
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Piggy Polish Lightmare

Happy Halloween everyone! I am totally lame, and I don't really get into Halloween. I don't dislike Halloween, nor do I have anything against it. I think I'm just neutral to it. I enjoyed it more as a kid. Remember the lady, Goldie, I mentioned who had amazing 4th of July parties when I was a kid? Well, Goldie had amazing Halloween parties too. She decked her house out for Halloween like no other. She had amazing candy and toys for all the kids. She played Hocus Pocus on her big screen TV. She still has Halloween parties, but I no longer live in Dallas, so I miss out. My parents still go to her Halloween parties. I am extremely jealous, therefore, without Goldie's amazing parties, Halloween is just not worth it anymore.

Anyways, I do still celebrate Halloween on my nails! This is Halloween polish by Piggy Polish.

Piggy Polish Lightmare over Milani Black Swift

Lightmare is a dense mixture of charcoal gray micro glitter and small-medium orange hex glitters.

This a glitter bomb, and it's super sparkly. It was so sparkly, my camera had a difficult time capturing it. You could actually wear this on it's own in 2-3 coats, but I think the black base gives it a bit of an extra oomph.

Now that we got the good part out of the way..let's move on the the bad. The formula on this is frightening. It is a nightmare. The formula on this has the consistency of molasses. It is ridiculously thick. The brush on this polish expands twice its size when its dipped into the polish because it is just so dang thick. I added thinner to it, and it still was insanely thick. It also dries matte and gritty. It needs top coat. I really like this color though. It's unlike any other Halloween polish I've seen, but I'm glad it's Halloween-themed so I don't feel guilty about not using it often!

Happy Halloween!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

OPI Pink of Hearts Breast Cancer Awareness Collection

I have for you the OPI Pink of Hearts Breast Cancer Awareness collection today. This set caught my eye immediately when I saw it. The glitter in it is just gorgeous, and it's always a plus when there are polishes created in honor of a great cause.

I Think in Pink

I Think in Pink is a milky pale pink sheer.

This polish is sheer, but it's not as sheer as some other pinks in this category. This is 3 coats, and you can still see tiny bits of my nail showing through in the photo. I didn't notice this in real life, and I actually found the application pretty good. I love the milkiness of this shade. A lot of pinks like this tend to give me lobster hands (red fingers), but this one played nicely with my skin tone!

You Glitter Be Good To Me over I Think in Pink

You Glitter Be Good To Me is a mixture of pink micro glitter and medium fuchsia hex glitters in a clear base.

I was so hoping this wouldn't be a glitter top coat. I was wanting this to be a glitter bomb you could get opaque in like 2-3 coats. Realistically, I think you'd need to have 4+ coats of this to get near opacity, and I think even then you'd have tiny little bald spots. That being said, it is a pretty glitter. I love the color combination and how it looks layered over the pink!

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Two Birds One Store Polishes

Two Birds One Store is an indie polish brand brought to you by the blogger See Sarah Swatch. She is an amazing frankener. Before Sarah even opened up her indie shop she created Neptune's Pool for me based off my polish idea. Also, once she opened shop I bought the pretties Once Upon a Time and American Beauty from her. She's very talented and creative. Sarah recently asked me to review some of her newer polishes from her shop, and I happily obliged!

From the Hallow's Eve Collection:

Something Wicked

Something Wicked is a red toned violet jelly base mixed with red, red holo, purple micro glitter, and white hexes.

Who Ya Gonna Call?

Who Ya Gonna Call? is a light gray base with a fine white micro shimmer mixed with blue, white, and black matte glitters.

From the Shadow Goddesses Collection:


Crossroads is a white-orange jelly base with black and orange micro glitters, white squares, and larger purple and orange hexes.

Queen of the Shades

Queen of Shades is a red jelly base with subtle violet shimmer mixed with small salmon glitters and purple and blue larger hex glitters.

