
Saturday, January 4, 2014

Glitt-A-Licia Guest Post: 2013 A Year In Polish

Hello dear reader,

I am sorry I have been quiet lately. I currently write my little guest post biweekly, but the past 3 weeks I have been dealing with the flu, which lead to pneumonia. Since my lungs have taken such a beating, I am probably going to be dealing with asthma for the rest of my life. Woo-hoo ;(
Check It Yo!! Lookin all gangsta with my inhaler! (And unlike a certain past President of The United States, I fully admit that I inhale. Man it feels gooood....ya know what I actually breathe oxygen.)

Any-hoo!!! I love "year end wrap ups" and if you have kept up with me, you know 2013 has been one wild ride! Buckle Up! We are boarding the crazy train, and I HIGHLY suggest you to buckle up if I am driving, just sayin.

So come aboard the roller coaster "My Year 2013", a ride so crazy, I think Ozzy would want off!!!
First of all, let me explain that in January of 2013, I had not painted my nails in years. December 2013, I prob have a house note in polish in a plastic bin under my bed, and I even started making my very own indie polish. 

So hear goes my year in a quick wrap up. 

First Indie Polish...

...I love glitter and started looking online for the best glitter. I am very over-the-top and I basically wanted my nails to be tiny disco balls. This is when I discovered SpectraFlair Top Coats. Piper Polish and is owned by the lovely Erin Piper and her SF top coat was my first indie purchase!!  Check her shop out at the link below

First Time I Realized There Were Actual Blogs About Nail Polish...

...Once I broke away from the trance that SpectraFlair puts me in, I started checking the net looking for more glorious glitter! Then, one name caught my attention faster than a cheesecake!! I found this little blog post and need I say more...

This was my expression when I saw Unicorn Puke for the first time.
This was my expression when I saw Unicorn Puke was discontinued
This was my expression when I decided to look for it on eBay
Sadly, I will never own the mythical Unicorn Puke...but, it did lead me to a great indie maker, Maria at Cult Nails, and an awesome blogger named Steph at Imperfectly Painted :D

Cult Nails can be found at,, and

If you need help finding Steph at Imperfectly just can't be helped. You are too far gone to be helped. ;( sorry

First Lemming...

...I was loving all the indie polishes, but when I saw my first lemming...let's just say I turned into Gollum from The Lord of The Rings. I NEEDED THIS POLISH! IT MUST BE IN MY LIFE! I found my lemming, a spunky blogger, and an indie maker who is really a rainbow in human form. I absolutely love these girls, and I am so happy the universe decided to let us meet through the magic of the internet. We became the geek glamour trifecta! 

I came across this post by Mish at

If I were to be magically transformed into a polish, I would be Serenity. I became obsessed with this polish. I really did! You can ask Raph! I actually want you to go to Digital Nails Facebook page and ask her about it! Go! Right Now!!

I'll wait right here...

Sadly, Serenity has been discontinued,
 And don't think for one second that I'm gonna share mine ;) lol!!!
Well, I do have more stories to tell, but I am old and sleepy. I must get off the crazy train to stretch my legs. If you would like to continue on this journey, just let me know!! I will continue my round up in my next post. If you don't really want to hear more of my 2013, just tell me to fast forward to 2014 (wow 2014 looks so futuristic).

Shine On Reader,


  1. This post is 100% awesome - please continue! :)

  2. As usual I love your posts Glittalicia! Your expressions are hysterical :D <3

  3. Ask, and you shall receive :)

  4. Thank you! We should hang out! I'm sure it would get wild! Lol

  5. Thank you! If it is ever less than 100% awesome, just lie to me and say it is 100% ;) lol

  6. It would be madness! Glittery messy wonderful madness! LOL!

  7. We could rule the world!

  8. Hahahaha - this made me laugh - except the asthma bit, I hope the doctors are wrong there - I wish you a speedy recovery - and humor is always a great tool in that tool box - and I love what I see :D

  9. Ha ha...cute post! The day Unicorn Puke was released, all morning I went back and forth about getting it, I told myself if it's still available when I go home at lunch time, I'll get it. I got lucky! LOL I love it best layered over another color. I'm sorry about the asthma and that it might be lifelong, I hope this is not the case. Carry on, would love to read more. :)

  10. Lol! You crack me up! <3

  11. I revealed your secret identity! :D I really did want people to go ask you about my Serenity obsession! ;)

  12. Crystal, if you would have let UP sell really don't want to see the face I would have made ;) lol!!! I am so glad you were lucky! Now Give It To Me!! Bwahahaha! I would love to see pics :D

  13. Thank you! Humor is my superpower!! You should see my superhero costume! Sweatpants and a men's xxl sweatshirt!!!! My mask is the super dark circles under my eyes that make me look like a raccoon!!!

  14. So glad I get to see u in real time! You are heehawlarious! Get 100% better and breathe!

  15. Hope this year is not so hectic for you! You still have a great sense of humor even though you have been through so much! Keep your head up ! Keep writing funny posts they make me smile!


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