
Friday, July 5, 2013

Orly Elation Generation

*Today is the last day to enter my Urban Outfitters Polish Giveaway!

I do this blog differently than some. I usually swatch a bunch of my new polish at once, take notes on each, and create an entire swatch library of photos. This allows me to have a lot of material to choose from to blog about. This is just what works for me, since I do not change my nails daily.

Anyways, in my swatch library I usually have anywhere between 30-100 nail polish swatches at any given time. What I notice happens is there are some polishes that I don't get around to reviewing for a long time. This is usually because they don't stand out to me later on and I have no idea what I interesting things I can say about them. Today, we have one of those polishes. 

Orly Elation Generation
Elation Generation is a warm pink jelly base with holographic glitters mixed in.

Color: This is a nice warm pink jelly. I like the base, and the holographic glitters is a fun and different touch. This is from the spring 2013 Hope and Freedom collection.

Formula. This was a little on the thick side, but nothing terrible. 

Price: I got this in a swap, but I think this is around $7?

Overall: Meh. There is nothing wrong with this polish. This just doesn't do much for me? I honestly think if this polish came out 2 years ago, I'd be in love with it. The problem is the indie craze happened, and now this  just isn't very exciting to me. Again, it's not a bad polish. It's a nice polish, but nice is as far as I'd go with it. Sorry.

My Rating: 3 out of 5 Paint Splatters
Happy Friday!


  1. I'm like you too! I don't have time to do my nails all the time so I have a couple of swatch pictures taken before hand. This is a pretty color but I agree that its nothing special. Indie brands have really taken the step into uniqueness with their colors that some more mainstream brands aren't that unique with what they come up with now.

  2. Oh wow! That is a gorgeous pink! Love the sparkle. I like your swatching method. My nail blogging is really more of a hobby. I only do my nails every Friday (unless there's some bad chipping). So that's why my posts are a bit in between.

  3. Usually what I post is usually what I'm currently wearing, but sometimes it can get stressful because I don't feel like I have enough material. When I first started my blog I had a lot of material because I had taken a few weeks to take pictures of all of my manicures. Anyways, I like the way you do it. As for this polish, I think it's pretty and I am loving that sparkle, but I do agree with you. It's not overly exciting, especially compared to all of the indies I've been buying lately.

  4. I work the way you do; right now I think I've got a couple weeks' worth of swatches in my pending files. I do try to make myself post them in order, so I don't skip by the ones I don't like as well. I don't always succeed at that, though.

  5. Marisa (Polish Obsession)July 6, 2013 at 8:22 AM

    I think this is so pretty on you!!
    I do something similar to you. I usually have a month's worth of swatches available and it's just s case of writing up the posts. It makes my life so much easier. Glad to hear I'm not the only one ;0).

  6. ValiantlyVarnishedJuly 6, 2013 at 8:23 AM

    I have this entire collection and Elation Generation was the only polish I sold in my blog sale from it. It was just very "meh" for me too. And on my skin tone it actually looks more coral. I just wasn't wowed by it.

  7. I like this one...I think it looks pretty, plus I love Orly.

  8. We are definitely spoiled by indies!

  9. Glad you like it!

  10. Exactly, it's sad because I would be all over this a few years ago!

  11. I really should try to not skip over polishes, but it's hard when they're not really calling out to you.

  12. Thanks! It does make life so much easier. I wouldn't have this blog if I did it any different. I wouldn't have any material!

  13. It really is. I don't know I suppose the glitter seems like an afterthought that doesn't really blend with the polish?

  14. Glad you like it. I love Orly too!


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