These glitters are all so creative and fun. The formula really stood out to me in these polishes. I had absolutely no trouble getting the glitters out in these. They stuck to the brush, and spread out on the the nail so easily. I've never had glitters polishes from an indie brand apply so well, especially glitters of this variety and size. I will say with Crossroads and Who Ya Gonna Call? the amount of glitter in them along with the size of the glitters will leave you with a grittier finish, so I recommend using two coats of topcoat over those two. I have no complaints otherwise! Awesome polishes!

You can purchase Two Birds One Store polishes from Sarah's etsy shop for $8 for full size and $4 for minis. You can also follow her shop on Facebook.

*I received these polishes to review from Two Birds One Store. 

Happy Monday!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Share With You Sunday: 10/21/12-10/28/12

Posts I'm Loving:
Polish All the Nails shows us her glitter gradient nails.
Sweet Sugar shares with us her pink tape manicure.
Musings of a Muse reveals to us some more holiday Bath & Body Works candle releases.
The PolishAholic does some winter/holiday collection comparisons.
Polish or Perish swatches Gloss n' Sparkle Goblins Grave.
Samarium's Swatches swatches Jindie Nails Santa Claws collection Part 1 and Part 2.
Marias Nail Art and Polish shows us her pastel dotticure.
Wacky Laki shares with us her stamped witch nails.
Colores de Carol swatches KBShimmer's Winter 2012 collection.

Posts You're Loving:
Emalista shows us her freehand Frankenstein faces nails.
Cat's Claws shares with us her spider web nails.

You can submit your links for posts on Sundays here

Reader Mani of the Week:

Name: Marisa
Location: Brooklyn, NY
Manicure Description: My base polish is Essence The Dawn is Broken. I added some dots diagonally to the tip of each nail using a bobby pin. The polish I used for the dots is my go to black creme, NK Noir. I then used my Milani Nail Art Pen to create a thin line at the tip of the nail. I topped it off with Seche Vite Fast Dry Top Coat.
Favorite Polishes: Revlon Whimsical, Essie Pure Pearlfection, China Glaze Recycle, Finger Prints Blank Canvas Cream, OPI Fly
Blog: Polish Obsession (
Instagram: @marijonails

 I need manis for next week and for November! You can find information on how to submit your manicures for Sunday posts here

I have to be honest guys. I am really disappointed. I only had one mani submission for this week. I do not have any more mani submissions at this point. I also only had 2 link submissions this week, and only 1 last week. These Sunday posts are all about you all! It's fun to be able to see your creations, but I also want to give you the space to share your blog with my readers to help you gain more of a following on your blog.

There are not any rules when it comes to these mani submissions! All manis will be featured, and you can submit more than once. You do not have to be a blogger to submit. You don't have to have fancy schmanzy nail art either, nail polish swatches are good too! Link submissions are the same. You don't have to be a blogger submitting your own links, you can share blog links to blog posts you like from other bloggers. You can send a link every week too. It doesn't have to be nails either. It can be cosmetics, skincare, fashion, pet rock collecting, cooking, etc. My only real rule with that is keep it appropriate and neutral ( as in I won't share political, religious, know what I mean type of posts)!  So send in your manis and links!!!

Happy Sunday!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Sindie POP! Lacquer: Sea of Dreams

Sindie POP! Lacquer is a new to me indie brand I discovered through Crystal's Crazy Combos blog recently. I'm so glad I did. When I found out the release date of her fall line I stalked Facebook for the announcement that her shop was stocked. I love nail polish, but for something to get me that excited isn't that common. This is one of the polishes I picked up from the fall line.

Sea of Dreams

Sea of Dreams is a blue jelly loaded with aqua and blue glitters.

You can get opacity with 2-3  thin coats of this. This is not a sheer glitter by any means. It is so sparkly too. The light touches the glitter and it's sparkle city.  It is a thick polish because of all the glitter, but not difficult to work with. It is a truly beautiful polish. I love blue. I love glitter. I love jellies. This ticks all the boxes for me. Stunning!

