Maria-Luisa over Zoya Caitlin
Maria-Luisa are gold semi-translucent flakes in a clear base.
Color: Amazing! This is not your standard gold opaque flakes, gold shreds, or gold glitter. The flakes in Maria-Luisa have some translucence. These flakes really give an unique antiqued look to the base polish. This so so interesting!!!
Formula: Great formula. The formula was easy to use and applied nicely.
Price: This is $9.00 on the Zoya website.
Overall: You need this. I think this is one of the coolest polishes I've come across this year. This all means I'm calling it a must have and adding it as a contender for my Top 20 of 2013 (Zoya is really hitting it out of the park!). I love the unique finish this has, and it's nothing like I've seen before. I am so impressed!
My Rating 5 out of 5 Paint Splatters
Happy Thursday!