays here

Olympic Reader Manis of the Week:

Name: Janna of the Clever and Colorful
Location: New Jersey, USA
Manicure Description: This manicure is completely hand-painted, using nothing but nail polish. The white figures on the sports nails are the Olympic logos for those sports inserted into a colorful background =] Thanks to Stephanie for letting me share my manicure!
Thumb - Olympic Rings and '2012'
Pointer - Bicycling
Middle - Water Polo
Ring - Big Ben at sunset
Pinky - Beach volleyball
Favorite Summer Olympic Sport: Gymnastics

Name: Frances
Location: California
Manicure Description: I decided to design my Olympic nails based on the colors of the Olympic rings. I started by making the rings on my ring fingers with two sizes of dotting tools... but that was tedious, so I decided to do abstract swirly stripes on the other nails to match. If I had been paying attention, the colors would have been in the same order as they are on the rings, but my room was dim, so they aren't.
Favorite Summer Olympic Sport: I'm not sure I have a favorite summer Olympic sport, I like watching whatever's on. Gymnastics are fun, though. I like those.
Blog Post on this Manicure:

Name: Marisa
Location: Brooklyn, NY
Manicure Description: I decided to do a splatter mani using the colors of the Olympics logo. My base was Orly Au Champagne, a gorgeous matte white shimmer. I then added blue (OPI Ogre-The-Top Blue), black (Nicka K Noir), red (Cult Nails Evil Queen), gold (Beauty UK Aztec), and green (Cult Nails Feelin' Froggy). For my accent nail I used the same colors above and created rings with the edges small straws to create the logo. I then added polka dots around them.
Favorite Summer Olympic Sport: My favorite summer olympic sport is swimming!
Blog: Polish Obsession

Name: Ali
Location: Orlando, FL
Manicure Description: My absolute favorite part of any Olympics are the cute mascots! Meet the 2012 London Summer Olympics and Paralympics mascots Wenlock (the gold on the tumb nail) & Mandeville (the blue on my middle nail). Visit to learn more about them!
Favorite Summer Olympic Sport: The Opening Ceremony

I'm still accepting Olympic themed manis through August 11th. If you want to submit one you can find info here!

Happy Sunday!


  1. These are great! Great detail work Janna!

  2. Thats some really cool nails!

  3. Cool Olympic Manis!!!

  4. Peace, Love & PolishAugust 6, 2012 at 11:25 AM

    Oh my gosh - love the Olympics manis!


I love and appreciate all comments. I will respond to any questions in comments ASAP. Please refrain from linking your blog in the comment section. These comments will be deleted. I'd be happy to view your blog if you email me your link.