I purchased this polish for $8.00 from Sindie POP! Lacquer's website.

Happy Friday!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Orly Artificial Sweetener

Once tomorrow is over my life can resume its normal existence. I have a pitiful confession to make. I have serious doctor/hospital phobia...anything medical related really..same goes for dentists. I have my yearly doctor appointment tomorrow, and for the past 3 months I have been dreading it. Now, it's the day before the appointment, and I'm numb. I get really bad panic attacks thinking about going to the doctor. I don't know where I got this from. I think it's the fear that a doctor will find something horribly wrong with me or in the past I had really cold insensitive doctors. Truth is the appointments have always been so not a big deal, but I still freak out?!? It's so stupid, but it's one of the reasons I've not been myself  this month. Yes, a single doctor's appointment will do that to me! I just want it to be over with so I can move on with my life. It's like doomsday. It's so irrational. I realize this, but it's one of those things I've keep private and don't tell anyone. It's out in the open now. I figure maybe sharing this fear will help a bit. Sorry for dumping that on here and thanks for listening!

So awkward transition to nail polish! Here is one from the Orly spring Cool Romance collection.

Artificial Sweetener

Artificial Sweetener is a soft dusty pink with subtle silvery shimmer.

I know this color maybe bland to some, but I love it. It's soft and delicate. I think it's a nice variation from the sheerer nude-pink colors. It's one of those colors I think would work well with most anything you'd wear. It's a very put-together color if that makes sense. I find myself reaching for this one as a palette cleanser too. It is a bit on the sheer side, but builds up nicely in 3 coats.

Send me good vibes for tomorrow please :(

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

L'Oreal The Muse's Attitude

Project Runway is probably one of the more classy shows I watch. I don't have any sense of fashion, but I enjoy it. The majority of the shows I watch on TV are trashy. I watch all the Real Housewives franchises, Teen Mom(s), Dance Moms, and Judge Judy. I also watch Big Bang Theory, Once Upon a Time, Pretty Little Liars, and The Amazing Race. The latter are a little more refined shows, so I think Project Runway fits this category rather than my trashy shows I listed above. I will say that Judge Judy herself is pretty awesome, it's the people on her show that are trashy. Now, I'm rambling...

Anyways, last year L'Oreal released a Project Runway collection, and this year they did the same. I have to say last year I was really impressed with the color selection, and the same can be said for this year. Great collection. This was one of my favorites from the bunch.

The Muse's Attitude

 The Muse's Attitude is a deep blackened teal shimmer.

This is a gorgeous color. When I say blackened I don't mean it's so dark it's black in this case. It has that touch of black to the color that gives it this really beautiful sheen and depth. It looks as if on the edges the color fades to black. Very cool. Glowy. I'm terrible at describing colors lol. The formula on this was good. It was easy to work with, which is a nice surprise. I've found some L'Oreal polishes to not be the easiest to apply, but this is an exception.

What are some of your favorite TV shows?

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Hard Candy Break Up

If I could go back in time, and talk to my pre-teen self, I would tell myself to buy all the Revlon Street Wears, and hold on to them forever. The Revlon Street Wear polishes were some of the best polishes out there. A lot of their glittery polishes were so innovative and funky at the time. You can still find some of these on ebay if you're lucky. I notice most of the cooler ones sell on there between $25-$30. That's a lot of money. I've have come to terms with the fact that some of the ones I want the most I will most likely never ever see again or I don't want to pay the hefty price tag for them.

 I came across a post by Polished Claws Up! on Revlon Street Wear Jewels, and my heart ached. I want this polish so bad, but I think it's pretty much guaranteed I will never have it. What's the next step? Try to find a dupe or something similar. There are a lot of iridescent glitters out there, but none quite like Jewels. My closest guess was Hard Candy Break Up. Sadly, I never bought that one, and it was long gone from Wal-Mart. I did find it on ebay though for it's regular price. Did it do the trick?

