
Monday, January 27, 2014

Loaded Lacquer: Oxygen Bar, Moonshine in a Jar, & Mintallica

*The following products were sent to me in exchange for my honest review. 

I have for you all today some awesome polishes by Loaded Lacquer. Loaded Lacquer is a new indie brand that caught my attention on Instagram late last year. I was instantly oogling over the great glitter mixes and color combinations. I certainly wasn't disappointed after my first purchase of Fluffy Macaroons. Heather, the creator of Loaded Lacquer, offered to send me more of her pretties to review for you all, and I gladly accepted!

Oxygen Bar over Sally Hansen Lacey Lilac
 Oxygen Bar is a mix of matte neon blue, matte neon pink, holographic lavender, and holographic periwinkle glitters in a clear base.

Moonshine in a Jar over NYC Tudor City Teal
Moonshine in a Jar is a mix of gold, copper, and iridescent glitters in a clear base.

Mintallica over Zoya Carey
Mintallica is a mix of matte mint green, gunmetal, and holographic gunmetal glitters in a clear base.

Color: These are very thoughtful and creative glitter mixes. The combinations of colors work together nicely. What I like most about these glitters and Loaded Lacquer's entire line is they offer a variety of different color combinations. Loaded Lacquer offers girly, subdued, pastel, edgy, and vibrant glitter toppers. There is something for everyone!

Formula: The formula on these glitters is excellent. I used 2 thin coats for each swatch above. These apply so effortlessly. I hate dabbing glitters on my nail. I like to apply glitter polish like I would any other polish. The formula in the glitters allows me to just paint the glitters on. The glitters stay put on the nail and do not drag.

Price: These polishes are $10.00 on the Loaded Lacquer website.

Overall: The glitter color combinations, the glitter shape mixes, and the formulations are excellent. The Loaded Lacquer website, packaging, and their use of social media has made really made them stand out as a top indie brand right out of the gate. I am so impressed with this brand, and I recommend you check them out!

My Rating: 5 out of 5 Paint Splatters
Be sure to check out Loaded Lacquer on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Happy Monday!


  1. What fun glitter toppers these all are! Gorgeous :)

  2. These are really pretty glitters! I especially love Oxygen Bar. It's quite unique looking.

  3. Love the first one!

  4. The blue in Oxygen Bar makes me so happy! And I loooove how you paired Moonshine in a Jar - exactly how I'd pair it!

  5. I've never seen this brand... I love Oxygen Bar!

  6. I love Moonshine in a Jar! You don't often see copper glitter.


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