Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Talk it Out Tuesday: Blogging Burnout

Blogging Burnout

* DISCLAIMER: Please note this post is not in regards to people who have had any serious life changes or challenges that have caused them to stop blogging. I genuinely understand and respect those circumstances, and take them seriously. This is really just a casual conversation topic, so please realize I'm not trying to diminish any serious issues here or be critical of anyone who has to stop blogging for reasons out of their control. 

The main reason I unfollow blogs is because of the lack of posting or inconsistent posting. I had to purge some blogs a few weeks ago because I was at my limit on Blogger. I ended up removing close to 100 blogs mainly because they had not been updated in months, weeks, or the blogger posted inconsistently (2 posts one week, one post 3 weeks later, 1 post a month later etc).

I understand blog hiatuses, and bloggers should not have to apologize for them. There is no need to apologize! We all have times in our lives and the reasons are irrelevant that we may need a break or have to be absent from blogging. These are not the blogs I removed.

A majority of these blogs were brand new blogs with 2-10 posts in a 1-3 week span, and they never blogged again. I see a lot of this happening since nail blogging has become so popular. I saw to a lesser degree blogs that had been very consistent where the bloggers just dropped off the face of the earth. 

Why does this happen? I have guesses I'm sure with newer bloggers who quit realize that blogging requires a lot of upkeep and consistency to gain a following (my opinion only). While blogging is fun, it is not always easy and it does take work. The other reason for good blogs being abandoned is I'm sure people have other things going on in their lives that take precedence or they've simply moved on to other interests. These all are valid and understandable reasons, but it is always disappointing to see a new promising blog disappear or a tried and true blog not get updated anymore.

There is also instances where regular and active bloggers experience a burnout. I have mini burnouts on a occasion. I know I blog differently than some. I tend to collect my new polish over a span of few weeks, and do a major swatch session on weekend. This allows me to have library of swatches to choose from at any given time. I started this even while I was changing my nails everyday. I knew I'd get to a point where I would not be able to do that, and wanted to the flexibility to have blogging material on hand.

There are times though where I put off the swatching a few days or a week because I just don't want to be bothered with it. There are times I open up a blog post, and I have no idea what to write. It's those times I just go with those feelings. I do not post or I push back the swatching. I don't do this because I'm tired of blogging really,  it's just at that moment it's not going to happen. If I'm not feeling right about what I'm doing the result are not going to be good. Plus, the last thing I want to do is push myself into corner where I feel obligated or guilty for not posting, that would ruin the experience. I do definitely have those moments and days where I just don't want to be bothered, and that's ok!

Thankfully, I have never felt the need to put my blog on hiatus for any extended amount of time. I hope that doesn't change, but there are no guarantees in life. Last week, is a good example of an off week for me blogging.  I only had 4 posts last week, when I typically have 5 or 6. I know that's a lot by many standards, but to me that's an off week. I just wasn't feeling it! This weekend, I had a bunch of new colors to swatch, and it revitalized me. Usually, a  couple of new pretty polishes is all is usually takes.

I know many bloggers have these moments too, and some more so than me. I also know that some life challenges occur that are out of our control cause this too. That is always of course completely understandable. If it's for reasons of needing a break or having other interests that's ok too. We all need a break at times, but please let your readers know if it's because of that...none of this falling of the planet stuff! We miss you too much!

What are you thoughts on this subject from a blogger or a reader perspective?
If you're a blogger who stopped blogging what are your reasons?
If you're a blogger who has had burnout or got in a funk how do you get out of it? 

Happy Tuesday