
Thursday, January 30, 2014

Essie Peak of Chic

I was really excited when I saw the Essie Encrusted Treasures line released. I will say with the exception of Bulguaria (oy vey, sorry I don't care for it), I really liked this entire collection. One of the colors that stood out to me was Peak of Chic. I've never been a fan of bar glitter, but I'm finding I like small bar glitter. I love how Peak of Chic looked like snow in a bottle, so I had to get it.

This polish took some testing to find a right base for it. You could layer this on your own, but it won't fully cover. I can't stand even the slightest mico sliver of my nail showing through a glitter polish. I found a great base to pair it with which I think really highlights this polish.

Peak of Chic over Zoya Trixie

Now, I'll show you my previous attempt using a different base color.

Peak of Chic over Essie Parka Perfect

Peak of Chic is a mix of matte white and silver holographic bar glitters in a clear base.

See the difference? I feel like over a plain creme the cool snowy textured look is lost. It's certainly not bad, but it's not as striking. The metallic silver base really brought out the best in Peak of Chic. This base gave Peak of Chic that snowy/icicle effect.

Color: The color combination is pretty self explanatory here. The white and silver are pretty combo, but I think ti's the bar glitter, the mix of matte, and shiny holo, that give this polish its greatness.

Formula: This isn't the easiest of formulas. The bar glitters do somewhat clump together and want to hang off your nail. I used 2 coats in both swatches above. I was able to make it work without too much effort though. Not a deal breaker.

Price: I paid $8.50 for Peak of Chic. I've seen this available at drugstores and Target.

Overall: I love the effect I got with this over the silver base. I think it looks awesome, however, this one of those polishes where the base can make or break you. This isn't one I think you can just layer on anything and it would look good. I'm betting this would look pretty cool over holographic shades and other metallics though. I personally love it even if it's somewhat of a one-trick pony.

My Rating: 4 out of 5 Paint Splatters
Happy Thursday!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Maybelline Wild at Heart

Nouveau Cheap blog is my all time favorite blog. I'm a big cosmetics shopper in the drugstore, and I learn about everything new from Nouveau Cheap. Drugstore nail polish collections unfortunately don't make a big mark on blogs. I blame the companies, they don't have bloggers reviewing their products, but that's a whole other topic. Thankfully, Nouveau Cheap and her readers always have their eyes peeled in the drugstore to let us know what's out there! That's how I found out about the new Maybelline Color Show Street Art collection. I picked up a few of these when I spotted them, and I have Wild at Heart to share with you today.

Wild at Heart over Sinful Colors Endless Blue
 Wild at Heart is a mix of matte red hex glitters, red bar glitters, and black hex glitters in a clear base.

Color: I love color glitters mixed with black. They just look so fun and edgy. This is great color mix, and especially neat to find this with a drugstore price tag.

Formula: Great formula. I found this be easy to use and apply. I used 2 coats above.

Price: I purchased this around the $3-$4 mark at Ulta. I've also seen this collection at CVS.

Overall: I love this glitter. I like how drugstores brands are starting to dabble into indie-like polishes. I love the price point, and the availability of a polish like Wild at Heart.

My Rating: 5 out of 5 Paint Splatters
Happy Tuesday! 

Monday, January 27, 2014

Loaded Lacquer: Oxygen Bar, Moonshine in a Jar, & Mintallica

*The following products were sent to me in exchange for my honest review. 

I have for you all today some awesome polishes by Loaded Lacquer. Loaded Lacquer is a new indie brand that caught my attention on Instagram late last year. I was instantly oogling over the great glitter mixes and color combinations. I certainly wasn't disappointed after my first purchase of Fluffy Macaroons. Heather, the creator of Loaded Lacquer, offered to send me more of her pretties to review for you all, and I gladly accepted!

Oxygen Bar over Sally Hansen Lacey Lilac
 Oxygen Bar is a mix of matte neon blue, matte neon pink, holographic lavender, and holographic periwinkle glitters in a clear base.

Moonshine in a Jar over NYC Tudor City Teal
Moonshine in a Jar is a mix of gold, copper, and iridescent glitters in a clear base.

