
Monday, December 23, 2013

Essie Parka Perfect

I have a lovely polish from the Essie Winter collection to share with you today. I think this is a great year round color, but it definitely fits for winter!

Parka Perfect
Parka Perfect is a soft sea blue with a subtle white shimmer.

Color: Beautiful creamy soft blue. I love colors like this, they really work well with anything you'd wear. The shimmer though is non-existent to me in person, I can barely see it in the photo too. 

Formula: This would of 100% been a must have from me if it weren't for this formula. I found the formula tricky to apply, and did not self level very well. I've had this issue with Essie's in the past, and I'm disappointed that this one was like this too. 

Price: I paid $8.50 for this at CVS. 

Overall: Lovely shade of blue that is soft and flattering. The formula is the stinker here and really ruins it for me. 

My Rating: 3.5 out of 5 Paint Splatters
Happy Monday! 


  1. Pretty shade and I like how soft the shimmer in this is :)

  2. Bummer about the formula because this looks like such a stunning shade! Great photos :)

  3. It's a really pretty that it has a crappy formula.

  4. Glad you like it!


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