Hard Candy Break Up over Milani Black Swift

Break Up is a mixture of medium hex translucent iridescent glitters and fine micro glitter.

Now let's take a look again at Polished Claws Up! swatch of Revlon Street Wear Jewels.

No dupes. Not even close really. They do have similar elements. The glitter in Break Up is too translucent. The glitter in Jewels is more opaque. Jewels also has more density to it. There are also small glitters in there that are also iridescent, while the small glitters in Break Up are pretty flat. Jewels is just so so so much better. They're different. I'm disappointed. I will never get Jewels, however, I'll move on.

Despite my disappointment that I have not found a dupe, I still really like Hard Candy Break Up. It is a beautiful glitter. It will be a beautiful layering polish over any color I'd imagine. So, don't count it out because of my comparison. I think I need to pick up China Glaze Make A Spectacle. I know it's not a dupe to Jewels either, but I think it has similar opaque glitter/color. That maybe my closest bet.

Happy Monday!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Share With You Sunday: 10/14/12-10/21/12

Posts I'm Loving:
The Daily Nail shows us her Paint-By-Number inspired nails.
Love, Varnish, chocolate, and more... shares with us her stamped mani using China Glaze and SOPI.
Nail Narcotics shows us her Glitta Waves nails.
Frazzle and Aniploish shares with us some Mid-October polish displays.
I'M FEELING NAIL-VENTUROUS shows us her Witch Halloween mani.
Hooked on Polish shares with us her Bundle Monster Fright Night nails.

Posts You're Loving:
The Sparkle Queen shares with us some of her favorite Halloween nail art ideas from vloggers and bloggers.

You can submit your links for posts on Sundays here

Reader Manis of the Week:

Name: Amber (whateveramber on various social media outlets
Location: Kansas City
Manicure Description: This is two coats of Takko Lacquer's Kiss the Sky (an indie polish available on Etsy) with top coat because it dries matte.
Favorite Polishes: Takko Lacquer - Kiss the Sky; Butter London - Disco Biscuit; a England - Tristam; nails inc - Baker Street; Deborah Lippmann - Sweet Dreams and Ray of Light; China Glaze - Ahoy; Jessica - Venus Was Her Name; Orly - Royal Navy; and Cult Nails - Time Traveler (Shout out to my fellow Doctor Who fans!).

Name: Abinaya
Location: India
Manicure Description: For this hot and easy nail art, I applied a base coat, then 2 coats of a pastel orange. Then with a pink nail striper, i drew a few strokes radiating from one corner. Finally I applied some glitter polish at the corner and placed a silver rhinestone. Finish it off with a nice top coat :)
Favorite Polishes: I dont actually have any favourite brands, I mainly focus on the colours. I love any purple nail polish!
Facebook Page:

 I need manis for next week and for November! You can find information on how to submit your manicures for Sunday posts here

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Girly Bits: Indian Summer, Howl at the Moon, & Crunchy Leaves

I have some new Girly Bits nail polishes to show you today! These are from the Girly Bits Calendar Girls collection. I will be using Girly Bits' descriptions for these polishes, since they will be more accurate than mine!

Indian Summer over Revlon Modern Grace (September)

Indian Summer is a mix of pink, blue, periwinkle, copper and gold, in a sheer periwinkle base.

This is a beautiful glitter! There is a gorgeous pinkish shimmer in the base too. I love the combination of colors used in this glitter polish. I'm a sucker for blues mixed with gold and copper, so this polish makes me very happy. It applied well very easily too. I used two coats over my base. I think this one would be better for layering.

Howl at the Moon over Milani Black Swift (October)

Howl at the Moon is a blackened blurple jelly with various sizes of gold hexes.

