
Saturday, October 26, 2013

Glitt-A-Licia Guest Post: Evil UnDead

Once upon a time there was a little house in the woods....
 *(Photo from New Line Cinema Evil Dead)
*(Photo from TriStar Pictures Evil Dead)

Then one day a girl was in the house and a terrible thing happened...
*(Hmmm...pretty clear instructions...)
*(...I better read it anyway!!!!)

...the house in the woods inhabited by an evil force greater than what the world has ever known!!

The girl...

Turned into....

(Yes, I am sporting this hair in public, but it is just an empty parking lot to pick up my baby. I was THAT tired! Lol)

Oh wait...did you think I was taking about The Evil Dead??? Nope! It's worse!! It's The Evil UnDead!! This horror movie is for real yall!

I do happen to live in the woods, and my house is overrun by tiny terrors! As a matter of fact, I love Halloween. It is my favorite holiday! Once upon a time I decorated my whole house totally spooktacular!!!! Now, my house is Halloween ready every single day, no decorations needed! Here we have cobwebs all over the porch, the foulest stench that ever invaded your nostrils, dust bunnies the size of softballs, a crazy woman that at times turns into an evil witch, and  even a life sucking force haunts us daily...our kids!! (As a matter of fact, one of the foul smelling life suckers just whacked me in the head with the tv remote.)

I guess I actually morph from a witch at home into a vampire at work. I work nightshift in a local lab, so I sleep during the day and am surrounded by blood at night.
(My eyes! My eyes! The sun is burning my eyes!! Where is my coffin?!)

I needed a dark, vampy,  spine chilling polish in honor of of my favorite holiday and my spooky alter egos. I tried to think of a mani that was fitting of an evil witch and blood sucking vampire. And I came up with this combo!
I started with Orly Bonder, then put one coat of Super Black Lacquer Murdered Out. SBMO is a richly pigmented black but dries to a satin finish, so I topped it with Colors by Llarowe Licorice. CbL is an amazing black jelly that looks fantastic over SBMO!!! The combo is a rich, smooth, shiny, pure black! This combo will be my go to for a shiny black! I then put a layer of Cult Nails Disillusion. Disillusion is a black jelly with gorgeous pink flakes! Some of the flakes stand up and you can use tweezers to pull them off or do like me and keep adding layers of other stuff to smooth it out! ;) I round out the colors with a polish I made called "The Evil Undead aka Zombie Mom." I wanted this polish to have a black base with just a hint of blue and green glitter.
(Under my stove light)
(In my window. Sorry about minor tip wear a d rough cuticles. This is day 3 of this mani after MANY hand washings at work and wrestling toddlers at home.)
*So remember, if you ever see a woman who looks like this...
...she may not be locked in the basement by her loved ones against her will because she is possessed by an evil force! She may be a girl who is locking herself in the basement of her own free will to get a few minutes of peace from the loved ones who are evil forces running around the living room hitting her in the head with the tv remote.
*(This is how I feel when I have enough time alone to paint my nails. Just instead of being covered in blood, I'm covered in ketchup.)

Shine on reader, shine on,

*All pictures from Evil Dead movies belong to TriStar Motion pictures and New Line Cinema. All credit must must be given where credit is due :)


  1. LOL, you crack me up I love the color of your nails

  2. Thank you! :D

  3. Becca @ FrankenFemmeOctober 26, 2013 at 4:52 PM

    Those polishes come together perfectly! Nice job :)

  4. Thank you!!! :D I really like the color combo

  5. Ooh a black jelly? I've been looking/waiting for a black jelly!! Also, you are too funny girl! :)

  6. Hahaha, your commentary had me rolling! Love the polish, btw. ^_^

  7. It is fantastic!! !! The combo over Murdered Out is pure black awesomeness!!!!!!

  8. Thank you so much! I needed something dark and evil for Halloween, so I write about my kids ;) lol!!! jk

  9. You are too funny. Love your sense of humor. Love your polish concoction.

  10. Thank you so much! I love making people laugh!


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