
Saturday, March 30, 2013

Talk it Out Saturday: Hobby Polish Bloggers Group

I know Talk it out Saturday?

Something a little different for today. I know many of my Talk it Out Tuesday posts reflect on blogging insecurities and blogging style. I, for one, classify myself a just hobby nail polish blogger. I do this for fun. I have not made a cent on my blog. This is a choice I made personally because nail polish is just my fun thing. I like to keep the stress and pressure out of my blog because Imperfectly Painted is so personal to me. I'm not saying bloggers who have more professional goals or make money from their blog are bad at all. Please do not think that! I'm just saying that for me my goals are different.

What I've noticed is there seems to be a lacking group on Facebook for bloggers who identify similarly to me with their blogging style. There are very resourceful and great facebook groups out there who are primarily geared towards bloggers looking to go into the more professional route and make money from their blogs. I have not been able to  find a group that advice/support related towards bloggers who blog just a fun hobby or are new to the blogosphere.

I have also noticed in just general nail polish groups there are a lot of questions that pop up from bloggers about the blogging experience. These questions always get tons and tons of replies from other bloggers who want to share their feelings and their advice. I felt that why not have more centralized space for bloggers to be able to support one another?

I decided to create the Facebook group Hobby Polish Bloggers last night for this reason. I'm not trying to compete with other blogging groups or anything at all. I'm really trying to fill a gap for the many bloggers who want advice/guidance in the blogging world who identify as having their blogs as just as hobby or for fun. I also think this would be a great group for new/potential bloggers connect with other bloggers with the same interests as them. No pressure. No stress. Nothing overly serious or anything related to professional blogging. A group where everyone can feel they relate to and feel comfortable conversing with each other!

I will say this group is for bloggers or potential bloggers. This is not a general polish group to post your mani pictures etc. Many of you know there are TONS of groups for that. This group will be primarily information/conversation based on blogging and nail related topics as far as being a blogger. I'm not creating it this way to be mean or exclusive, but really to keep the mission and focus of the blog in the forefront.

If you feel that this type of group is right for you please ask to join--Hobby Polish Bloggers.


  1. Thank you for this! This seems like it'll be a great place for advice and meeting others.

  2. Sounds like a really good idea :)

  3. This is an amazingly wonderful thing that you've done! I'm in the same boat. I've only been blogging for a year and I've realized that I just want to do it for fun. I have way too much on my plate and so many other hobbies that I want to give equal attention to. But I've always felt that I can't get advice because professional blogging seems to be the route a lot of ladies take. And that's awesome, I love those blogs! This schpiel is just to say thank you x1000!! :D

  4. What a wonderful idea! Just like you, I only blog for fun and I do not intend to make money off of it... not that it would be possible with a small blog like mine. :P I will be joining your group!

  5. Great idea! :-) I'm definitely just a hobby polish blogger. Since my blog is a mix of things.

  6. Request sent! Such a great idea Steph. I think a group like this is definitely needed.

  7. I think this is a great idea! I also think I classify as a hobby blogger - I do it for fun and just blog what I like.

  8. I'm a hobby polish blogger too! I just started out and I just really love it :) Great post!


I love and appreciate all comments. I will respond to any questions in comments ASAP. Please refrain from linking your blog in the comment section. These comments will be deleted. I'd be happy to view your blog if you email me your link.