
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Sephora X Equinox

When I first saw/heard about the new Sephora X line of polishes I had to pick my jaw up off the floor. This line has an amazing range of beautiful finishes which are divided up into categories. These are pretty much the best nail polishes I've ever seen.

I avoided Sephora for a very long time because I feared these. I feared I would see them in person, and would need all of them. My fears were confirmed 2 weeks ago when I went in there and had to pick my jaw up off the floor again. The snag with these is the price. The ones with cool cool finishes are $12.50.

I told myself I'd get 3 tops, and it was impossible. I loved so many so much, I pretty much threw in the towel. I settled on one. This isn't because I only liked one but I it was such an overwhelming experience of amazing nail polish I couldn't deal #firstworldproblems. I couldn't decide between multiple colors, so I put them  back, and picked up the one I 100% knew I wanted. Can someone relate to this?

Equinox is a sheer purple base with purple glass-fleck glitter.

Color: This is one of those polishes that is just too pretty for my camera. This photo could not capture how amazing this polish is. This is a lit-from-within, beautiful, glowing, sun-kissed, and rich purple. I love it. This polish part of the Liquid Crystals line of Sephora X.

Formula: Good formula and easy to apply. I used 3 coats.

Price: $12.50 at Sephora. I loathe this price. I'd feel better if they were $10. I feel like I could justify buying more at $10 than $12.50. $12.50 is a stretch for my budget. Le sad.

Overall: This is stunningly beautiful polish. I think what stands out to me is this is a glass-fleck polish, a finish we haven't really seen much lately. We've been so glitter-frenzied in indie world (nothing wrong with that) that shimmers,glass flecks, foils, and etc. have been put on the back burner. I rarely see any notable ones in mainstream brands lately. Sephora X has reignited my love for this finish, and I hope we can see it in more affordable brands this year done this nicely!

My Rating: 5 out of 5 Paint Splatters


  1. I was JUST playing with these polishes in Sephora the other day. It was truly a struggle not buying any. I could kick myself for not buying the mini nail polish kit with all of the colors during the holiday season!

  2. That glass fleck definitely makes this stand out from the other standard shimmery purples.

  3. I completely relate! The polishes are beautiful but the combination of so many gorgeous options and a high price tag just makes me shut down. I could afford to pick a couple of them, but the choices are overwhelming. I honestly think that Sephora made a big marketing error in releasing the entire collection at once; I think Urban Decay was smart to do a few releases at a time for their new polishes and Sephora should have taken that sort of strategy. Oh well, better this way because I'm not spending more money on polish!!

  4. This is so gorgeous! A big lemming of mine, and several other Sephora X colors. Good thing the nearest Sephora to me is still an hour's drive away!

  5. I had the same experience over the weekend and only ended up wit Infinite. But I will be getting more.


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