
Friday, October 18, 2013

OPI I Eat Mainely Lobster

Crustacean polish names always amuse me. I don't know what it is about crustaceans, they're not necessarily my favorite food, but when they're included in polishes names, I'm sold. I felt this way with Spoiled Shrimp on the Barbie . I guess it's also the colors. I always love a good coral, and crustacean-themed polishes are in the coral family. Plus, they give me a giggle. This is why I reached out to this next OPI.

I Eat Mainely Lobster
I Eat Mainely Lobster is a pinky-coral shimmer.

Color: This color actually came from the OPI fall 2011 collection. I know a coral and fall doesn't necessarily make since, but I think this one that could read any season. It's not too bright and it's not to dark, it's just right. The shimmer makes this one unique.

Formula: The formula is a bit tricky. I found it to be streaky to apply. I used 3 coats above. I find OPI polishes to be streaky in general. I'm not found of it considering their price and the popularity of the brand. Fix this, OPI!

Price: I got this for $8.50 at Ulta. I believe this is part of the core line.

Overall: Great coral for any time of year. The shimmer makes it special, and the color I think would be flatteirng on most. Formula irritates me though, and this is probably the 6th or 7th OPI I've reviewed this year with formula problems. Not impressed.

My Rating: 3.5 out of 5 Paint Splatters


  1. Kelsey @ Polished PrescriptionOctober 18, 2013 at 2:09 PM

    Looks amazing despite the formula issues! Love this shade - it's so bright and juicy. That's a shame about the formula though

  2. Very pretty. I love those corals. This reminds me a lot of one called Cajun Shrimp. I loved that color so much.

  3. I need to wear this again - lovely shade!

  4. I love this shade of coral -- the shimmer does add a lot! The name is awesome as well :)

  5. Glad you like it!

  6. Corals are great!

  7. Wow, that is bright...I like it though.


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