Mintallica over Zoya Carey
Mintallica is a mix of matte mint green, gunmetal, and holographic gunmetal glitters in a clear base.

Color: These are very thoughtful and creative glitter mixes. The combinations of colors work together nicely. What I like most about these glitters and Loaded Lacquer's entire line is they offer a variety of different color combinations. Loaded Lacquer offers girly, subdued, pastel, edgy, and vibrant glitter toppers. There is something for everyone!

Formula: The formula on these glitters is excellent. I used 2 thin coats for each swatch above. These apply so effortlessly. I hate dabbing glitters on my nail. I like to apply glitter polish like I would any other polish. The formula in the glitters allows me to just paint the glitters on. The glitters stay put on the nail and do not drag.

Price: These polishes are $10.00 on the Loaded Lacquer website.

Overall: The glitter color combinations, the glitter shape mixes, and the formulations are excellent. The Loaded Lacquer website, packaging, and their use of social media has made really made them stand out as a top indie brand right out of the gate. I am so impressed with this brand, and I recommend you check them out!

My Rating: 5 out of 5 Paint Splatters
Be sure to check out Loaded Lacquer on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Happy Monday!

Friday, January 24, 2014

Maya Cosmetics Wyoming Skies

Bloggers? Have you ever had a polish swatch disappear into oblivion? Well, sometimes my brain shuts off and I save a swatch photo to the wrong folder, and it goes missing for months...maybe even a year. This is what happened with this next polish. I knew I had swatched it and uploaded it because I have notes on it in my blog notebook, but some how it turned up in folder full of Disney pictures from 2008. I found it today. I'm glad I did because it's a pretty polish!

Maya Cosmetics Wyoming Skies over NYC Boat Basin
Wyoming Skies is a mix of blue, caramel, and warm pink glitters in a clear base.

Color: I'm a bit bias on this because blues mixed with golds,bronzes, or brown tones is one of my all time favorite color combinations. I love the mix of cool and warm tones in this glitter, it makes it look ritzy and lush!

Formula: This is a very well packed glitter, but very easy to use and apply. I used one coat above.

Price: This is $9.50 on the Maya Cosmetics website.

Overall: Beautiful glitter topper with a great mix of colors and formula.

My Rating 5 out of 5 Paint Splatters
Happy Friday!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Way-Cool Mani Wednesday: Holo Skittles

I've had to tell myself I do not need more holos. I'm pretty sure I have a holo in every color of the rainbow. Well, maybe not, a deep navy holo, a nude-pink holo, and maroon holo would be nice? Any recs?

Back on point. I love holos, but I rarely wear them. I think this is because when I got into nail polish holos started to become scarce. I got into the nail polish just as the China Glaze OMG and Kaleidoscope collections were falling off the face of the earth. I managed to snag a few regular price before that became a thing of the ancient past. I started to hoard holos, but never wear them, they're just to special!

Clearly, with the indie boom, spectacular holos are not hard to come by. I decided to break out my holos, but why choose to wear one when you can wear 3?

Polishes Used: OPI DS Glamour, Exclusive, and Jade Delirio Rosa.

I know those OPI DS polishes are rarity, and some of my most treasured polishes, but they needed to see the light of day!

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Rimmel Magic Stardust

The nail community has been spoiled with glitter bombs lately from indies. We know a fantastic, blingtastic, and heavy packed glitter are possible. I think sometimes this leaves us disappointed when we encounter a mainstream or drugstore brand who puts out less than stellar glitter, that maybe sparse and less dense. I thought this would be the case with Rimmel Magic Stardust because it's sparse, but I'm not disappointed.

Rimmel Magic Stardust over Zoya Carey
 Magic Stardust is a mix of blue hex glitters and micro silver and pink holo glitters in a clear base.

Color: I love this soft glitter mix. The blue in this polish definitely pops, but I find it blends nicely with the softer glitters.

Formula: This formula was smooth and easy to apply, but this is very sparse. I used 3 coats above. I actually like my finished look very much, but I wish I could of achieved this in 1-2 coats instead of 3.

Price: I believe this was $1.69 at Walgreens. There were a handful of other polishes in this display. This is a steal price nail polish.

