
Monday, February 4, 2013

Zoya Aurora

Zoya's Ornate collection was a huge hit this past winter. I completely understand why because many of them have holographic glitter! I have to be honest with you all though. When I saw swatches of these I wasn't really wowed. I felt I HAD to be missing something, so I thought I'd change my mind when I saw them in person. Nope, I saw them at Ulta when they first came out and I still didn't get it? I felt really guilty because I really wanted to like them, and figured I still must be missing something. I decided to pick some of them up during Zoya's 3 Free promo. The one I'm showing you today is Aurora. Did trying it myself change my mind?


Aurora is a medium red-toned purple based packed with holographic glitter.

I feel like I have to apologize to you all for this...but I don't like it. I know for some you this is one of your all time favorites. I just don't get it. I'm crazy..I'm sure! I think what I don't like about this is the base color. I think I'd like this better if it were a different color. I find this shade makes my fingers look too red. I also think it is too much glitter. I know....blasphemy...again. It just looks speckled to me, it's not the right balance for my taste. Seriously, I feel so guilty writing this! This just isn't my cup of tea, but in this case don't take my word for it! I'm sure many of you love this or will love this.

Just for my own sanity, did anyone else not care for this color too?

Yes, you all are free to question my sanity in the comments! :P

Happy Monday!


  1. OMgosh, I can't believe your saying this! lol!! I definitely think this is a color that looks better in person, but OMgosh, I want Zoya to make this in every color!!

    Sorry it didn't work for you, I felt that way about Revlon Girly....just hated that one!

  2. I've been reading your blog for a little while and think you have a pretty nice blog. I have to agree with you on the Ornate collection. I bought Blaze, Storm, Aurora and Logan. I was very underwhelmed with all but Logan. I really thought Blaze would be my favorite because burgundy/reds are my favorite, but I wasn't at all impressed with the holographic in any of them. Purple is my least favorite polish color and I bought it because it was holographic - I LOVE holos, but this one didn't make me love Purple any better. Love your swatches though.

  3. I haven't actually seen Aurora in person yet, but I have to agree with you completely. It just looks speckled purple to me, and that's not very pretty. Blaze is much prettier than Aurora in my opinion since it has less of the holo glitter, but everyone sure seems to love Aurora!

  4. sad you don't love this one. granted i have only tried blaze but i loved it. oh well you can't love them all. :)

  5. I actually wasn't too crazy about this one either in swatches - I never saw it in real life though!

  6. I got Blaze and Storm, but skipped Aurora. I don't hate it, but it didn't seem as special as the other two. Storm has just the right amount of glitter, and Blaze shines through the red jelly in a unique way. But Aurora is just... Okay. I don't blame you at all for not loving it :)

  7. Oh, please, liking a colour has nothing to do with sanity! There's nothing more personal than the taste for colours! Personally, I LOVE this one!

  8. I wasn't taken by any of this collection but dang, this is smokin' on you! Seriously eye catching, Steph. Maybe it'll grow on ya ;)

  9. Hahahaha, don't feel guilty, Stephanie! I've really enjoyed swatches of this collection, but every time I pick them up in person I keep putting them back down again. I do prefer Blaze's colour to Aurora's, but you did such an awesome job of capturing the holo sparkle in your pictures!

  10. This looks gorgeous! That's too bad that you didn't like it. I'm actually hoping to get this one eventually but I have yet to see it in person, so maybe I'll do that before buying it.

  11. Totally agree with you. Aurora never appealed to me in the least. But how wonderful it is that we don't all like the same things :-)

  12. Crystal (CDesigns92)February 4, 2013 at 6:02 PM

    Aww I'm sorry you don't like it. I love this polish! I got it during the 3 for $10 promo too and I was blown away. Sometimes I just pick it up and look at it...that isn't too weird right? Lol

  13. I have to disagree, I absolutely love this polish to pieces. The red-toned purple is sometimes hard to pull off (at least for me) but the holo somehow offsets that tonal dissonance with my skin tone. Regardless, this shade looks lovely on you and I highly recommend you give it one more shot before you completely write it off :)

  14. Kat Hooked On PolishFebruary 4, 2013 at 9:07 PM

    Oh no, I hate it when that happens!! I haven't been too wowed with swatches of these either but they're holographic and everyone has loved them so I hope to have them at some point. Do you have Orly Miss Conduct? I feel (from pics I've seen) that they're very similar in finish but maybe you'd like the Orly base color better.

