
Sunday, December 16, 2012

Share With You Sunday: 12/9/12-12/16/12

As you can see from the list below I saw a lot of amazing things this week!

Posts I'm Loving:
Polished Claws Up! swatches Nails Inc. Bloomsbury Square.
Dressed Up Nails shows us her glittery poinsettia nail art.
Adventures in Acetone shares with us her water-marbled Christmas tree and gifts nails.
A diary of a nail polish addict shows us her Matryoshka Dolls nail art.
Polish All the Nails shares with us her wrapping paper inspired nails.
Globe & Nail shows us her One Ring- Lord of the Rings inspired nail art.
Sweet Sugar shares with us her winter nails.
BeautyGnome shows us her festive ornament nails.
Beauty Broadcast shares with us a video of beauty gift picks for every price range.
purrrpolish swatches Essie Leading Lady.
n@ilbox shares with us her white and gold nails.

Posts You're Loving:
Improbable Nails shows us her first franken polish.
Polished Polyglot shares with us her wintery stamped nails.
10 Blank Canvases shows us her black and gold matte nails.
She Nail*d It shares with us her Nightmare Before Christmas inspired nails.

You can submit your links for Sunday posts here

Reader Manis of the Week:

Name: Finished10dnails
Location: Montana
Manicure Description: I used Color Club Antiquated and added stripes with Stripe Rite Black.
Favorite Polishes: Sally Hansen Celeb City and Color Club Cold Metal, but I'm a sucker for any blue polish!

Name: Chris
Location: Midwestern United States
Manicure Description: I applied Zoya Holly on all my fingers and OPI Skip The Gift Wrap as accent nails. To make the tree, I used Revlon Rainforest and Charlotte Russe Gold Rush. The star is OPI Rising Star. The ornaments are Essie Play Date, Illamasqua Aorta, Orly Blue Collar, and Revlon Strawberry Electric.
Favorite Polishes: SOPI Seeing Pink Elephants, OPI A Good Man-darin is Hard to Find, Essie Mojito Madness, OPI Skull and Glossbones

I need manis for December and  January! You can find information on how to submit your manicures for Sunday posts here


  1. Thank you for including me in this post, I love your swatches so I feel very flattered haha :D

  2. What fantastic reader manis!


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