I love the combination of gold and black here. I love the variation in sizes with the glitters. I think this polish though it is themed for October, would be great for the holidays too. I think black and gold is a ritzy combination colors.  It's glitzy! I could see this as a great polish for holiday partys and New Years too. You could build this polish up in 3 coats, but I preferred to layer it with 2 coats over black. I like instant gratification!

Crunchy Leaves over Finger Paints Cordur-Orange (November)

Crunchy Leaves is a medium-dense glitter mix of orange, copper, brown, and red, in a sheer earthy base.

I needed a glitter like this. This is so perfect for fall. The combination of colors is beautiful, and the density of this glitter is a nice change from some of the sparser glitters out there. I don't own any polish like this! This is 2 coats over a base. You could use 3 coats to get near opacity, but I personally think a base gives it a bolder appearance.

Pam from Girly Bits recommends you shop her polishes from her stockists  Llarowe, Harlow & Co, Overall Beauty, and Mei Mei's Signatures as she plans to keep to have her products stocked well here. She does have her own shop site, but she will be doing fewer and smaller restocks there.

*I received these polishes to review by Girly Bits. 

Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Imperfectly You: Be Brave

Welcome to Imperfectly Painted newest feature, Imperfectly You! I've have been so inspired by your responses to my Talk it Out Tuesday posts and my recent bullying post that I wanted to do more with Imperfectly Painted. I know many of us struggle with self esteem and insecurities. I have found that one of the best ways to gain positivity and strength is through sharing and being open about our experiences. I want Imperfectly You to be that for my readers. This will be either a monthly or twice a month feature where I will feature a nail polish that has name that I think reflects a topic/theme that I feel is important to us as women as far as self esteem building. I will then share my experiences with this topic, and the comment section will be open to you all reflect on your experiences. I want to create a positive and supportive space for all of us, and of course connect it to our love of nail polish. We are all imperfect people, but you know what? That is OK, and we are enough just the way we are. 

Today's Topic: Being Brave/Bravery, inspired by Orly Glam FX Be Brave polish.

I think a lot of times we sell ourselves short. It's hard in our lives when we are under a lot of stress or pressure to give ourselves credit. We often feel weak or inadequate when our world does not go the way we expect or want it to. This is simply not true, a lot of things we do in our life are not easy, and we have to be brave to take certain actions or deal with certain emotions. These acts of bravery no matter how small or how big should never get swept under the rug.

My experience with bravery:
I lack the ability a lot of the time to recognize my own bravery. I often find that other people tell me my moments of bravery. Sadly, in the past I would dismiss this, and just say it's not a big deal. Now, I'm learning  to appreciate my moments of bravery and recognize their worth. One of my bravest moments was probably picking up and moving from Dallas, TX to Orlando, FL at 20..alone. I didn't have any friends or family here, but I knew I needed to get away from home. Home was toxic to me, and while my parents were nothing but loving, my hometown was full of painful memories and reminders of a life I wanted to leave behind. So, I left.  I never realized what a bold move that was until so many people approached me and said they could never move away alone like I did. I consider myself an overly cautious person. I don't ride roller coasters or any ride that isn't meant for 3 year olds for that matter. Flying makes me nervous.  I check to make sure the door is locked 923598 before I go to sleep, but I never thought moving almost 1,200 miles away from home wasn't anything to make a fuss about? Crazy. I used to be so hard on myself for not feeling like I'm living up to par with my childhood peers. I ventured into a new city alone. That's not easy! It wasn't easy, and now I try to remember to pat myself on the back about my bravery in regards to this.

Where in your life have you been brave?

Please share your experiences with being brave in the comments below.

Happy Wednesday!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Elixir Lacquers: With a K

Sometimes I'm a dimwit and save my swatch pictures in the wrong folder. I had an entire batch of swatch photos go missing from a few months ago, and I found them in the wrong folder today. This was the case with the polish I'm showing you today. I planned on showing it to you all months ago, but brain isn't always there all the time. Anyway this is a cool polish by Elixir Lacquers made by the talented Nicole of  Nail Polish Wars

With a K

With a K is a mixture of holographic silver and violet micro glitter and hex glitters in a fuchsia jelly base.