Overall: I really love this soft glitter. I actually love it the way it is, not being a glitter bomb. That being said, I wish it didn't require that many coats, just to get this result. The price on this is great. I don't recall the last time I paid under $2.00 retail on a nail polish, unless something was on sale or at Dollar Tree!

My Rating: 4 out of 5 Paint Splatters
Happy Tuesday!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

SPCA Sunday: Meet Spook

*Disclaimer: The SPCA of Central Florida does not euthanize animals for space and time. Pets are put up for adoption and kept up for adoption no matter their age. As long as the animals have a non-aggressive temperament and do not have any serious illnesses they will be put up for adoption and remain up for adoption.

Welcome to my first official SPCA Sunday post. I introduced these posts the other week. In short, I will sharing a adoptable cat at the SPCA of Central Florida where I volunteer weekly. I will also share a bit about my duties and experiences as a volunteer that week.

This week I'd like to introduce you to this handsome fellow named Spook!


Spook Info:

Spook and I have become best buddies he came to the shelter. What I love about Spook is his personality. Can't you just tell by his pic that this guy has some spunk? He has the funniest raspy meow, and he makes himself known whenever you walk by him. He demands attention, and I gladly give him it! Spook is an oldster at 12, but let me know tell you, he does not show it at all. He's full of life, very playful, and enjoys being king of the cat room! He is up for adoption, and would make a great companion for someone. He's very easy going, and is good with other cats! 

If you're interested in Spook, you can find out more from the SPCA of Central Florida's website. Spook's adoption fee is $75. This includes a free health exam within in 2 weeks of adoption at the SPCA clinic or any other participating Orlando vet offices. This price also includes Spook's shots and microchip. 

Volunteer Experience: I went both Wednesday and Friday to volunteer this week. On Wednesdays, I do "kitty cuddling", which is where I help socialize animals and work with potential adopters.  The other volunteers and I have checklist we work through, to make sure all cats get attention. We pet them in their cages and use teaser toys to play with them. When a customer comes in we greet them and ask if they're looking to adopt. If they have specific interests or needs we direct them to cat that we feel best suits their needs.

On Fridays I do "kennel coaching", these are enrichment activities I provide for the cats to keep them happy and active in the shelter. Friday's enrichment activity was to make "tuna balls"! Tuna balls are basically crushed up cat food and canned tuna (juice and all) mixed together that I form into balls. I top the tuna balls off with catnip and put them in the freezer. Once, they're frozen I give them to kitties as a little treat! We have other enrichment things for them too like we make them teaser toys and kitty mobiles. I'm actually going to a meeting on Tuesday because we'll be introducing more enrichment activities! 

That's it for this SPCA Sunday! Please let me know if you have any questions. You can find the SPCA of Central Florida's website here

Happy Sunday! 

Friday, January 17, 2014

Sally Hansen Pinch of Punch

Pastel and light-med pinks are one of the most problematic colors for me. It gets harder and harder to find a color in this category that doesn't make my hands look bright red and sickly. I do best with cool-toned lighter pinks, however, cool-toned light-med pinks are not easy to come by in nail polish world. Has anyone else noticed this? I don't have trouble finding cool-toned lighter pinks when it comes to blushes or lipsticks, but nail polish is a different story.

While perusing the clearance section at Walgreens I came across a Sally Hansen lighter cool-toned pink for $1!

 Pinch of Punch
Pinch of Punch is a purple-leaning dusty pink creme.

Color: This is what I'm talking about! Why are there not more pink shades like this readily available? I love pinks like this with that hint of purple in them.

Formula: Surprisingly really nice. I haven't found Sally Hansen Xtreme Wears to have the best formula in the past. I typically find them to be thick and apply unevenly, but this one was great. I used 2 coats in the swatch above, and didn't have any application issues.

Price: This is where I might fail you all. This was part of the LE Summer 2013 collection. I did recently find this in the clearance section of my Walgreens for $1, so you might get lucky finding it somewhere.

Overall: Love this pink! This met a need for my in my stash, and I couldn't be happier.

My Rating: 5 out of 5 Paint Splatters
Do any of you know of any readily available (as in it's in a core collection I can find in a store) cool-toned medium to light pinks out there? I'd love to find more!

