
Monday, June 3, 2013

Color Club Blue-Ming

A few weeks ago this picture from was circulating Pinterest and some Facebook groups. There were a lot of people asking what color nail polish the person in the picture was wearing. I completely understood. The polish in the picture looked awesome! What I also knew is that color nail polish in the picture was photoshopped. I mean, who has neon yellow cuticles? As it turns out, it was photoshopped, and in the original picture (Sorry, I can't find it now) the polish was yellow. However, this didn't stop me from trying to find a dupe to the photoshopped polish color.

There was something clearly unique about this color. It was a lot brighter and more blue than many of countless minty aqua greens out there. I scoured my stash and the internet, and  that's when I came across Color Club Blue-Ming from the Spring 2012 Blossoming collection. I didn't think it was an exact dupe, but as close as it was going to get!

Color Club Blue-Ming
Blue-Ming is a bright pastel aqua creme.

Color: This is unique. I know it doesn't seem like it, but it is. Check out this comparison over at Caitt's Nails. In my own stash, Blue-Ming stood out as clearly lighter and more blue than my other colors in this family. Blue-Ming wasn't even close to any of the other colors I had like it.

Formula: This is where this one fails on me. It's streaky and hard to apply. It's far from the worst formula ever, but it's definitely not good. I managed to get it to work out ok, but still...meh.

Price: I got this one ebay for around $4. I know the retail price is slightly higher.

Overall: I adore this color. It is unique, bright, and perfect for summer. The formula is not good, but for a color like this I can make a bit of an exception.

My Rating: 3.5 out of 5 Paint Splatters

Happy Monday!


  1. Its such a fun and bright shade! Sad to hear that the formula wasn't the best though but I'll still get it since the color is so pretty :)

  2. the color is gorgeous! sorry the formula wasn't the best.

  3. Peace, Love & PolishJune 3, 2013 at 1:53 PM

    I love Blue Ming! It's super bright and gorgeous :)

  4. Yay! You did it! :D It's such a pretty color, and definitely the closest we'll ever get. And now I'm cursing myself for passing it up whenever I saw it!

  5. This color is gorgeous!! It's so bright and happy haha that's very unfortunate about the formula though

  6. Becca @ FrankenFemmeJune 3, 2013 at 8:51 PM

    I love love love that! It's so summery and refreshing

  7. The original photo (as far as I can tell this is the original source) is here:

    You were right! It was shopped and not very well either, considering the crazy yellow cuticles. Thanks for sharing Blue-Ming! It looks amazing! I tried it over white undies and it really makes it pop. Gorgeous!

  8. Gosh this is gorgeous! The formula wouldn't even matter!

  9. I hate hate hate when nail polish is photoshopped. It just ticks me off. Zoya's facebook is really bad at that. BUT...I love this color. Eye-popping bright, just the way I like it!


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