
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Essie The Girls Are Out

This next polish is from Essie's Summer 2013 collection. The more I look at the name of this polish the more I start to feel like an idiot. I first thought this was just like a cute little the girls are out. You know, like a bunch of girls going out of for a girls night? Now, I think they're referring to you know the "girls" are out. Geez, girl cover up! I never get simple concepts.

The Girls Are Out
The Girls Are Out is a fuchsia jelly-like polish with silver micro glass-fleck shimmer.

Color: This is a great universally flattering color. This is the type of color that you really cannot go wrong with. The base color is certainly not the most out there color, but it really is a great classic nail polish shade. The glass fleck shimmer adds a nice touch that makes it unique and hip.

Formula: I wouldn't call this a full on jelly, but it has jelly-like qualities. This formula was easy to use and apply.

Price: I paid around $8 for this at Target.

Overall: I like this polish. I really do. I know it's not a standout color, but it's really a great color for summer, and the glass-fleck shimmer is something I have not really seen Essie do before. I love how they've paired it with this bright and flattering shade.

My Rating: 4 out of 5 Paint Splatters
Happy Tuesday!


  1. LOL, I guess I never thought of the name either. This is such a pretty nail polish!

  2. The glass fleck shimmer in this is pretty! Lol at the name though. Hilarious!

  3. Haha, I didn't think of that either!

  4. I got the name as soon as I saw it...what does that say about me?? Lol - gorgeous polish I love it!

  5. I don't like Essie much and only own one bottle, but this one is really pretty. I might have to try this one to see if I have better luck with Essie.

  6. Gorgeous color! haha I never even thought that was what the name meant..oh man.

  7. Stunning! I need to pick this up.

  8. Well I wouldn't have thought about "the girls being out" in a risque way, either! LOL

    This is very pretty!

  9. Glad it wasn't just me! Glad you like the polish!

  10. Thanks! I'm glad Essie added the glass fleck to these otherwise they'd be pretty boring!

  11. Ok good, I'm not crazy!

  12. Haha, you're more clever than me!

  13. Essie really has released some amazing polishes this year. I think I've purchased more Essies in 2013 than I have in the 5 years I've been buying polishes!

  14. That seems to be the trend...perhaps that wasn't the intention :P?

  15. Glad you like it!

  16. Seems like many of us didn't think that either, maybe I was reading too much into it? :P

  17. Beautiful! That is the very first thing I thought when this picture popped up on my Bloglovin' page. I love that bright summery pink color with all the shimmer. Ha ha, you are so funny, I never ever thought about the name and to me it meant the girls are out on the town for the night. Not like MY girls or anything. Just a group of. Ha ha ha. If you hadn't pointed this out I would probably have never noticed. I guess it could be interpreted either way.

  18. Glad you like it! You really can't go wrong with pinks like this. I never noticed the name at first either, and then I second guessed myself!

  19. Glad you like it! Thanks!

  20. Gorgeous colour - will look great with a tan.

  21. The name of this is so funny LOL! I love the shade of pink :).


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