
Friday, August 16, 2013


Summer, you can end now I'm done with you.

I have mentioned earlier that it's times like this I crave cooler weather. I show my strong desire for the change of temperature in two ways. One, I start buying fall scented air freshers and candles. Two, I change my nail polish to more neutral or suited toward fall colors.

I do these two things, sit in my a/c blasted apartment, look outside and pretend it's 20 degrees cooler and 40% less humidity. My delusion someones goes even further to the point I start listening to Christmas music and plan my holiday season decor.

Here is a SUPER BLACK lacquer that helps perpetuate my cool-weather delusion:

The Whale
The Whale is neutral medium grey with a aqua blue shimmer. 

Color: This is a great grey polish. What I like about this on is is it's flattering on my skin tone which was on of the goals of SUPER BLACK with this polish. I have difficulty pulling off medium-darker grays and this one is forgiving. This color is appropriate really for any season, but to me the icy aqua shimmer takes me away to cooler's beautiful too!

Formula: Great formula. This was a 2 coater, and easy to use.

Price: I paid $12.00 this on the SUPER BLACK website. This is definitely a little on the higher priced side of things for me, but the quality and originality of the color make it worth it to me. 

Overall: Great color. I really like this one. Look at that shimmer!

My Rating: 4.5 out of 5 Paint Splatters
Happy Friday! 


  1. What a pretty color! The shimmer in this is lovely :)

  2. This color is gorgeous! Perfect for the cooler temps, like you said. I'm ready for it!

  3. HAHA I was just thinking I hadn't seen Super Black pop up on any blogs yet. I need to order some because Natalie Dee is awesome. Also I was humming Christmas music all day yesterday. MAYBE WE ARE SECRET TWINS.


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