This is With a K by its lonesome. Depending on if you use thick or thin coats you can reach opacity within 2-3 coats. You could definitely layer it if you wanted, but it certainly is not needed. This is a great glitter. I love a jelly glitter. I love glitter top coats too, but sometimes I can't be bothered to try and pair it up with a base, so jelly glitter does all the work for me. The color is great, and I can never complain about holographic glitter!

Elixir Lacquers currently is currently featuring the Lov-a-Bully collection. This collection is in honor of the Atlanta Bully Rescue which finds loving homes for the often misunderstood "bully" breeds of dogs. Elixir Lacquer will be donating 10% of each bottle from this collection to the Atlanta Bully Rescue. With a K is not a part of this collection, but you can see swatches of the Lov-a-Bully collection polishes here

I purchased With a K from Elixir Lacquers for $10.00.

Happy Monday!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Share With You Sunday: 10/7/12-10/14/12

Posts I'm Loving:
Dressed Up Nails shows us her striping tape manicure using China Glaze On Safari polishes.
ANOTHER Bottle of Polish shares with us her marble-like nails using American Apparel polishes.
Body and Soul shows us a preview of Maybelline Color Show Sequins Polish.
Polish Etc. swatches Sally Hansen Insta-Dri Orange Splash.
Wacky Laki shows us her color block manicure.
The Polish Well shares a roundup of Indie Halloween collections.
Polka Polish shows us her Boo-berry Jelly Sandwich nails.
Adventures in Acetone shares with us her Nfu-Oh Jelly Syrup manicure.

Posts You're Loving:
Polish Obsession swatches Girly Bits January Morning.
Young and Polished shares her experiences using a paraffin foot bath.

You can submit your links for posts on Sundays here

Reader Manis of the Week:

Name: Wonderfully Whimsical
Location: Dallas,TX
Manicure Description: I used OPI's Every Month is Octoberfest as the base for my french manicure. Then I used NYC's Time Square Tangerine for the orange leaves and OPI's Need Sunglasses? for the yellow. To add that extra fall touch I used China Glaze Gold Digger. Since its October and almost all the leaves have fallen by now I thought this would be perfect
Favorite Polishes: The One That Got Away, Swimsuit…Nailed It!, and Russian Navy(matte) by OPI

Name: Rachael
Location: Singapore
Manicure Description: I used China Glaze's Fast Track as a base nail colour and China Glaze's Liquid Leather for the French tips. On the fourth nail, I tried nailside's cloud look.
Favorite Polishes: Revlon Dreamer, OPI Schnapps Out Of It, OPI Dating A Royal, OPI Barefoot in Barcelona and China Glaze For Audrey.
Instagram: nailcrush

 You can find information on how to submit your manicures for Sunday posts here

Friday, October 12, 2012

Zoya Monica

You would think someone with so much nail polish would have pretty much everything right? Well, I'm sure to non-nail polish people I have more than enough. I did realize I was missing something from my stash recently, and Zoya Monica fixed that right up. Monica is from Zoya Fall 2012 Designer collection.


Monica is a dark muted blue-toned purple creme.

You know what I realized? There are a ton of red-toned dark and muted purples out there for fall. I honestly think they are overdone. It's a great color, but I have a lot of shades like that. What I realized is I did not have any blue-toned purple shades for fall. I have a few that are more spring-summery themed, but nothing that were more suited towards fall. Zoya Monica comes in..problem solved. This is a great color. It's rich and deep. The formula was great on this. I'm finding Zoya's formula to be consistently great over the this past year. I approve!

P.S. Whenever I hear the name Monica, I think of the singer Monica, and this song she did with Brandy. This takes me back to 7th grade. I can't believe this was 14 years ago!

