
Sunday, March 3, 2013

Share With You Sunday: 2/24/13-3/3/13

Imperfectly Painted Posts:
Mon- Revlon Girly
Tues- Milani Texture Creams
Wed- LASplash Heiress
Fri- New Milani High Speed Fast Dry
Sat- Guest Post Saturday: Patty & Goldie's Day Off

Posts I'm Loving:
Peace, Love, and Polish shows us her spring colors water marble.
Ria Loves Pawlish swatches Rimmel Lava Red.
Nail Polish Anon shows us Pahlish Piano Filled With Flames 3 ways.
Haute Lacquer shows us her "Techno Edges" nail art.

Posts You're Loving:
The Lacquered Lady swatches Color Club Miss Bliss.

You can submit your links for Sunday posts here

Reader Manis of the Week:

Name: Kat
Location: Jacksonville, FL
Manicure Description: Spun sugar mani using holographic polishes from Color Club Halo Hues. Color Club Halo Hues Kismet (pinky) Color Club Halo Hues Eternal Beauty (ring) Color Club Halo Hues Miss Bliss (middle) Color Club Halo Hues Over the Moon (pointer) Color Club Halo Hues Harp On It (thumb)
Favorite Polishes: I LOVE butter LONDON Pillar Box Red, love anything holographic

Name: Lorena
Location: NYC
Manicure Description: I started with a base of NK Sheer Peach and Infinity over that on all my nails, and for the nail art I used: NK Gold; Essie Armed and Ready & Revlon Gold Coin. Favorite Polishes: This winter I've been wearing OPI Here Today…Aragon Tomorrow a lot, and I like China Glaze and Revlon polishes.

I need manis for March!  You can find information on how to submit your manicures for Sunday posts here

Happy Sunday!


  1. Peace, Love and PolishMarch 4, 2013 at 4:00 PM

    Thank you for mentioning me!

  2. thank you so much for the shout out, you are so sweet!! :)


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