
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Way-Cool Mani Wednesday: Holo & Ice

I've been breaking out the holiday/winter themed manis in December! I'm calling this one "Holo & Ice".

Polishes Used:
Zoya Trixie, Essie Peak of Chic, and Beautifully Disney Wish Come True

Manicure Description:
I painted my thumb, index, and pinky with Beautifully Disney Wish Come True. I painted my middle and ring finger with Zoya Trixie topped with Essie Peak of Chic.

I hope you like this icy mani!

Happy Wednesday!


  1. I really love the blue and silver combo. This makes me want to blue holo with stamped silver snowflakes. :)

  2. Lovely! You can't go wrong with blue and holo, in my opinion.


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