
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Talk it Out Tuesday: Blogs of Yesteryear

This is less of a talk it out and more of a share it out Tuesday?

 I was thinking yesterday about all the blogs I followed before I became a blogger that now have been abandoned :(. I was reading blogs a year and half before I started blogging myself. Many of the blogs I used to follow loyally have been deserted. It's kind of a bummer, but I understand peoples lives change. It is nostalgic to go back and look at these blogs even though they are not current. Some of these get updated every so often, but not at the capacity they used to be. They are great resources still. You can see swatches of a lot of older collections and some have great tips of frankening or other nail related things! They're still relevant and valuable in my opinion.

These were some of those blogs I had in mind. 

Sadly, quite of a few of the blogs I used to follow no longer exist.

You know what's cool though? When a blogger from a few years ago, who stopped blogging comes back to the blogging scene. This is what happened with The Polish Addict. Her blog was one of the first I followed along with Scrangie, Vampy Varnish, All Lacquered Up, and The Nailphile. It's nice to see her back!

Do you remember any of these bloggers? What were some of your favorite blogs that fit the subject of today's post? 

Happy Tuesday!


  1. I miss Lacquerized so MUCH. Her posts were fantastic and her nails so beautiful and perfect. On that same note I am stoked for The Polish Addict return. She is in Florida too!

  2. I remember those blogs as well. I must have started reading blogs around the same time as you because those were all the blogs I read at first. Also, sadly the Nailphile does not exist any longer, either. Boo!

  3. It's super sad when a blog you follow is no more! I was just thinking the other day how several of the ones I love are on some type of "hiatus", with no or little explanation. You are left with a hole where there was once something that felt like a friend, going back to visit their 'spot', hoping that one day they will return. I am so glad to hear The Polish Addict is back! Love her blog and pictures!

  4. I loved Chloe's Nails! When I was thinking about blogging I read her blog from first post to last post. Suddenly she stopped, then she came back, and she's gone again. She explained she had lots of personal things going on - and it's completely understandable. Sometimes blogging takes a back seat to life.

  5. I really liked Chloe's Nails too... I miss her!! And I'm so thrilled about The Polish Addict's comeback, and also All Lacquered Up!! She took unexplained break but now she's back and I'm so happy!! ;))

  6. I remember most of those too and had just noticed that the Polish Addict was back, I loved her photos. I have special category in Google Reader for the ones that have disappeared in case they come back!

  7. Jen [thepolishedzombie]September 11, 2012 at 2:31 PM

    Chloe's Nails is the one I miss the most. I read her blog before I started my own and I got a lot of inspiration/education from her posts.

  8. I can see why you would miss The Polish Addict. She has an incredible blog.

  9. Laine's was one of the first nail blogs I found.

  10. I totally agree that they still remain as a great resource :) They still come up in Google reader when I'm looking for a swatch - come to think of it... wonder how far back it searches?

  11. I remember several of these! It's particularly sad when they disappear without any warning or explanation. I understand that life gets busy, but your followers miss you! :)

  12. There were several beauty blogs I used to follow that stopped updating.

  13. Beautiful writing .......

  14. Wah, I didn't even realize The Polish Addict was back--that's awesome news!

  15. YES, I remember loyally visiting nearly every single one of those blogs you mentioned! I reallly realllly miss Polish Mayhem. She had quite a unique voice, and I loved her sense of humour.

  16. Ahhh, such a good topic! I used to love reading a few you've mentioned: Lacquer Laine, Lacquerized, Getcha Nails Did.... but more than anything I miss The Nailphile. I used to read her blog first thing in the morning. I loved the way she wrote, her tone, everything. What a great blog. Sadly, it isn't even accessible anymore. A pity, because I really miss her!

  17. I get sad when they leave without notice..


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