
Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Way-Cool Mani Wednesday: Lake & Sun

Summer has arrived in Florida, weather wise at least. I know some would argue it is summer 365 days a year in Florida, but to Floridians, I think once temperatures start to surpass the 85 degree mark, it's summer. It's been hitting over 85 since April, not every single day, but most days. I love my air conditioning. I will be spending most of my summer indoors if possible! I have a cool blue mani to share with you today that I think fits the summery bill. 

Polishes Used: Sinful Colors Grecian Sun & Elevation Polish Lake Achit

This is simple layering mani today, but I love this fun glitter combo. Actually, I was planning on doing a review post of Elevation Lake Achit,  but I found out it was discontinued, so I decided to do it for a Way-Cool Mani post instead! 

Happy Wednesday! 


  1. in Montana, we have literally not had a day over 75 degrees in about 8 months. ROFL! This week/weekend we should finally hit that mark though! I love this combo - it's a cool blue lake. :)

  2. It's discontinued?!?!? Oh poo poo pedu :-( Gorgeous combo though and I don't blame you one bit, I DON'T live in Florida and I love my AC. Not used to the heat at all!! Bleck!

  3. The nerve! They discontinued it! I love your mani, tho. I love me some blue on some nails. :) It's Summer here in the 'Zona for all intents and purposes, too. Yay? LOL

  4. Love this layering combo! Shame that glitter is discontinued, I actually like it!

  5. Ooooh I love all the shades in this look, pretty!


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