
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Zoya Evvie

*Reminder-Don't forget to enter my Urban Outfitters Polish Giveaway!

We're barely into summer, and I'm already craving fall colors. This always happens. I always get excited about a new season of colors and wear them out when the new season barely has started. I really do tend to coordinate my polish by season. I don't feel like I have to for fashion reasons (Lol at me being fashion forward!), it's just a weird "ism" of mine I suppose. I just like to match the season!

I usually just end up going a few days wearing something different, and going back to my normal summer colors. This usually does the trick. Today, I have for you a Zoya fall color from last season that I wore recently.

Evvie is a smoky green-gray creme.

Color: This is a nice rich color. I love the muted and smoky quality to it. What I also like about this is that it reads a neutral. While, this doesn't scream summer, it could easily be worn in any season without a fuss. The color cool, chic, and sophisticated. You can't go wrong.

Formula: The formula on this was great. This was easy to apply and even.

Price: This is $8.00 on Zoya website. I don't remember when I bought this exactly, but I'm sure it was during one of Zoyas many promos. Don't purchase Zoya without a promo going on. There will always be one sooner or later!

Overall: Great color. I like it. I don't have any complaints!

My Rating: 4.5 out 5 Paint Splatters
Happy Tuesday!


  1. This is a pretty grey! Love it :)

  2. I do love this color but come on Stephanie. Enjoy summer!! :-p

  3. I love Evvie! It's the perfect rainy day shade and I'm glad it isn't coming to mind to wear again, at the moment ;)

  4. Zoya did such a great job with the fall colors last year- I am psyched for their fall collections this year. Evvie is a beauty! and I don't blame you for craving fall colors early. Fall colors are my fave and I get tired of corals and neons real fast. I blame the weather in my town- always foggy, even in summer.

  5. Very pretty color! My favorite polishes are "Fall" colors:) I'll wear them all year round! :)

  6. They're great! I don't think the muted shades will every go out of style.

  7. Thanks! Fall colors really suit you! Perhaps it's because of your sweater pics? :D

  8. I can't blame it on my weather. It's hot here almost year round, but I do get tired of it! I'm really craving fall collections now. I can't wait to see what's in store for this fall!

  9. It's been raining here for over a month almost everyday for hours on ends. That's really unusual for here. We always get an afternoon storm, but the constant rain, not so much. I am SO over it! Evvie definitely suits the weather here lately, but I'm not over her!

  10. Summer is so hot and sticky here. There is plenty off summer in Florida left to enjoy. It will be summer here until December! :P

  11. Such a pretty color! I absolutely love gray's a neutral but also looks pretty edgy too.

  12. nice polish color!!

  13. LOL, maaayyybee? I need to pull out the tank tops for my summer pics ;)

  14. Thanks! Yes, I love neutral colors like this too!


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