
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Way-Cool Mani Wednesday: Queen of Hearts

One of my favorite stories of all time is Alice in Wonderland. Actually to be more specific, I prefer the sequel ,Through the Looking Glass. My all time favorite film version of Alice in Wonderland is the 1985 TV version. I wasn't born until 1986, but I know they aired this on occasion afterwards. The Jabberwock scared the living daylights out of me, but the rest of the film is amazing.

If you haven't seen this version of Alice, you need to. The songs are so fun, memorable, and will stuck in your head for ages. I decided to the a mani inspired by the Queen of Hearts dress in that film, using red, gold, and black.

Polishes Used:

Cult Nails Evil Queen, Feedback, and Nevermore

Manicure Description: Painted all fingers except my ring finger with Evil Queen. I layered Feedback over Evil queen on my middle finger, and painted my ring finger with Nevermore topped with Feedback.

This is great color combination! These colors look very elegant and rich together. I love these nails.

Comment below if you've seen the 1985 Alice in Wonderland film! I want to know who else loves it! 

Happy Wednesday!


  1. I LOVE THIS MOVIE! My parents recorded it for me and I think I still have it on VHS somewhere! (Wow, that makes me feel really old..) I agree, though. The Jabberwocky was absolutely terrifying. I would hide whenever that part came on!

  2. I LOVED that movie! I actually bought it for my sister a couple years ago from Amazon because we watched it so much when we were little. The Jabberwocky scared me to death too...not I'm having scary flashbacks...

  3. I don't think I have seen that 1985 version though I have seen most versions of Alice. I will have to look it up. Love the mani though. That red is so pretty!

  4. These are pretty. I love your inspiration. I have not seen the tv version but I loved the original animated movie. The Queen of Hearts used to scare me and the deck of card soldiers.

  5. Awesome!! I know so few people who saw this film.

  6. I lost my DVD copy during my move. I need to get another one. I miss all the songs!

  7. I've been recording Once and Once in Wonderland this season, but haven't got around to watching them yet. I usually like to watch a bunch at once. I hate waiting a week to see what happens next!

  8. I have Nevermore, but not the other two. I'm thinking about getting Feedback during the 25% off sale that Cult Nails is having right now. Love this mani.


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