Happy Friday!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Elevation Polish Nararsuk

I've been dipping my toes into indies more lately. I realized over the past few weeks I am so out of touch with the entire indie world. I really know so little about what is out there! It's just so hard to keep up these days! I digress... Elevation Polish, on the other hand, has been on my radar for awhile. I've had a handful of polishes on my wishlist, but had not got around to purchasing any. I decided to take the plunge recently, and I'm glad that I did. One of the polishes I picked up was Nararsuk

Nararsuk over Sinful Colors Sweet Nothing
Nararsuk is a mixture of black, teal, and blue matte glitters in a clear base.

Color: This is an excellent and edgy color combination. I love the mixture of the blues with the black. I'm a sparkle girl typically, but these matte glitters are up my alley!

Formula: Excellent easy to work with formula. I used 2 coats in the swatch above.

Price: This is $8.50 on the Elevation Polish website.

Overall: I am in love with Nararsuk! I actually put this on my nails last Thursday, and didn't take it off until this afternoon. I got so many compliments on this polish, I lost count. This glitter combination isn't a typical one for me being all about the bling, but I adore this just as much! Excellent polish!

My Rating: 5 out of 5 Paint Splatters
Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Way-Cool Mani Wednesday: Red Confetti

I recently realized while going through my blog and swatch pictures that I have not worn red,orange,coral, or pink polish in months. I don't know what happened? I guess fall and winter did. I seem to gravitate towards blues this time of year. I started to feel bad for red. I actually get told frequently red is "my color", so I decided to break out red again, with some sparkle of course.

Polishes Used: 
L'Oreal Jolly Lolly and LA Girl Celebrate as an accent.

I like this combo.  When I wear red, I realize how much I miss it! I know it's very unoriginal nail polish color, but it's classic. I'm sorry I abandoned you red!

Happy Wednesday!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Sinful Colors Rich in Heart

I think I have come to the conclusion that Big Lots is one of my favorite stores. I love going there, I'm always finding something there I want. It's not just makeup stuff either. I find kitchen things, food, office supplies, DVDs, bedding, pet stuff, and so on. There is so much good stuff at such a reasonable price it's hard to pass up. I love you Big Lots.

I recently discovered a hoard of Sinful Colors at Big Lots for a $1, and I picked up this beauty!

Rich in Heart
Rich in Heart is a deep jewel-toned blackened red shimmer.

Color: The name really suits this polish. The color is rich, vampy, and deep. This is one of those polishes that looks "lit from within". I said I'm over dark colors, but I'm not over a color like this.

Formula: The formula was easy to apply and work with. I used 2 coats above.

Price: This was $1.00 at Big Lots. That being said, I'm sure this color is discontinued, that's why it was there. Check Big Lots though!

Overall: Great, rich, and one of those stunner colors. You can't go wrong with a color like this!

My Rating: 5 out of 5 Paint Splatters
Happy Monday!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Loaded Lacquer Fluffy Macaroons

When I started seeing pics of Loaded Lacquer on Instagram, I knew it was an indie brand I'd have to try. Loaded Lacquer instantly looked liked like it had that "it factor". I tend to stick to a few indies I love, but when a new one pops up with that "it factor", my wallet is always ready! This is one I picked up during Loaded Lacquer's after Christmas sale.

Fluffy Macaroons over Picture Polish Honey Dew
Fluffy Macaroons is a mix of plum, periwinkle, yellow, marigold, cotton candy pink, purple and white hex and squares, and holographic sparkle in a clear base.

Color: This isn't your average pastel mix of glitters. This is loaded with various colors, different shaped glitters, and a holographic sparkle. I love the color combination here.

Formula: I used 2 coats over a base above. The formula was easy to use and applied easily to the nail.

Price: This is $10.00 on Loaded Lacquer's website.

Overall: Fluffy Macaroons is a fun, well thought out, and creative mix of glitters. This will definitely be a great glitter topper for spring, and will look great over a variety of colors. The formula was easy to work with. Loaded Lacquer did not disappoint, and definitely is an "it factor" indie for me. I will definitely be purchasing more in the future!