  15. I love this! Waiting for mine to come in the mail as we speak!

  16. Don't worry, you're not the only one! I'm not too hot on scattered holographic polishes in general. If I'm going to wear a holo, it has to be linear. I feel like scattered is just too...lazy? I'd rather just go whole hog and blind myself in sunlight! Also agree with Nati-it's all about what you find attractive!

  17. Yes, I think you are crazy :-P More for me! LOL

  18. I really liked Zoya's holiday collection as a whole, but I wasn't too head over heel about this color either.

  19. The Ornate colelction was definitely a great collection by Zoya!

  20. I hear you! I'm OK with some some scattered holo glitters, but this is just too much glitter! It doesn't look nice to me. :-/

  21. Yay! I hope you get it soon!

  22. I don't have the Orly Miss Conduct. I've seen swatches, and it doesn't really do much for me either. I guess that type of glitter just isn't my thing?

  23. I'm glad you like it! I'm not sure if I'll give it another shot. I really don't like it :P! We shall see!

  24. I'm glad you like it! No worries, that's not weird. I've done that too with other polishes.

  25. I think most people really like this one, so you probably would too. I always like to see stuff in person though first!

  26. Thank you! I did get Blaze too, and I'll be posting that on at a later time. Blaze I like so so so so so so much more!

  27. Thanks! Maybe....haha I really don't like it at the moment though :P

  28. Haha, I know, but so many people love this I didn't want to step on any toes. I'm glad you like it!

  29. It's nice to hear that because I only heard love for this polish. I seriously thought I was missing something. I'm not sure what you'd think in real life...haha I didn't like it either way.

  30. I actually tried Blaze too. I will be posting that swatch later on. Blaze is definitely more my thing than this one!

  31. Yes! That's what I dislike about it..the glitter makes it look messy. Blaze is so much prettier!

  32. Thanks! I don't think the Ornate collection was a great representation of holos at all. I have better holographic polishes and better holographic glitter polishes than these. There were many people who loved it though! Different strokes for different folks.

  33. Haha, I'm sorry to disappoint. I actually do feel bad about it because I know how much so many people adore this polish. Oh well! I agree with you about Revlon Girly too!

  34. Have totally had this happen where I don't like a polish that others do. Can't think of one at the moment... but I've also come around to polishes I haven't liked, and vice versa! Maybe one day this polish will gel with you :) But until then... no need to apologize! Wear colors you LOVE!

  35. I love Aurora, but I know what you mean. I feel that way about You Don't Know Jacques by OPI. I just don't see the appeal.

  36. I bought this as a gift for my mom for Christmas. I wasn't wowed by it, but I knew she would like it. Once she put it on and went outside in the sunlight, I LOVED it. I had to borrow it from her for my own mani :)
    But I still don't care for it much in indoor lighting or a cloudy overcast day. Looks too speckled. Blah.

  37. Why are you apologizing because a polish colour didn't get it done for you? We are all free to like or not like what we will. Just because a colour or finish is popular doesn't necessarily mean that it is going to flatter you or you are going to love it.

    You certainly don't have to say that you are sorry for not liking that polish, Steph. :)

  38. I know what you mean... It sucks when you dont like a hyped polish. I hate Chanel Peridot, its my crutch to bear. I heard the hype, the continuous hype, and went out a bought it despite not really loving it... I still dont love it. It looks terrible on my fingers. Stick with your gut, dont follow the crowd!

  39. I love it that you wanted to love it. I totally KWYM! I am reading a book right now all about the ways we communicate and build community- and agreement is one of them. I understand why you would be eager to agree but respect you more for your dissent! I, too, did not adore Aurora, and felt I should buy to get on the bandwagon, but didn't. In fact, I keep trying with Zoyas but can't seem to see what the appeal is for most of their colors. Sometimes it is just a preference, sometimes it is a skintone/color thing. My fave from that collection was Storm. Love the holo in the black base! I have a few zoyas but only a couple I wouldn't trade and that is one.


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