
Thursday, February 7, 2013

Holy Bananas...I Water Marbled!

Yes, it's true. You all know I'm not a nail art person. I love nail art, but my skills and patience are lacking. Water marbling has been around for ages in nail polish world, but I never considered attempting it because I figured it would be a complete fail. I've been watching nail art videos on Youtube lately just for fun, and came across cutepolish's water marble tutorial. I don't know what came over me, but I had the urge to try water marbling!

I decided to start off small and try it on a accent nail, and this was my result.

I painted my nails using China Glaze Purple Panic, and I painted my accent nail with 2 coats of Milani White On the Spot. I used for the water marble China Glaze Purple Panic, Milani Yellow Whiz, Color Club Wham! Pow!, and Milani White On the Spot.

This isn't the perfect water marble pattern, but I'm actually impressed that I even tried this! This took a few attempts, but it wasn't a daunting process. I actually found the process fun even if it didn't work out!  I think it came out cool, and it's something I could definitely see myself trying again.

I think the 2 main things that are important about water marbling I learned are...

1. Water temperature- The water has to be room temperature. The water cannot be too cool or too warm or the polish will not spread properly.

2. Work fast- That's the most difficult thing I found with water marbling. You HAVE to work quickly or the polish will dry on you before you can make your design!

Overall, I really had fun trying this even though it's not perfect and it took a couple tries! I know many people have avoided trying this technique, but I really encourage you to try it. If you all know me I don't have a lot of patience for nail art, so if I can try, you definitely can! I recommend just starting with wearing it as an accent naill. I think you will have a lot more fun than you thought!  I'm definitely going to keep working on water marbling in the future.

There are tons of tutorials out there, but I really liked the one by cutepolish if you're interested.

Happy Thursday!


  1. Also, don't overdo it. The first time I tried it, the bullseye wasn't spreading as much as I expected it to, so I added more and more polish. It ended up being a muddy mess. After I watched a video (it had been a few months since I'd seen one), I tried again with about 1/5 as much polish, and it worked out great.

  2. You did a really good job. It definitely takes practice, but it's an amazing finish.

  3. Great first water marble! I have tried a few times and I have definitely not mastered it. I'm too impatient!

  4. This is so pretty. I think you did a really good job. I'm loving that CG Purple Panic.

  5. Yesssss!!!! It turned out really well. I've only attempted marbling once and it was a huge fail. You've inspired me to give it another try.

  6. Yes, that's a great point too! I made that mistake a few times.

  7. It's funny because I'm impatient too, but I guess all the pretty colors swirling around in water were enough to distract me from getting frustrated with it. I was thoroughly amused. Haha!

  8. Thanks! You definitely should try it again.

  9. Peace, Love and PolishFebruary 7, 2013 at 2:14 PM

    This looks great! Especially for your first try! I remember my first water marble - all the colors blended together to look like a big pile of brown!

  10. I am coming up on water marble with my 31 day challenge and I am scared to death! I actually had a nightmare about it the other night, LOL. Yours looks great though!

  11. Very pretty marbling, love the colours together :-(

  12. that is so pretty. The design looks like a multicoloured scarf blowing in the wind. :D

  13. I'm not sure what perfect would look like, but yours looks pretty darn good to me.

  14. This looks great Steph and good on you for stepping out of your comfort zone!! I also very highly recommend watching some vids from Simple Little Pleasures on YouTube, she is the watermarble master! I love the bright colors you chose too, looks awesome!

  15. This looks awesome! Once my nails grow back out, I really want to give this a try.

  16. Eeeeeep! This is so super fab Steph!! great job!


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