
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

a-england Dancing With Nureyev

Have you ever had a polish that was too pretty to describe? This is my problem with this a-england polish I'm going to share with you today. I'm going to struggle through my description because it's just too beautiful. I'm speechless. Ok, it's not that dramatic, but it's still pretty awesome. 

Dancing With Nureyev 
Dancing With Nureyev is a light-medium blue with a touch of violet holographic.

Color: This color is just sublime. The blue in this in intense. The color is clear and crisp. I want to say this color is crystal-like, but I don't think that makes sense at all. Everything about this color is just so pristine. Gorgeous. 

Formula: Excellent formula. This holo along with other a-england holos apply so nicely. I used 2 coats above. 

Price: This is $10.00 on Color 4 Nails site. 

Overall:  Like Mary Poppins, this color is "practically perfect in every way". My only regret is that I didn't get to try this in 2013, it would of definitely been in my Top 25. 

My Rating: 5 out of 5 Paint Splatters


  1. So beautiful! a-england is definitely one of my favorite polish brands now! I'm new to them as well. St. George is amazing if you haven't tried it!

  2. This is gorgeous!

  3. Gorgeous pictures, really brings out the metallic feel it has!


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