
Saturday, March 1, 2014

Glitt-A-Licia Guest Post: Weekend Getaway

Hello Dear Reader!!

I have some UBER exciting news today! You know when someone describes something UBER, it is really exciting stuff!
My hubby is taking me on a weekend trip which means by the time you read this I will be chillaxin at the beautiful IP resort on Biloxi Bay. Yes, I know my home state is not known for it's luxurious getaways, but this is a really nice hotel and casino. It is probably the nicest place I have stayed since the hubs and I went to Turtle Bay Resort in Hawaii (check out the movie Forgetting Sarah Marshall if you want a peak at it.)
 Yes I also know it is February and most of the country is freezing. Down in Biloxi we are going to be close to 70 degrees...and oh wait! Did I mention that I don't care how cold it is???! I am getting out of the house for 3 nights with no kids! Just me and the hubby baby! We have not gone on a short vacay alone in over 2 years!

*Fun Fact-The last little vacay we had, we drove a few hours to see Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 2 at a 3D IMax. We stayed one night and came back home. That was considered the last vacay. Now you can see why I am so excited to spend 3, count em 1-2-3, nights away from home!
Anyhoo! With the excitement of the trip, comes the "OMG! What am I going to pack?!!!!" I has been so long that the hubby and I actually did something romantic, I have no idea what to pack!! The anxiety is a little overwhelming, so I start small.

The reservations and tickets to the comedy shows were the first thing packed. Check!!

Next, gotta clean out the purse! I am analyzing each and every item that weighs my purse down to see what NEEDS to be in there.
Very carefully now...
I think I can leave out the crayons and fish toy.
Ok! Purse looks good! Wait! I need more ponytails!!
Now purse looks good! On to make up! Omg! Panic attack time! I rarely wear more than chapstick, so this takes a lot of thought and planning. Where is my eyeliner! Where is my EYELINER?!!!!
Ok, looks good for a night on the town!
I settled on Super Black Murdered Out and Cult Nails Wicked Fast.
All packed and ready to go! I love glitter so much that my bags sparkle!!
So, reader! What is your go-to-beauty products for a quick getaway? I hope yall have a great weekend!!!

Shine On Reader, shine on!!



  1. Hope your having fun on your little getaway trip! :)

  2. Now I see what you meant by your Instagram comment. ;) Im so happy youre getting a chance to relax. God knows if anyone deserves it, it is you. <3

  3. Yep! It takes careful planning to spend 3 nights away from home. I packed make up and perfume first of course!

  4. Thank you! I am really loving the magic fairy that cleans the room when I go eat breakfast!!

  5. Sounds like you are going to have a great time! I think you made the best choices!! Have fun!! Tinsnipper

  6. What a great way to start my morning - reading and laughing - but honestly, leave the fish toy behind, tsk, tsk, you ARE going to need it ;)
    Have a wonderful time :)

  7. On our way back! I wonder if the little kids are excited to see their big kid parents :D

  8. I admit, I thought about taking it incase we got to play in the sand! Lol!! Glad I could make you chuckle :)

  9. I freaking love you. You crack me up!! I hope it was a great weekend!!


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