Happy Friday!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

American Apparel: Made in LA Teal

Sorry for the late post today I scheduled this to be posted earlier, but Blogger was being mean.

I found this cool polish at American Apparel. Apparently, when I purchased this one they told me that these were only supposed to be exclusive to stores in LA, but they got a shipment of them in. I'm not sure if this is true. I'm not completely buying it. I'm cynical. That being said the color cool, but it has a a bit of a flaw I'm not fond of

Made in LA Teal

Made in LA Tea is a teal glass-fleck metallic with a subtle purple duochrome effect (sadly my camera did not pick up the duochrome very well).

This polish is a gorgeous color, and I love the glass fleck finish. My only beef with this polish is oh so sheer. This was around 4 coats, and you can still kind of see the tips of my nails show underneath the teal color. Ridiculous. I've seen enough cool glass fleck colors to know they do not need to be made so sheer. I know I've become a polish snob to be so picky, but come on. Oh well. Gorgeous color....sad formula. You can't win them all.

While you may not find this "exclusive" polish in your local American Apparel because may not live in LA (Okay, now I'm just being obnoxious..sorry), you can find it online for $6.00. It doesn't seem to be that exclusive if it's sold online :P. I think the word exclusive just grates on my nerves.

Happy Thursday!

The Makeup Show Orlando

I'm very excited I will get to attend The Makeup Show Orlando this year! 



Beauty brands and top makeup artists are standing by to share their newest products and beauty secrets on November 4 and 5

NEW YORK, NY (October 2012) - The Makeup Show Orlando is excited to bring beauty, inspiration and education to the Sunshine State in less than one month on November 4 and 5.   Top beauty brands will congregate under one roof for two days to launch new products and offer exclusive pro-only discounts.  Amongst these brands are Diamond Sponsor MAKE UP FOR EVER, Platinum Sponsor Crown Brush and TEMPTU PRO, Supporting Sponsors INGLOT, Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics, Cosmix School of Makeup Artistry, On Makeup Magazine, and The Powder Group.  Other brands include Stila Cosmetics, Embryolisse USA, Kissable Couture, Kevyn Aucoin, Senna Cosmetics, Cinema Secrets, and Graftobian Makeup Co (to name a few).   In addition, many of these brands will be hosting seminars and sharing their secrets on the main stage and in the Keynote & Business Forum.  A few of the Keynotes you will not want to miss include:

A Career in Makeup with AJ Crimson
From celebrity clients including Fergie, Estelle, Hillary Duff, Keyshia Cole, and Missy Elliot to his lip gloss brand Kissable Couture, and his own eponymous AJ Crimson brand, AJ has managed to make a name for himself in multiple areas of makeup artistry.  In his first time as a featured keynote at The Makeup Show, AJ tells us the truth about building your own name, branding yourself as an artist in diverse areas.  AJ will take you through his techniques for flawless application and reveal his secrets for success for the red carpet, for real women and everyoccasion in between.

The Journey of Special Effects Makeup with The Wolfe Brothers – Brian and Nick Wolfe (sponsored by Graftobian)
Identical twins, Brian and Nick Wolfe, take to the stage and show you the artistry they have become internationally recognized for while sharing their story about how two young men made a name for themselves in Florida theme parks.  Watch and learn as these masters show you what you need to know about body art. 

Also, taking the Main Floor to educate on the trends of the industry from bridal to airbrush include INGLOT Cosmetics, Stila Cosmetics, MAKE UP FOR EVER, Naked Cosmetics, Crown Brush, Mehron, Senna Cosmetics, TEMPTU PRO, Alcone Company to name a few.  For a complete list of Main Floor Seminars and times, visit the schedule here

The Makeup Show Orlando is held on Sunday, November 4, 2012 from 9am to 6pm and on Monday, November 5, 2012 from 9am to 5pm at The Peabody Hotel Orlando, 9801 International Drive. For a complete list of participating brands, educational speakers, schedule of events and prices, please visit

