
Sunday, February 17, 2013

Share With You Sunday: 2/10/13-2/17/13

Imperfectly Painted Posts:
Zoya Blaze
Borghese Mediterraneo Sea
OPI Thanks a Windmillion
Valentine's Reds & Pinks Spam + Giveaway
China Glaze Scattered and Tattered
Guest Post: Dees Polish Endeavors 

Posts I'm Loving:
Dressed Up Nails shows us her stained glass heart nails.
Coewless Nail Polish Blog shares with us her red heart nails.
Phyrra asks us "When does a stand become a grudge?".
Nail Polish Anon shares with us some Pahlish spam.
Toxic Vanity shows us her Little Mermaid nails.
Samarium's Swatches shares with us her "Floam-bre".
Sincerely Stephanie shows us her fuzzy heart nails.
manicurator shares with us her geometric Valentine's nails.
Liesl Loves Pretty Things shows us an awesome OPI Euro Centrale layering combo.
PackAPunchPolish shares with us her patterned paisley nail art.

Posts You're Loving:
The Lacquered Lady swatches Color Club Eternal Beauty.
Kat Stays Polished teaches us how to create spun sugar nails.
Light of the Moon Nails shares with us her Reese's Peanut Butter Cup inspired nails.
Lacquer or Leave Her! shows us her Mardi Gras inspired nails.

You can submit your links for Sunday posts here

Reader Manis of the Week:

Name: Beauty Writer
Location: Canada
Manicure Description: This is the first of my 2013 Valentine’s Day Nail designs. I wanted to begin with something quick and easy using classic shades. I used Essie's Russian Roulette and Zoya Snow white. The heart designs were created with a nail art stamping kit.
Favorite Polishes: Zoya Marilyn, Essie Fiji, OPI Catherine the Grape, Zoya Areej, Orly Basket Case, OPI Shorts Story, China Glaze Something Sweet, Butter London Queen Vic, Zoya Trixie

Name: wildflower_eyes
Location: Arizona
Manicure Description: Happened upon this dupe for the beautiful Mermaid's Dream (link to this manicure on her blog)
Favorite Polishes: That's just not a fair question! I love seafoams and light lavenders

I need manis for March!  You can find information on how to submit your manicures for Sunday posts here

Happy Sunday!


  1. Wow, thank you so much for featuring me, Steph! Hope you're having an awesome Sunday :) :)

  2. Really cute reader manis (as usual)!

  3. Thank you so much for featuring me! It's an honour to have my nail art on your blog :)

  4. I left a comment on my phone yesterday, forgetting you have Disqus, lol ;) Thank you so, so much for featuring my post! What an awesome surprise to run into in my daily reading. ♥


I love and appreciate all comments. I will respond to any questions in comments ASAP. Please refrain from linking your blog in the comment section. These comments will be deleted. I'd be happy to view your blog if you email me your link.