
Sunday, March 10, 2013

Share With You Sunday: 3/3/13-3/10/13

Imperfectly Painted Posts:
Mon- JulieG Bubble Bath
Tues- Talk it Out Tuesday: Indie Nail Polish Part II
Wed- OPI Can't Find My Czechbook
Fri- Zoya Gwin

Posts I'm Loving:
Cutie-cles shows us her striping tape nails with Zoya PixieDust polishes.
Icy Nails swatches Color Club Wild at Heart.
The Crumpet shares with us her striped nails using OPI Euro Centrale polishes.

Posts You're Loving:
Pixie Dust Nails shows us her Dapper Dans inspired nails.

You can submit your links for Sunday posts here

Reader Manis of the Week:
Name: Michelle
Location: U.S.
Manicure Description: I had a nail art party with my friends and I decided to do some roses. I used 2 coats of Julep Robin for the base, Revlon Really Rosy and Sally Hansen White On for the roses, and Orly Lucky Duck for the leaves. I used dotting tools to create the roses and leaves. I chose the above colors in order to make my nails look as if it had a vintage pattern on them.
Favorite Polishes: Essie Turquoise & Caicos, Sinful Colors Timbleberry, Julep Rose, Avon Don't Be Jaded, OPI Samoan Sand, Sinful Colors Rise and Shine
Instagram: lelacquerhookup (

I need manis for March!  You can find information on how to submit your manicures for Sunday posts here

Happy Sunday!

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