
Sunday, January 13, 2013

Share With You Sunday: 1/6/13-1/13/12

Posts I'm Loving:
brikasia shows us her Top 5 LOTD for 2012.
Lissa's Polish Addiction shows us her animal print nails.
Peace, Love, and Polish shares with us her bright stripe nail art.
iHeartPrettyPolish swatches Sephora X Campy.
Cutie-cles swatches the full OPI Euro Centrale collection.

Posts You're Loving:
The Nail Obsession shows us her nail look using studs and Essie polish.
Franken Femme shares with us her franken From Cosmic Checkers to Comets.

You can submit your links for Sunday posts here

Reader Manis of the Week:

Name: Natalie
Location: Ontario, Canada
Manicure Description: My nails are shorties right now, but I like the look of darker polishes on shorties, so I decided to use two coats of Essie Recessionista as the main colour (topped with Cult Nails Wicked Fast) and two coats of OPI Stay the Night as the accent on my middle fingers and thumbs. My photo doesn't really capture the intense sparkle of the fuchsia glitter through the black 'sand' in Stay the Night and the finish is not as gritty as I originally thought. I definitely recommend this polish for those who want an edgy, but pretty polish.
Favorite Polishes: Now, how can a girl (or guy) possibly do that? :) If I had to choose, I would say: Glitter Gal Teal Blue Holo, OPI Tickle My France-y, Essie Where's My Chauffeur, Pretty and Polished Cheer Camp, RBL No More War, China Glaze Ruby Pumps.
Blog: Natalie's Nails (

I need manis  for the rest of January!  You can find information on how to submit your manicures for Sunday posts here

Happy Sunday!


  1. Peace, Love & PolishJanuary 13, 2013 at 5:50 PM

    I can't believe you mentioned me on here! Your so sweet :)

  2. I loved ALL of your nail art designs last week, it was hard to pick a favorite for this post!

  3. Thanks for including my post! I feel cool:)


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