About The Makeup Show
The Makeup Show is owned and produced by Metropolitan Event & Production and travels internationally from LA, NYC, Chicago, Europe, and Orlando.  Bringing each destination over 60 beauty brands, and unique convergence of artists and community, where beauty professionals are sure to find an artistic energy that will inspire any beauty buff, from the passionate beginner to the seasoned professional.  Each show offers an unparalleled lineup of education and appearances from top beauty professionals and focuses on career building and networking within the makeup community.  The show provides a unique experience for the makeup professional to network directly from the best in the business. 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Nail-venturous/Ninja Polish: Humble Bee

I have an exaggerated fear of stinging insects. I really do. I have never been stung by a bee, wasp, hornet...nada. I plan to make that a lifetime record. That does not mean I am composed about it though. If I see a stinging creature within 3-5ft of me I freak out. I mean like screaming bloody murder running away like a crazy person freak out. I assume that any stinging creature is out to sting me. I will not ruin my record. Plus, I'm seriously afraid I'd allergic, since my father is. I don't want to go into some anaphylactic shock and die due to a bee sting. That's a sad way to go. Yes, I'm sure I'm over dramatizing this, but suffice it to say I try to keep my distance from those guys.

I actually do find honey bees and bumble bees quite pictures. My stinging insect phobia has not kept me away from this awesome cleverly named Nail- Humble Bee polish either.

Humble Bee over Milani Black Swift

Humble Bee is a mixture of matte black and yellow glitters in a clear base.

You can layer this on its own, but you will still have some tiny bald spots on your nail. It would be hard to tell from a distance, but I prefer it layered. It looks awesome! Very bee-like in a friendly non-stinging and non anaphylactic shock kind of way. I really like this glitter, and it's definitely different from anything I have. I liked the formula on this too. It was very easy to use.

I got this on Ninja Polish for $9.00. It is currently out of stock, but you can sign up for Ninja Polish to email you when it is back!

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

My Trekkie Nails

I'm alive everyone. I'm sorry I have been MIA. This month is not very easy for me. I have a lot going on with school and personal things at the moment. I'm OK, a lot of this is just anxiety/depression related stuff that gets intensified when I have a lot of stress in my life. No worries, just if I go a few days without posting this month that is why. Needless to say, I'm ready for October to be over with, and it's only the 9th!

Anyways, this past weekend I attended my first Star Trek convention. It was small I believe in comparison to to others, but it was a cool experience. I had planned on doing some nail art, but my lack of skills wore on my quickly, and I chose to do something more simple.

I started out with a base on all of my nails with Cult Nails I Got Distracted. I followed that up with doing the saran wrap technique over all my fingers except my accent nail using Orly Space Cadet. I only wish the mutil-chromeness of this showed up in this picture it looked cool!

On my accent nail I topped it off with Icing Frost Yourself (a mixture of holographic silver glitter), followed by another coat of Cult Nails I Got Distracted. I wanted to add some extra sparkle in there and this did the trick!

I really loved these nails despite my lack of nail art ability. I know I could of done some really creative things with Trek, alas, my patience was not there.

The convention was cool. I had never been to one before, and while I'm a Trek fan, there are CLEARLY bigger fans out there. I could not compete with some of these fans. I felt a little inferior actually. That being said, it was still a lot of fun. We got to sit in on a panel discussion on Doctor Who, and a discussion on sci-fi books on alternate histories/universes which was really interesting.

We also go to go to Q & A presentation with Avery Brooks. I adore him, he played Captain Benjamin Sisko in the Star Trek Series Deep Space Nine. That is my favorite Trek series. I just love the character development and intense story lines. He is really a fascinating and profound man, and it was interesting to hear his perspective of people and our lives outside of just Trek things.

I couldn't go home with out some goodies of course!

I got these cool Yoshi and Star Trek communicator things made out of perler beads made by Silly Rabbit Crafts.

So that's it!

Happy Tuesday!