
Friday, February 28, 2014

OPI You're Such a Budapest

How about a little spring color from last spring? One thing I dislike about blogging world is once a season has past that collection is hardly ever mentioned again. Many of these polishes from these collections are still available long after their release, and are still awesome! I need to make a note on this blog to hold some polishes to review later on or re-visit some old favorites. OPI Euro Centrale 2013 spring collection was one of my faves, and so was this color.

You're Such a Budapest
You're Such a Budapest is pale and soft blue-toned lavender shimmer.

Color: This is the prettiest color, it reminds me of clean laundry for some reason? That's weird, since not all clean laundry is this color, but maybe you get what I mean? I hope. This does have a very subtle shimmer to it, but I don't really find it noticeable at a distance.

Formula: Meh. I found this formula to be streaky and uneven. Whomp whomp.

Price: This is $8.50-$9.00? I don't know what they're pricing OPIs these days. I still see this one around at Ulta.

Overall: I adore this color, it is beautiful. The formula is a disappointment though. I expect OPI to be pretty top notch when it comes nail polish, so I wanted better. I made it work though.

My Rating: 4 out of 5 Paint Splatters
Happy Friday!


  1. I really love this color too, but was also disappointed with the formula. I recently saw it stamped over with a peach color and it looked divine. That is a combo I'm going to have to try soon!

  2. I feel the same way! I love seeing oldies but goodies. Some of them are colors that I completely forgot existed and will run out and grab when I see them.

  3. I really love this color! I keep meaning to pick it up! I was thinking the same thing about older collections the other day and there are a few I'm going to blog soon that I have a lot of (OPI Pirates of the Caribbean, OPI Holland). I think it is nice to see stuff from some older collections. It also prompts you do shop your stash a bit.

  4. I love the color of this! Too bad the formula wasn't the best.

  5. This is so pretty and springy! Too bad about the formula!

  6. Maybe the name refers to the formula? :b Such a pretty color though, I've yet to wear it.

  7. This looks great on you! The clean laundry reference made me think of purple Downy fabric softener. lol

  8. I really love this color! I have a mini bottle and I'm thinking of getting a big bottle backup!

  9. You are so right about old polishes not being mentioned .. I just swatched a polish of same color from Zoya 2011 Spring collection and loving it !!

  10. One of my favorites, though I only own the mini. Perfect spring color :) One of my favorite mani's of yours is when you layered oy another polish joke over budapest. Loved it!

  11. I'm still new to the nail polish scene, so everything 'old' is still new to me and I find myself 'researching' and picking up a lot of past collections. My point is I love and appreciate posts like this. And I love this gorgeous color!

  12. I can totally see the clean laundry association. Maybe because fabric softener can be colored like this :)? Any way, I love this shade on you!


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