My Rating: 5 out of 5 Paint Splatters
Happy Friday!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

L'Oreal The Reign of Studs

The whole textured L'Oreal Gold Dust collection was something I thought I completely missed the boat on. I saw people posting pics of it in November, but I never found it, so I just resigned to the fact that it wasn't meant to be.

I didn't realize it was actually a January 2014 release, and the people who found it early just got lucky. I stopped by Walgreens after New Years, and was very pleased to see I really didn't miss the boat. I picked up 5 colors, and The Reign of Studs is one of them.

The Reign of Studs
The Reign of Studs with top coat
The Reign of Studs is a really stupid name that I hate lavender textured glitter.

Color: This is a beautiful sparkling lavender. This is one of those where I believe the picture speaks for itself.

Formula: Excellent, easy to apply. I'm sure some could get away with one coat, but I did two for good measure.

Price: I paid $6.99 for this at Walgreens. I'm not sure if this is standard price though? I live in a tourist area, so everything tends to be $0.50-$1.00 more for me.

Overall: The dumb name aside (I really can't stand the name), this a beautiful polish. I love it with top coat and without. I don't own a color like this and the formula is great. This polish is a win.

My Rating: 5 out of 5 Paint Splatters
Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Way-Cool Mani Wednesday: Bright n' Frosty

I'm in my January icy, cool, and wintery nail polish stage. I will say after the arctic blast we had here in Florida yesterday, I think my icy,cool, and wintery nail polish stage will be short-lived. I can't even being to imagine what it's like to live up north like many of you. I am sorry. I am sending you warm thoughts.

I wanted to keep things frosty, but brighten it up a bit with a fresher and crisper blue.

Polishes Used:
Sinful Colors Paradise with China Glaze White Cap layered on top.

I really like this mani. I wore out my dark and overly glittery shades this holiday season. I can't even tell you how over it I am. The bright blue and the pretty shimmer is right up my alley now!

P.S. I'm really excited today! My parents are coming in town tonight to visit for a few days. I haven't seen them since July! Wee!

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Picture Polish Honey Dew

I have been oogling over Picture Polish for a few years now, and finally got around to purchasing some. One of the colors that always caught my was Honey Dew, so it finally made it's way home to me!

Honey Dew
Honey Dew is a bright pastel mint green.

Color: Well, hello there Honey Dew! This color packs a punch. I almost want to say this is on the verge of neon. The color is vibrant, fresh, and unlike any mint-aqua green shade I own. 

Formula: The formula on this can be a bit tricky. I will say, that is expected, I have yet to come across a bright pastel with an excellent formula. This does apply a little unevenly, but I was able to achieve opacity in 3 coats. 

Price: I purchased this one LLarowe for $12.50. 

Overall: I adore Honey Dew! I'm thankful it's part of my collection. I don't have a color quite like this, and a punchy vibrant green is certainly welcome in winter!

My Rating: 4 out of 5 Paint Splatters
Happy Tuesday!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Essie Sparkle on Top

"Well, it was pretty in the bottle."

We've all been there, sorely disappointed by a beautiful nail polish in the bottle, that looks entirely lackluster on the nail. This is a sad situation, and a common one. This the story of Essie Sparkle on Top.

Sparkle On Top looked like some China Glaze Snow Gobe-esque  icy iridescent rainbow fantasy in the bottle, but it's all just a bottle of sorry and sad lies.

Sparkle on Top over Essie No More Film
Sparkle on Top is a mix of blue-green iridescent flakes in a clear base.

Color: Lies. Lies. Lies. This isn't some strong iridescent pretty multi-dimensional flakie situation. No, this is a sorry and sad flakie situation. These flakies/flakes have a faint blue-green shift, but mainly just look completely transparent on the nail. This looks so much better in the bottle.

Formula: The formula is fine. The flakes spread evenly and easily on the nail.

Price: I paid $8.50 for this CVS.

Overall: This is not worth your money. There are much better iridescent glitters and flakies out there that you will be happier with. I recommend China Glaze Snow Globe, China Glaze Make A Spectacle, China Glaze Luxe and Lush, or Essie Shine of the Times. Sparkle on Top is a Whompasaurus Rex.

My Rating: 1.5 out of 5 Paint Splatters
Happy Monday!